Giving Our Power Away

in #love6 years ago

The main objective of the ruling class as mentioned previously is getting folk to look outside of themselves, and the State is only too happy to step in and play the role of God in people’s minds, so much so that the Stockholm syndrome mentality has led to this whole disease of the mind called patriotism whereby people identify so much with a piece of land that they just so happened to be born on, that there are even some that would be willing to give their lives, or take the lives of others because they feel such a strong affinity to this particular piece of land. If however, you don’t agree with the State, or question the absurdity of it all you are then somehow considered some kind of ‘traitor’. Every law and rule has to be accepted without question because we are told that its ‘good for the Country’. Rights and freedoms being eroded almost by the hour because the economy, national security, or whatever the official line may be demands it. Then you have the folk that will actually go and start violence at sporting events like football, waving their flags, in the worship of their own special prison cells, and they cannot even see the bars!

Let’s be honest about this, the mental disease that is patriotism allows the State to get away with whatever it wants, including theft, violence, and murder, and yet millions of flag waving morons have no idea of any depth to what it is they are actually supporting. It gives the State free reign. The people within that particular prison cell that we call a ‘Country’ are constantly being bombarded by the government mouthpiece media outlets telling how ‘great’ their piece of land is, and how ‘proud’ they should all be. Its classic mind manipulation, and when it is repeated constantly from childhood people grow up embodying it completely. Again its classic ‘divide and rule’ pitting nations off against each other, getting people to dislike each other because they live within another imaginary border. In many cases even to hate their neighboring prison cell. It’s all tribe mentality, and it’s like that by design.

Patriotism excuses any kind of bad behavior from the State, and as I mentioned, particularly when it comes to war, where we have this gut wrenchingly, sick, continuous propaganda to ‘support the troops’ or ‘support our boys’ etc. Yet nobody questions what they are doing or why?? It’s just blind faith, and people, INNOCENT people are DYING as a result of this blind belief and support of government! Because it’s not ‘loyal’ to question anything the State does is it? No let’s just bomb a Country, steal its oil and resources, you peasants just shut up and wave your flags!

Tony Sayers
Love, Care, Courage


Your article reminded me of two songs/lyrics. One is called the "Bravery of Being Out of Range" by Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd), and the other is the line in the Sting (of the Police), song "Russians"- 'I hope the Russians love their children too.' People need to stop idolising and supporting the military, and realise that we are all one race, no matter where we were born.

Oh Il have to check out those songs, love a bit of truth in music.

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