The FaKe "i love you " - just read it -

in #love7 years ago (edited)

the fake "i love you "

the heart and the mind are the most powerfull organs allah has blassed you with . never ever give control of them to anyone besides allah , other wise you will be hurt and hurt very badly .

a lot of people are struggling and suffering and depressed because they gave their hearts to someone they met on the net , and that person is used and abused .

 can i tell you there are a lot of people who suffers  because there was " password" made up of 8 characters that was used in order to use them , to get to them , to abuse them , WHAT THAT PASSWORD ? 

" I LOVE YOU " 8 letters....and he continues telling " ilove you , i love you " and he's lying , he doesn't even know what love means , he's not focus at all if he knew what it meant he wouldn't be telling it to you , he would be upright  .

THEN WHAT HAPPEND ? we are lost , we rae gone because a year down the line we are crying we are depressed and you can't evan tell your father or your mather nothing , because they don't have a clue what was going on , they'll tell you " you are a fool " , but its their fault as well , they did not play a role big enough in your life to know what was going on .

this is why save your focus , you will know your children are Blessing you must be focused upon them as well , that is allah who placed a duty on your shoulders to look after kids , that what makes her different , she isn't focus.

so don't allow this "password" that people utter to be a "password" straight into your heart because anyone could say that and press enter , so now we are caught , we are hooked and what happens ? 

Divel got grip of us ,  like  i said and im repeating this the heart and the mind are the most powerfull organs allah has given you and blessed you with , do not allow people to control that , nobody shall control that besides allah , don"t hand it over someone , no it belongs to allah , we will only do with the heart and the mind that which will please allahe. 

if you think you're falling in love with this one because of how nice they look and how hot they areand how sharp they are and how wealthy the are and how beauyiful they look when they walking and talking and so on , believe me the one who made them should primarily be the one whom you are in love with completely .

that what it is but we lose focus.... its allah who made us in the first place , thats what makes it different .

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