How many whales fit on a blue whales tongue? My favourite photo in the whole wide world.

in #love6 years ago

This is my favourite photo in the whole world.


@verph11 asked us to share a photo to win 5SBD, and although I'd rather stay out of the prize pool (please give it to someone who needs it more!) I couldn't resist sharing this.

When Jamie and I first met 15 years ago, we decided within three days that we would get married and live in country England (impulsive, huh?). So I went home to Australia, sold all my stuff (which wasn't muc), packed two suitcases, one for my five year old and one for me.

We arrived in England with not much money and this crazy future in front of us, where we were going to move in with a man Jarrah had never met and who lived in a truck on some land near Brighton. This photo is the first time my boy met his future step father. It was summer, and a warm one, where the bumble bees were buzzing in the Hawthorn trees. In this photo, my lover is telling my beautiful son about whales and how many men can fit on their tongue. The little one is eating cheese, crackers and cucumber, which I'd carried in my backpack down from London on the train. J. was suprised we'd made it there all by ourselves as we didn't know the area - or the country!

When I excitedly send this photo to my parents, as if this grand meeting between boy and man had gone swimmingly, I didn't think about what kind of story this picture would tell. The discarded sofa the empty wine bottle, the fire pit - it wasn't a particularly promising courtship, I confess, on the surface, but it was electric and full of hope and promise.

A year later my parents flew over from Australia to attend our wedding. My little boy proudly carried the ring down the aisle on an old red velvet cushion we had bought from the charity shop. Jamie became "Steppie", short for stepfather, which seemed a good a name as any. I would love to reenact this photo one day! I love it because I look it and feel that sense of trepidation that I wasn't doing the right thing by my boy. I was though - he ended up with a blissfully happy mother, with a decent man for a (step) father.

I'm as in love as ever, and now all of that seems a distant dream.

What is your favourite photo in the whole wide world?


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That's a pretty cool memory & photo to match. Really great entry to the contest. Hopefully, you'll be honorary winners! That's a big question, what's your fave photo. Wow. Will have to give that one some thought. How old is your son now? Blessings & love.

He is 21-!!!!

Wow!! Time flies ❤❤❤

I sincerely hope to have a future similar to yours since I will soon leave my country with little money. I would like you to take a look at my last publication, maybe you will know a reality that you do not know, regards

I love this photo and his history: I feel it’s full of faith & love, isn’t it?

A big hug from @amico! 🤗

It is! And hugging you right back!

Woohaa what a nice story! Already told you at Discord, but in this heatwave here it gave me some goose bumps. So you did pretty well with the story! 😎

What I read in it is how I know you (and I only know you for a short time)
I do know you as no other than love, strength, solidarity and positivity. All those things together will make your life a big adventure and that is why your nick is such a beautiful thing you just take life as it flows meandering through all the beauty of the world. (ok telling this I must admit my knowledge of the englisch grammar is running short here, express your feelings correct is difficult in a non native language 😅) So that is how you got the balls to do these kind of things. Loving you for that.

How did your parents react on the picture?

Hang loose 🤙

You did great in your non native babble, @guchtere baby!!! xx Thanks xx Loving ya back xx

A whale story, how utterly disappointing!
When I saw this picture I thought the big guy is teaching the little guy how to make Molotov cocktails out of wine bottles! 😘

Hahahaha! No, that was the next photo ;)

Beautiful post @riverflows! What an amazing adventure you've had over the last 15 years! You're so lucky that your parents weren't judgmental and trusted you to make sound decisions with your life. From what I know about you, it's an amazing life you've had so far and what a loving hubby J is!
On a funny note, that word, 'trepidation', when my 5 yr old was a chatty toddler he used to ask us what random words meant. At 21 months old Trepidation was one of them! We thought he was creating random words, until we googled it and discovered it's a real word!
<3 xxx

I loved your story, I have to admit that it gave me a lot of feelings. My life has been full of madness and maybe not all went as expected. But many others have been my best triumphs. I'm glad that your madness ended with a happy family.

It did indeed. Thanks for your lovely comment.

wow, great (love) story and a wonderful picture !!! Thank you very much !!!

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What a great photo :D , thanks for sharing that memory with us! would never of guessed it was their first time meeting each other

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