Do you feel it?

in #literature5 years ago (edited)


I am a sensitive person, I mean, I feel many things, I can feel the blue color of my shirt, sometimes I can smell it too, sometimes I confuse it with the smell of orange, which also smells like red, but that is not the case , or maybe it is ... I want to explain how I feel, to know how I will tell my grandfather when I see him in heaven, you will be my practice, or maybe only you, or she who is there, I don't know Whoever can feel what I write, if you can feel what I feel. Let's see, let's explain them with mustard jars and pancakes, if you understand it that way.

I'm usually barefoot, no, I don't mean being without combing my hair, I mean being without a shirt. I am so I can feel things better, when my feet touch the grass I feel the wind and when it is night I feel the stars, the feet are our roots, so I breathe there, not like others do, I need to do it to Feel better the taste of meat and chips, sometimes I run everywhere to feel several things at the same time, change my senses, sensations, see all those smells and feel all those noises.

When I have to clean my body I always leave the window closed, I don't like to feel the ghosts' looks, I prefer to focus on how the sulfur drops feel moving through my mustache. Did you know that it is better to wash with tears? if you do it, you wash yourself with your sorrows and misfortunes, with your sadness and your anger, you make fun of those feelings in your own face, it is fun to feel how they all stay with their mouths open when doing so. Haven't you got it yet? Hell, it's hard for you to understand...

Okay, let's try it again, feeling this way is like speaking Polish... Don't you speak Polish? Me neither, I don't understand your question, focus on what I write to you, don't listen to me, feel me. I want you to see things differently, that you don't see the red color of the lady's umbrella on the bench, I want you to see her and organize her face, look how she was disfigured by the rain, rebuild it, imagine why it happened What happened to her, tries to feel her misery, hers sadness. Now, that you already put everything in your head, now change your seat, be you now the one in her position, feel how she feel, feel how she dressed and because she did, feel how you chose the red umbrella (I swear it was red, I didn't see another color) because of its color, with those alien feelings, now, feel the color red... If that doesn't work, you can eat pasta, it won't help you, but it's delicious even if it makes you fat, well, bye.

To improve my way of writing or make it easier for me to think about writings, I ask friends or relatives to tell me a word, I have to create a story or something like that, the word of the day was "Barefoot" I just incorporated it and I didn't make it part of the story as the main idea, I hope you liked it and thanks for reading.




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