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RE: The Biggest Thank You Yet from @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1

in #love6 years ago

It's as good a place to congregate as any, and our hostess theoretically has a virtual ice cream truck headed her way. Maybe we can all get treats and sit on the roof somewhere.

Openly and candidly are two great words to describe how they've been. The honesty about it encourages other to be brave and open. I think that @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1 are having a huge impact, especially on here. People might be seeing for the first time how to live and love correctly.


That is so sweet @themanwithnoname! It does seem that we have affected a lot of people with our story, but I have to say that I feel very affected by the response as well.

And what do you mean virtual?? No wonder the ice cream truck drivers are all looking at me funny when I try to commandeer their vehicle! :)

I've been giving him a hard time about the virtual ice cream, and I want video of you commandeering ice cream trucks. :)


Yes to the video or yes to giving you a hard time? :)

Even if she were just saying things like, "Hey. Is this my ice cream truck?" that would be worth seeing the truck driver's response. :)

Yes to that video. I would pay to see a video of @lynncoyle1 trying to commandeer an ice cream truck. Ha ha. I'd enjoy the video even if it were just her trying to convince the driver that I had sent the truck to her and that he needed to let her have it. :)

"Now, listen here young man. My friend, who happens to have no name, sent me this truck. So you will cease and desist resisting me, and hand over the keys this instant."

"Si, señora!"

Script writer's note: Not trying to give her an old woman's voice, as much as I'm trying to give her an authoritative, teacher like tone.

hahaha You and @themanwithnoname are friend, who happens to have no name...

I keep hearing, "No Inlges, amiga!" hahaha

There's no way you will ever see the video, although the thought of it now is killing me and I might just have to make one for fun :)

Lynn Coyle in: An Ice Cream Truck Heist In Playa Del Carmen

Too long?

Okay—A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Ice Cream Truck

Wait. That's still pretty long.


That's probably taken.

"No Inglés, Amiga!"


Find a friend who has a food truck and then just chase them. Ha ha.

I like that script! It's very authoritative. I could actually see the driver handing over the keys. :D

Ha ha ha, I'm just imagining you running down the street trying to get into the ice cream truck and the driver is yelling at you about being a gringa loca and you're just clipping along in your flip flops. The poor people there. LOL!

"I'm glad the effects of the affecting are not affectatious." You're a teacher, did I say that correctly? Hopefully I didn't get too tricksy with it and look like a fool. @glenalbrethsen was an editor. Maybe he knows.

That is a pretty funny picture actually...the flip flops add to it haha

I believe you did that correctly, but I've been retired for a bit now and might be losing my touch ;)

Well, if it means something completely different, then I'm really sorry.

How did I miss this mention?! Sorry.

"I'm glad the effects of the affecting are not affectatious."

I was more of a publisher than the editor, but even so, we were supposed to write to a sixth grade level (not sure if that's what we did exactly). At any rate, that might be sixth grade level circa early 1900s and back, but sadly, not any more.

Then, I would probably have to ask, "What's the context of that sentence?" It appears to be very random. Out of nowhere as it were. :)

That's editor me speaking. The rest of me says, "Carry on."

How did you find this comment? I forgot about it completely. I had to re-read a bit to get the context. Still don't know what I was talking about. Mainly just flapping my lips for my own entertainment it would seem.

Isn't the Wall Street Journal supposed to be written at an 8th grade level? What does that say about the USA when one of the most well-known financial newspapers is written at a level that someone who hasn't even entered high school should be able to read all of it?

Wouldn't be awesome if all eighth graders in the United States read the Wall Street Journal and understood markets, business and economics? I'm afraid eighth grade level isn't even eighth grade level anymore. The dumbing down has done did dumbed down.

I stumbled upon it, stumbling upon something else, I believe, which is how I purposefully navigate here. Stumbling. On purpose.

Now that's a superhero name. The Stumbler! Stumbling his way to victory! Stumble away! Or is it, Stumble on! 🤔It's stumblin' time!

That would be amazing! Maybe we could even teach kids how to manage their money so they don't go into loads (pun intended) of debt and go crazy with their credit cards. Maybe we could even get the colleges to stop taking money from the credit card companies to allow the CC companies to pass out "goodie bags" with CC offers in them to new students. We could teach them to be smart with their money, but that would mean they wouldn't be as easy to manipulate and leverage when we need them to do something. Yeah, let's keep them in the dark.

That was a nice trip. We've seen where you landed. I like it. Welcome back!

There you go! Pitch the idea to Marvel and see what they say. If that doesn't work, go to DC. See, I know comic book company names. Ha ha.

I'm sensing some personal experience with the credit card goodie bags. I wasn't aware there were even goodie bags, let alone credit card offers in them. Must need to go to a more uptown school.

Marvel Presents: The Stumbler! In stupefying 3D splendor! Aka blur-o-vision! Okay, that's just plain oxymoronic.

Yeah, I went to one of the big schools back in the day. Pretty much any time there was any school-sponsored event at the campus, they had plastic bags with stuff in them and one of the things was offers for a credit card. Bah!

The Stumbler! In stupefying 3D splendor! Aka blur-o-vision!

Yes! Although that's how I feel with regular 3D movies, so The Stumbler won't be any different. I've seen movies where it was clearer for me without the glasses! Yes, 3D can be done really poorly.

Wait. The ice cream didn't arrive weeks ago? So, if it's only theoretical and virtual, how are we supposed to be incentivized by ice cream I can't taste or digest? I'm pretty good at suspending reality, but not for virtual ice cream. :)

I thought the two words fit quite nicely. In fact, I thought I was going to add more, but ended up stopping there. The two seemed to cover what needed to be said.

So, you've been spending some time away this week again. How are things? Okay, I hope.

That was other ice cream. This is new ice cream, but I don't know where the shipment went. I don't use a very good service apparently. Maybe I should consider UPS next time. Hey, if you have problems digesting ice cream, I feel bad for you, but you have to include special orders ahead of time.

I've just been working on other projects. I need to get inspired and then be disciplined about getting posts out. I almost got two posts out in one day, and then I didn't. By the next day, the idea was gone. I'm going to try to revive it.

My garden is doing well. The sugar snap peas are jumping up like crazy. I forgot to get little sticks for them to climb, so I'd better get on that soon because they're going to need them. My green onions from last year are seeding. Those should drop soon. I've never seen that before. The strawberries are already flowering, so hopefully I'll get some tasty toppings for my cereal in a few weeks.

What about you? What's going on?

Okay. Other ice cream. I see.

No problems digesting ice cream I can eat. It's the ice cream I can't eat I have problems digesting.

With the graphic novel fresh out of pages to post, I've been kind of indecisive what to do next myself. And since I'm commenting more than I was to start thanks to the leagues, I need some of that discipline you speak of to keep the posts coming. The ideas are there. It's just taking the time during particularly favorable moments to put them together.

Our garden isn't in yet. We're generally lucky if we can start by mid-May. My wife is antsy to get something going, but we haven't even tilled the beds yet, so I'm not sure what she's trying to accomplish. It's generally like this, where she jumps ahead and then I need to play catch up.

We do have some strawberries flowering, too. Which is cool, since they're finally starting to grow back after my wife thinned them out a couple of cycles ago. So, hopefully we'll have more than just a handful of berries this time.

We've sort of bypassed Spring here for the last few days and gone straight to early Summer (maybe even close to mid-Summer), with temperatures in the low 80s. The only way we know it's still Spring is that the temps in the evening drop below 50.

However, we're supposed to get our trusty but not dusty rain back sometime towards the end of this week, which will remind us all over here just what time it really is.

As for how I'm doing, I'm well. Complaining doesn't change much, so even if I felt that need, what would it truly do for me? Things can always be worse and they can always be better. As long as I'm somewhere in the middle, I won't be wondering why me, and I won't be worrying it's all going to end.

That makes sense that you wouldn't be able to digest ice cream that you can't eat. I'm tracking with you. So I'll get some virtual cashew ice cream for you. It's made with cashews, so you can eat it if you could eat it. Wait, why am I getting you ice cream that you can't eat. Hmmm. We're going to need more brains on this to figure out how to get you ice cream that you can eat. ;)

I get what you mean. It's tough when things come to and end, especially when you've been in the flow and gotten to enjoy seeing things move along. Then the work starts and it can be a bit of a shock to be slogging along where once you were able to cruise.

Last year we waited too long to get the garden in. I'm hoping that by starting earlier this year that we'll get better crops. This will be the second year for the strawberries, and I've moved some of the plants around, so I'm expecting a good crop. I'd like to go out each morning and have a fresh berry or two. We'll see.

The weather has been strange this year. Hot when it should be cold, cold when it should be hot. Just weird. Enjoy that rain. It will help to wash away some of the pollen.

You're right, complaining doesn't change much. If it hits a motivated ear who has the authority to change something, then it can, but it's not likely that will happen here. At least the price of Steem is up, so you don't have as much pressure on you by being in the hole. You could sell off and make a profit if you wanted to (after waiting 13 weeks). That's got to be a nice feeling.

The price of STEEM this week have been great. I'm not quite ready to power down anything, and I'd have to decide how much if I did, since I don't want to deplete it all. Plus, of course, what goes up has a great tendency to go down. So, over the course of 13 weeks I would be worrying about every little fluctuation. So better to wait until we're safely in a higher range where we're not likely to fall back down below my $2.82 buying average.

As it is, I only need STEEM to be around $785 USD to reach a million with my current stake. I think I might be able to make my wife happy with the decisions I've made at that point. :)

We've tried to do things earlier here a time or two and just end up flooding out the plants with the rains. Which, by the way, hasn't been too bad so far. It's been enough with some wind to start knocking the cherry blossoms off and scatter them around.

I'm going to try to pump out two smaller newsy posts today and then see if I can't get to a larger post along with my The Maya installment. That should help for this week's counts.

No need for all the brain power. I think I may be on my own for the ice cream, which is easily solved. Luckily, there's a DQ and a local ice cream shop not that far away. :) Along with various stores carrying all kinds of the sweet, cold goodness. So, no need for the truck. :)

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