The Love It / Shove It Challenge - Steemit

in #loveitshoveit6 years ago

Because I was tagged more than once for this challenge, I decided to give in to social pressure and do this challenge :). @vladc and @laurentiu.negrea were the ones that tagged me.

I think that we need to know more about each other and this is a good opportunity, here are the rules:

  • List five things that you love
  • List five things that you dislike
  • Use the tag #loveitshoveit

The five things I love

  • Potential. I believe that when making plans or designing structures and communities, in order for to find the right direction for anything we need to understand its potential. This is the only way we can build something relevant for the future starting from today.

  • The Internet. This is a technology that was able to change the information paradigm we live in, with smartphones and mobile internet we can clearly say that we live in a world where there is an abundance of information. This is a profound game changer for humanity and I can't wait to see what comes out of it :)

  • The Blockchain. I see the blockchain as being the backbone of The Internet. We can take nature and life as a metaphor, until a point in the evolution of life on this planet we only had invertebrate life. But evolution also created a type of organisms that started having a backbone, thus life was able to manifest other qualities with this new structure. This is the same with the advent of blockchain on the internet, there will be new wait the internet can manifest itself, with more trust and transparency.

  • Human Nature. The versatility, variety and uniqueness of people are fascinating. Although we have the same biological imperatives and human nature, we are each a unique manifestation of life with some very complex traits.

  • Peace. I believe that there are some trains which have to do both with potential and human nature, that can only manifest themselves in peace. The real solutions for the world will come from a generation that will know real peace with other and themselves.

The five things I don't love

  • Representative Democracy. The very thought of someone deciding on my behalf sickens me. I came to associate voting for anyone in this system to legitimizing my rapist, which is something I refuse to do.

  • Coercive Authority. I believe that each person should have the right to live a life of one's choosing, as long as you don't infringe on other people's life. The fact we still have authorities that want to regulate what you do with your life and can punish you even if you don't hurt anyone is also sickening.

  • Poverty. 100 years ago, poverty was the result of a lack of knowledge on how to create enough for everybody. But now, its a result of bad management on a global level. The current system is designed in such a way that it takes advantage of poverty and creates more when needed.

  • Current Educational System. This is one of the best examples where potential is the besting thing to keep in mind. We have the tools and capacity to develop an educational system that is custom tailored to each individual and can help manifest more of his potential. But we have little "concentration camps" where creativity is sent to die.

  • Meat Eating. Sorry if I will strike a nerve here, but to my mind, the killing of other sentient being is not justified today, at least not on this level. I don't believe that all people can be vegetarians or vegans, but what we are doing today with the industrialization of meat production is barbaric.

These are just some things that came to mind and I don't have a particular order to them. The people I would like to get to know better in this way are @rbm, @alexvan, @sorin.cristescu .


I can relate to all the things you've listed; the ones you love and also the ones you don't like. I believe the human potential is almost limitless and most of the times, the thing that is keeping us back in achieving something, is our lack of self-confidence, perseverance or commitment. Of course there could be other factors that can limit us, and that our environment has a major impact in our development and worldview, but I do believe that we could increase our potential with the "right" attitude and perseverance. The Internet and the Blockchain are very powerful tools that can be used in our favor, in favor of all humankind, to help solving problems at many interconnected levels.

Our desires for money and power have shaped our society into what it is today. I think that our selfish desires to control, manipulate and suppress others, are the cause of the things you've mentioned in your dislikes list. We have the technology and resources, so that no one would have starve, yet many people are dying of starvation and 1 billion people don't have access to clean sources of water. As for the meat industry, I think it is indeed barbaric, cruel and unnecessary and is an other example of human egoism.

I am hopeful and I believe that by changing our worldview, by correcting our selfish desires into altruistic ones and having the proper intentions for the better of humanity, we can achieve peace and infinite human potential. ❤

Meat Eating. Sorry if I will strike a nerve here, but to my mind, the killing of other sentient being is not justified today

The killing of sentient beings. How is that even related to meat eating.
Don't get me wrong, we do not need to eat meat in order to survive, or milk on that matter.
Actually is bad for us, is making us ill( at least for most of us).
However, who am I, or you, to judge what a sentient being is? Do you think a carrot does not feel pain, just because it does not scream when you are killing it?
Now, that is quite arrogant 😂!

Wait, I am against slaughter and suffering directed to anyone or anything it has DNA. But, guys! Check your facts 😋😎


Don't get it too personal though 😉!

P.S. I do agree with the ideas you listed there, make sure that are not just ideas 😁.

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