Haejin is bringing over his 72k users! Stop the flagwars!

in #logicisso20087 years ago (edited)

That's right folks, Haejin is not a scammer, in his own words "I do bring the content of value". Not only that I read @done that investing 10 Mil in steem gives you the right to rape the reward pool for 80k a week, week after week. And guess what, it's not as if he's doing what he was doing for free before on Twitter, he actually does something more than that, it involves voting himself through his alt, who doesn't break a sweat clicking a button 10 times a day after copy-pasting from the repertoire of TA tea leaves reading from the book of Eliot, and if that's scamming then I'm a Registered Voter.

FYI @done

Twitter followers are like toilet paper, you buy 24 thousand-sheet rolls for 10 dollars, you do know that. Plus I love how haejin has all those organic followers and those organic discussions that aren't all centered around one thing: his abuse of the platform. So glad that he was able to invest to make what he was making for free on twitter.

As for the whole: what happens when SNL comes here. Well, @done, the one who took the vow of silence, hopefully, they don't look at their investment as justification for being assholes, you know, voting to the tune of what 99% of the world doesn't make it in a year, every single week, from a reward pool that is intended to support Content Creators, not self-aggrandizing schemes.


In all Seriousness @baah, I'm not a supporter of this Community Led Flag War. Some of my favorite "SteemIams" ( <I just coined that term) are off in this war instead of supporting their curation trail. I'm not a fan of the big H either, but he's playing within the rules of how @dan built this network and how @ned continues to run his organization, STINC.

No amount of Badgering and Downvoting can make the H go away or stop what he's doing... And if that Kills this network (it won't) then so be it. Let @Dan and @Ned take ALL THE CREDIT I say.

Getting upset with H and flagging H is not going to solve anything. I'm expecting another 3 or 4 Hs to show up any day now and REALLY start "Raping" the reward pool. And I think the Guys STINC will just keep avoiding these issues with more Talk and Vaporware.

I for one pray for an end to the war and a return to Busyness!
SteemON Bruv.


Let's establish some things though: would you consider what he's doing abusive?

As much as it pleasures to laugh at the lack of leadership from @ned he isn't the leader of steem. We can do this, we know what this is, this is a Public Opinion game and we know all too good what public opinion grows on, controversy, hype, and well thought out, clearly expressed ideas, and there is a season for all, in the fall you chop it down and prepare to start again.

In a way I hear you loud an clear, it is up to Ned and Dan and all other whales to start this whole game, he spawns killing us and half the team is running around without direction getting picked by his camping xelency and most of our teamleaders are hiding in the bushes afk, they promised to drop the nuke with the Communities. But that's if I am hearing you right when you say that no amount can, because if we want to wade through the zombie hoard we need better guns.

No... I do not think He is Abusing the system. There is a far greater abuse of the system still in the hands of a few Steemians who premined 75% of the economy. They will ALWAYS be the bigger hammer.


When the good "Fellas" came up with SteemIt, they saw fit to line their pockets with an inordinate amount of Steem right out of the gate instead of "eating their own dogfood" and posting content in order to build the economy organically. Instead, they wanted EVERYONE else to stumble around and learn the platform for them while they remained very hands off. Their very intrusion into the network they built would start Fag Wars and that's how we all came to find @berniesanders. To this day, I'm waiting for STINC to just post more regular updates rather than yearly road maps that are poorly adhered to...


Actually, I think that was in the best interest of the platform. You might as well consider that account the same as @null, except that the bright side is it could be used to thwart massive abuse and leverage any single large entity with ease regardless of how big the buy-in is. The thing is that one account could police the entire network through a simple system of delegation. And I have no reason to doubt Ned when he says that

if you remember the IP issue with the License recognizing forks that had to be approved by Stinc. The silence and roadmaps might be a sign of their lack of spare time from working and putting together the insane in scope SMT. We shall see, untill then we wait, either the abuse becomes rampant and we can form consensus and move forward with what @dan was saying about a year ago to @the-ego-is-you that they were working on a flagging and a curating system as separate:

Which I found out about today while trying to find the post (if you can help me) that was deleted when he resigned. I wrote a solution that involved the same approach, as did many others, and it might get released in the SMT, it seems that a requisite.

I don't disagree with you for the system is not abused by haejin, or want to minimize the reality that @steemit is 40% of the platform (correct me if I'm wrong), but I asked if you think what haejin does is abuse, and not specifically abusing the system. Is he abuisve, is he doing abusive things?

I haven't seen what I would call Abuse by H...
I've seen much smaller events take place all over SteemIt that I would call Abusive before I would lump "Reward Gaming" in there. I think "Reward Gaming" is "Reward Gaming" and I think the insults H gets in retaliation could be considered Abusive but I'm not going to call it that. Ultimately I don't believe H's 10 posts are valuable but then neither are mine so the system plays by the rules and the accounts get paid based on votes and steam power... which H bought a LOT OF... so yea, it's Gamey but not abuse.


And Steem Media Tokens? PLEASE!
@dan will have something out quicker than STINC ever will.


I forgot to mention, what's wrong with esteem or steemit on mobile browser (canary is fast)? So far it's not bad.

It works ridiculously bad on iOS, and the Android Tablet I use is worthless for posting. I'm just pointing out ONE of the Promises STINC has made but not come through with..
Screen Shot 2018-03-15 at 10.35.48 AM.png


Then I have to disagree and ask you to consider that because the game is Zero Sum, what he is doing affects everyone, from their confidence in people responding to his behavior, to the confidence in investing in here, and what this in turn does is promote others to abuse in turn, a dilemma indeed, because exclusive self-voting is not healthy behavior for a community, for a social media platform, well it's hard to compare steem with anything else but I know when I see it, rape and abuse.

You'll notice that I'm NOT an H fan at all.

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