Love It OR Shove It Challenge! | Vibrant Yogini

in #loveitshoveit6 years ago (edited)

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Love It ; Shove It - Challenge!

I came across this challenge on @claritagigi 's challengeblog post when having a quick gander at the 'ladiesofsteemit' trending feed! So I thought i'ld join in the fun too!

Although I have briefly introduced myself 5 weeks ago, it was very short and sweet! This is a little bit more of an introduction to who I am and what I like/ dislike :D

Challenge To-Do's:

  • List 5 things you like
  • List 5 things you dislike
  • Tag #loveitshoveit
  • Nominate 5 friends or more

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MY LOVE IT's....

So here goes, these are the first five 'love it's' that come to my mind...

1: Steemit Challenges!

I do love a good Steemit challenge! As a relatively new Steemit user, I am really appreciating the opportunities to connect with more Steemit users and find interesting people to follow, share support with and have a good social time with online!

When I first started Steemit, my first couple of weeks were like watching tumbleweed. I did have a few comments and I wanted to somehow find more people to connect with and to grow my network here.

I was lucky to have one user @aussieninja who has been amazing at showing me the ropes here! If it wasn't for him, I would still probably be trying to figure out how to find more likeminded people and to grow my reach on Steemit.

So I believe that challenges are a fun way to meet new people and find more interesting accounts :)


2: Yoga

Now really, this should have been number one (doh!). But I am a HUGE yoga enthusiast and a teacher and I just absolutely love how yoga has changed my life.

I enjoy practicing and growing my flexibility and strength, I love helping others with yoga too.

If you ever have any questions or would like to read more on a certain topic to do with yoga, then feel free to comment below! I would love to write about any yoga topics that YOU would like to read! :D


3: Sunsets/ sunrise

I am counting these as one!

I just absolutely love witnessing the profound movements of our solar system.

When ever I see a sunrise, I feel so grateful for a new day. It reminds us that we have the opportunity to have a fresh start and succeed all our goals!

As for sunsets, well they are proof that no matter what happens in our lives we can guarantee that every day can end beautifully.


4: Nature

I grew up in the English countryside and I am a Pisces.

When ever I am around nature, such as forests, waterfalls, the ocean, the beach, the countryside, and so on, I just feel at complete peace and my soul feels happy!


5: Energy

I am so fascinated by energy.

One of my biggest passions is constantly deepening my learning on mindfulness, meditation, yoga and creating a positive living environment/ lifestyle.

The more I learn, the more I want to share with the world through my online content.


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Here are my 'shove it's'....

1: Negativity

It is a complete waste of time that should be devoted to happiness!

I am actually finding this section much harder to write than the love it section, because I tend to focus on positive things!

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2: Liquorice

I guess, just like marmite (bovril for you Ozzies!), you either love it or you hate it! Well I have never had the taste for liquorice! I don't like the aniseed flavour!

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3: Getting up too late

I don't mind the odd lay-in depending on my schedule, but most of the time I am a morning person and enjoy getting up really early and having time to myself to do what makes me happy... exercise, meditation, getting prepared for the day!

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4: Being late!

If we agree to meet at a certain time, I will always be there! Unless it is completely out of my hands, then I always make the effort to be on time.

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5: Gossip

I have never been one to talk about others negatively or get involved in this. I am lucky enough to have a great group of happy-go-lucky friends where we discuss all sorts of interesting topics and have a good laugh together. Gossiping does not happen!

I just don't see the point. It doesn't make me feel good, and it is not productive or helpful for others at all.

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My Nominations To Also Complete The Challenge:

Here are the five Steemit users I would like to complete the challenge too! :)

  1. @aussieninja
  2. @sweetleaflove
  3. @tressareid
  4. @daltono
  5. @banditqueen


Well, that's all for now!

I hope you enjoyed reading my love-it's and shove-it's and have learnt a little bit more about me!

Wishing you a beautiful weekend full of endless possibilities!

Namaste x

P.S. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" ~ Lao Tzu




Whoa! Hi!
Thanks not only for the mention (in the Love It section, phew) but also including me in your challenge list.... that's super lovely of you to think of me.

Very excited to see the Ladies of Steemit banner, they're such an amazingly supportive group.

Ah... young lady. .. Bovril? Really? I think the word you're looking for is the ultra disgusting Vegemite... which is gross, but something that my entire family and my partner just super love.

I am hardcore about being punctual too... I just don't see if you've organised something for a particular time, why anyone would accept a variation of that time... most of my friends are always super late though, and while texts make it easier to find out how late someone is going to be, I think they've also decreased people's effort to try and arrive on time. Arrgh, I'm sounding like a grump, whoops, I just like being organised.

This is a great list though, despite the above, I really do share your thoughts on positivity and negativity. When you realise that you handle situations and news so differently depending on your mood, its a pretty easy decision to put the effort into being more positive... and it becomes so much easier with practise. I honestly think my successes in my IT career is due way more to my character than to my actual computery skills.

Haha you are welcome!! Now you just have to do the challenge too :)

Oh yes it's vegemite! I should have remembered!

I love your last comment, positivity is a choice, and even when you feel under-the-weather it's a lot more easier to smile and think of the positives, than allow yourself to spiral in to sadness! I also agree that with most things in life, character has a huge impact, if there were two people, one with more qualifications and experience than the other, but the other had a better attitude and positive character, most times the one with the better character would usually win. So it's really important to have that balance in life, with anything you set out to do! Practice makes progress anyway, so with the right attitude, learning and progress is natural!

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend with your family :)

I hate being late too and love yoga, nature, I have gardens, hate negativity, love your photo, nice hat. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Hi Joey! Thanks for your lovely comment :) Are you a keen gardener? Do you grow your own vegetables? I would love to!

Yes, I try my best to be as keen and green and mean, haha, as I can. How are you?

That's awesome! Health is wealth :) I am great thank you! Have you had a good weekend?

Yes. Good weekend.

I'm just noticing this mention now. I will see what I can come up with, sounds fun! Thank you for the challenge ;)

You're welcome! These challenges are great to try to grow reach :) (using the right tags)

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