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RE: The Biggest Thank You Yet from @briancourteau and @lynncoyle1

in #love6 years ago

That is so sweet @themanwithnoname! It does seem that we have affected a lot of people with our story, but I have to say that I feel very affected by the response as well.

And what do you mean virtual?? No wonder the ice cream truck drivers are all looking at me funny when I try to commandeer their vehicle! :)


I've been giving him a hard time about the virtual ice cream, and I want video of you commandeering ice cream trucks. :)


Yes to the video or yes to giving you a hard time? :)

Even if she were just saying things like, "Hey. Is this my ice cream truck?" that would be worth seeing the truck driver's response. :)

Yes to that video. I would pay to see a video of @lynncoyle1 trying to commandeer an ice cream truck. Ha ha. I'd enjoy the video even if it were just her trying to convince the driver that I had sent the truck to her and that he needed to let her have it. :)

"Now, listen here young man. My friend, who happens to have no name, sent me this truck. So you will cease and desist resisting me, and hand over the keys this instant."

"Si, señora!"

Script writer's note: Not trying to give her an old woman's voice, as much as I'm trying to give her an authoritative, teacher like tone.

hahaha You and @themanwithnoname are friend, who happens to have no name...

I keep hearing, "No Inlges, amiga!" hahaha

There's no way you will ever see the video, although the thought of it now is killing me and I might just have to make one for fun :)

Lynn Coyle in: An Ice Cream Truck Heist In Playa Del Carmen

Too long?

Okay—A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Ice Cream Truck

Wait. That's still pretty long.


That's probably taken.

"No Inglés, Amiga!"


That is perfecto!!

Find a friend who has a food truck and then just chase them. Ha ha.

You guys have really thought this one out haha

I like that script! It's very authoritative. I could actually see the driver handing over the keys. :D

Ha ha ha, I'm just imagining you running down the street trying to get into the ice cream truck and the driver is yelling at you about being a gringa loca and you're just clipping along in your flip flops. The poor people there. LOL!

"I'm glad the effects of the affecting are not affectatious." You're a teacher, did I say that correctly? Hopefully I didn't get too tricksy with it and look like a fool. @glenalbrethsen was an editor. Maybe he knows.

That is a pretty funny picture actually...the flip flops add to it haha

I believe you did that correctly, but I've been retired for a bit now and might be losing my touch ;)

Well, if it means something completely different, then I'm really sorry.

How did I miss this mention?! Sorry.

"I'm glad the effects of the affecting are not affectatious."

I was more of a publisher than the editor, but even so, we were supposed to write to a sixth grade level (not sure if that's what we did exactly). At any rate, that might be sixth grade level circa early 1900s and back, but sadly, not any more.

Then, I would probably have to ask, "What's the context of that sentence?" It appears to be very random. Out of nowhere as it were. :)

That's editor me speaking. The rest of me says, "Carry on."

How did you find this comment? I forgot about it completely. I had to re-read a bit to get the context. Still don't know what I was talking about. Mainly just flapping my lips for my own entertainment it would seem.

Isn't the Wall Street Journal supposed to be written at an 8th grade level? What does that say about the USA when one of the most well-known financial newspapers is written at a level that someone who hasn't even entered high school should be able to read all of it?

Wouldn't be awesome if all eighth graders in the United States read the Wall Street Journal and understood markets, business and economics? I'm afraid eighth grade level isn't even eighth grade level anymore. The dumbing down has done did dumbed down.

I stumbled upon it, stumbling upon something else, I believe, which is how I purposefully navigate here. Stumbling. On purpose.

Now that's a superhero name. The Stumbler! Stumbling his way to victory! Stumble away! Or is it, Stumble on! 🤔It's stumblin' time!

That would be amazing! Maybe we could even teach kids how to manage their money so they don't go into loads (pun intended) of debt and go crazy with their credit cards. Maybe we could even get the colleges to stop taking money from the credit card companies to allow the CC companies to pass out "goodie bags" with CC offers in them to new students. We could teach them to be smart with their money, but that would mean they wouldn't be as easy to manipulate and leverage when we need them to do something. Yeah, let's keep them in the dark.

That was a nice trip. We've seen where you landed. I like it. Welcome back!

There you go! Pitch the idea to Marvel and see what they say. If that doesn't work, go to DC. See, I know comic book company names. Ha ha.

I'm sensing some personal experience with the credit card goodie bags. I wasn't aware there were even goodie bags, let alone credit card offers in them. Must need to go to a more uptown school.

Marvel Presents: The Stumbler! In stupefying 3D splendor! Aka blur-o-vision! Okay, that's just plain oxymoronic.

Yeah, I went to one of the big schools back in the day. Pretty much any time there was any school-sponsored event at the campus, they had plastic bags with stuff in them and one of the things was offers for a credit card. Bah!

The Stumbler! In stupefying 3D splendor! Aka blur-o-vision!

Yes! Although that's how I feel with regular 3D movies, so The Stumbler won't be any different. I've seen movies where it was clearer for me without the glasses! Yes, 3D can be done really poorly.

I was really surprised when they decided to bring 3D back. I mean 3D started back in the 50s or something, and didn't ever make it off the ground because it was bad and dizzy inducing. I think for the longest while the only place you could find 3D was at the Captain EO Michael Jackson Long Play Music Video in Disneyland. When it first started coming back, I thought, okay, they've perfected the technology. Nope. They had leftover glasses from the 50s they wanted to get rid of. I guess you can't recycle red and green shaded plastic. Doesn't biodegrade.

Okay, I made a lot of that up, but anyway, the whole 3D thing is dumb, and 3D TVs, even dumber. Most dumb—a 3D Smart TV in 4K. :)

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