Learn To Draw With Friends! - WEEK 8 & THE FINAL SKETCH! - Announcing The Winners! :)

in #ltdwf7 years ago


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And so, without further ado or mention of why this post is a day late, let's get straight to the winners of Learn To Draw With Friends - Week Eight - STAR WARS and also the winner of THE FINAL SKETCH! :)


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Winner of the contest overall and 5 SBD with best entry is @yanes94 for their excellent entry in the beginner category of Darth Stewie, which you can see below!


And you can see @yanes94's process post by clicking on the link below!


Congratulations @yanes94!!

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Winner of the best process post and 5 SBD goes to @giuatt07 which accompanied his fantastic entry in the intermediate category with his outstanding drawing of R2D2 which you can see for yourself below!

giuatt07 r2d2.jpg

And here is the winning post link!


Congratulations @giuatt07!

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This weeks five Runner Up prizes of 1 SBD go to everyone else who entered this week which means @duckiemyfriend, @giraffeonskates, @saleg25, @leminhead and @apprentice001, @kiokizz, @jnart and @motherofmanymore will all receive a prize! :)

Thank you so much to everyone who took part! :)

All prizes will be sent in the next 24 hours!

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And so to the winner of THE FINAL SKETCH!, the last in the current series of the #dailysketch contest and we couldn't have a more fitting winner than the sketch below produced by @apprentice001!

apprentice finalsketch.jpg

You have made a perfect job of THE FINAL SKETCH my friend and you will receive your prize very shortly! :)

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Thank you so much to everyone who has entered and supported the #ltdwf and #dailysketch contests. I have had a great time hosting and judging the contests and I hope you have had as much fun taking part. For now it is an extended break but I hope someday to resurrect the contests and hope that when that time comes you will all still be here and keen to take part once again. Until then, as always, have a great week and I look forward to having some more time to catch up with you all very soon! :)


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Image Credits

Main Image Credit - @w0olf!

Page Dividers by @kristyglas and @aleister

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Banner by @son-of-satire!


Congratulations to all the winners and participants! Thank you @tonyr for arranging the ltdwf and dailysketch contest. I really enjoyed it, and it has been a honor to win both the first sketch and the final sketch of the 'dailysketch' contest. It will definitely be a memorable event. Hope that everything goes well on your side, my friend. Have a fantastic day!

Thank you my friend. It has been my honor to have you spend so much of your time taking part in the contests and providing us all with some of the best drawing process posts on steemit in the process. :)

Hope all is well with you also mate! Have a good one! :)

Great job hosting this contest- I didn't participate in all of them, but I did follow them all and so appreciate all of the amazing artists on this platform!

Thanks @jaymorebeet. That really means a lot and I'm glad the contest was able to introduce you to some of the artists on steemit you might not otherwise have gotten the chance to yet. With so much inspiration for artists on steemit and all of the excellent contests, I never expected to see everyone every week but I was really overwhelmed with the participation over the eight weeks including yourself! :)

Thanks for the lovely comment and hope to speak again soon.

Have a wonderful day my friend! :)

Hey @tonyr, I'm happy I found your article. It's excellent!
Unfortunately I don't have enough voting power for the moment, but I have followed you and I'll be back for the next articles.
If you like listening music, take a look to my profile @teresavega, I share a lot of songs there.
Perhaps you can follow me back so we can help each other grow. All the best!

Awesome drawings. :) I love Waldo!
interestingly enough I was just thinking about you and then I saw your post on my feed! Cool synchronicity/coincidence. Hope you've been doing well man!

You too mate! I haven't been on as much lately but hope to be a bit more regular soon and will definitely be checking out your blog to see what I've been missing out on. I need a little etymological fix and I know you're the man to see around here! :)

Hope all is well buddy!

Thanks for all your hard work and time @tonyr.
The #ltdwf and #dailysketch are some of the best art contests here on Steemit.

Thank you @giuatt07. I really appreciate your kind words and all of your efforts in both of the contests. Both yourself and @apprentice001 have been a fantastic support in your time and your entries and as I have just remarked to him you have also created some of the best drawing process posts on steemit.

Thank you my friend and hope all is well with you and yours! :)

Thank you very much @tonyr I need your contest ... I hope you return as soon as possible ;) I will be pending your profile and support you in your things, thank you.

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