Advice To Male Virgins On How To Have Sex

in #love6 years ago (edited)


Guys, losing your virginity is a big deal, regardless of how many of your friends shrug it off or how often you see and hear about it, when the moment comes - it's just you and them and you only get one first time. It'll more than likely be a total disaster so why not take the time to read this, it might put your mind somewhat at ease.

Are you ready?

Wear your heart on your sleeve.**

Tell her you’re a virgin. Most women will actually find that very sweet, as well as commendable, and will be happy to help you through your first time

get her in the mood.

Sometimes women may act like they’re not interested in sex at all, but make no mistake, they’re humans who were born with primal sexual urges. They want sex. They fantasize about it; they wait for it, and they look for it. But they’re not as likely as men to run out and find the first person who will get naked for them because they don't want to be a slut, and they're looking to get more out of sex than just physical stimulation. They want a total mind/body/life experience. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes girls just want to get laid, but as a general rule, the point of having sex is the overall emotional connection and experience, not just the physical build up to orgasm.

Wrap it Up

Perhaps up to this stage you haven't been wrapping it because you've only been fapping it...well from here on out comes responsibility. If you don't want the worry of missed periods or pregnancy then the only way is to wear protection. Possibly something like 'Durex Performa' that contains Benzocaine which can also help you last a little longer, if you're a bit nervewracked you may lose a little control, and believe me, you will be a bit nervewracked regardless of the bravado you show.

What time should you do it?

When you have sex doesn't really matter. What should matter instead is that you and your partner have sex when you are both comfortable. Some people prefer to make love at the break of dawn, some in the afternoon sun, some in the darkness of night. More important than time of day is the time you have to spend. Give yourself a lot of time to have sex the first time. A weekend is ideal, but at least the whole day, including sleep time.

Role models

Whoever your role models might be, make sure they aren’t the guys in porn films. Despite what a lot of guys will tell you, most women would be horrified if you tried any of those moves on them in real life. So hold back on the money shots, and just listen to what her body is telling you instead.

Which position?

Try a couple of different sexual positions to see which suit you best, but by all means, don’t overdo it or stress about it. You’re not an entry in a Kama Sutra book. If you’re enjoying it, then just go with the flow and let your bodies take care of themselves

It might not be great.

No matter what you do or how you prepare, sometimes the first time just isn’t that great. Don’t worry about it, though, because it’s perfectly normal for this to be the case.

Above all, demystify it. Sex is awesome and amazing, but it’s not something that has a lot of weight overall. You won’t magically become a different person after you have had sex. You will now be a person that has had sex. Good for you! It’s like the first time doing a lot of other amazing things,cool to have the experience but don’t put too much weight on.

Thanks for reading.



It is not very common for men to debate the subject of their first time and it is even less common to discuss it with their girl, however, they address the important issue to avoid unpleasant situations for both. Most men have gone through unpleasant and traumatic situations and is more for lack of communication, shyness or embarrassment due to lack of experience. It is typical to hear that the first time is only important for girls, but this is not all true.

bro thanks for the info

You're welcome

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No es muy común que los hombre traten sobre el tema de su primera vez y es aun menos común que lo comenten con la pareja, sin embargo tratar el tema es importante para evitar situaciones desagradables para ambos. La mayoría de los hombres han pasado por situaciones desagradables y traumáticas y es mas por falta de comunicación, por timidez o vergüenza que por falta de experiencia. Es típico escuchar que la primera vez solo es importante para la las chicas, pero esto no es del todo cierto.

Oh thanks for your reply...i wish you wrote this commeny in English

Of course. The truth had not realized that I wrote in my native language.

I agree @jordanlove.

Far too often, too much weight has been put on it. And the flip side is just as extreme, not enough attention is given to it.

For men, it should be about giving her enough confidence and comfort to share this moment with you.

We are all sexual creatures. We want to have good sex. The key is to have courage and don't be lazy. Learn what it takes to give good sex and you shall have good sex.

Educate yourself just as how this post intends.

It is part of growing up.

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