Ideologies and mutual respect.

in #lifestyle6 years ago

This topic is very important for the whole humanity, I think. Without respect we will not be human but like a crowd that thinks only about its interests. We just have to respect each other because it's so significant. When I see people fighting about something I always think about that. Why do we have to argue so much about the things we already think we will never change our mind about. Sometimes we just have to accept the ideologies of others not to get into the conflict.

Who is better ?

Some people think they are better than others somehow. You can't be better than others in everything, everyone has his own personality, everyone is unique and we all can be better in something while others can't be better in it. If you know something or possess certain things, that doesn't mean you are better, everyone can know or have that thing. It's better to give what you have or to share what you know instead of thinking that you are better.

The lifestyle.

Everyone has his own lifestyle and everyone is totally free in what he is doing with his life. If someone is living that lifestyle and he doesn't want to change it, why do you have to insist and try to change him ? Let him live in peace, especially if he has been doing that for all his life. You can of course give an advice, but you don't have to push a person to the change by force. Why do you write about him and tell other people that you hate him, why do you keep saying bad things about him behind his back ? If you have misunderstanding with someone, you need to resolve it with that person in private.

Religions and traditions.

Everyone has his religion and his traditions are mostly related to it. I think it's important to accept other religions and be glad to have so many of them, because the more different people are, the more interesting it is to interact with them. It doesn't matter what the person is believing in, it doesn't even matter if he wants to be religious or not. Everyone has complete freedom in what to think about or how he wants to spend his life. Don't be fanatic, it leads to hate and fights but not to love and peace.


Some people think that one power in the world is better than other one, or they think that his opinion about some political event is more correct. Politics is a kind of game between big leaders, don't be a victim of that game. You have your own mind to think, you have your own opinion to give. Everyone is right in that game, why do you have to play it ? Especially if you are a simple citizen and your opinion or words won't change anything. Take care about your family, relatives and friends. It's the most important thing you can do.

Race and nationalities.

You are a simple human who can be sick and that won't live forever. Everyone sweats, everyone eats and visits bathrooms and other places. We are all made of flesh and blood. It's not important what your skin color and nationality is. You can't be better than others just because you are white or black or green or pink or what ever. You have to respect other nationalities and races as well. Don't be a racist, that will not lead you to a good path in life. You will never meet good people who will make your life better. Be open-minded and try to judge people by their attitude and behavior.

Conclusion :

We all have to respect each other and try to understand the ideas that everybody has. It's good that we are so different, this is what makes us interesting, this is what makes us human. We are all improving, we all can have what others have, we all can gain knowledge. We even can change our lifestyle any moment and even our race or nationality if we really like to do it. Everything is possible in our time. Be in peace with others and yourself !

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One thing I love you for is this! You're open-minded, you have a sense of justice and a big heart. You believe in equality and respect everybody. And yeah, nobody should feel superior just because of material possessions.

Well said. This is one of the things I love so much about cryptocurrency. It is another form where we can have different ideas (like ideas about what has value or doesn't have value) and we don't all have to agree. We can each invest in the ideas that are meaningful to us and leave others to profit by investing in what they value.

So many times in life people get into fights that are needless because they think that the only way to make themselves right is by first making someone else wrong. These fights can involve entire families, entire tribes even, and can span across the generations. So unnecessary, when if they had followed the excellent advice you share in this article, they could have co-existing with respect for their differences.

But both sides must do this. That's the hard thing. Each wants the other to do it first, but if we are to be leaders, then we must lead by example. We must accept and even embrace alternative ways of living for that other person, even if we have no intention of imitating their ways. We must be secure in the path we are on so that we can rejoice in others walking a different path.

(btw, if you'd like to see my recent article on how respect for different values is an integral part of the crypto world see my blog.)

thanks for this amazing comment, I think it's one of the best comment for my posts. ☺

Oh thanks for that feedback. I read an article yesterday that said to share a link if you have a related article, but I totally get what you're saying. I really just wanted to highlight the strong connection between the two ideas.

it's ok but dangerous because some people can flag even related comment with the related link, it's better to write one or two clickble words like this : Person's Value , isn't better than big scary link ? ☺

To make such links, just put the title of the clickble link between [] and the link between (). Something like that :

Try it now in the reply, I will accept, I like to help people. ☺

Personally, i can't stand people that are self-righteous, always claiming to be better than others. I believe that having that mutual respect for the thoughts and beliefs of others is what truly makes us humans.

Truly a remarkable post!

Thanks I did my best to write it. ☺

I like it! I agree that we should be able to see differently. One side od this is that we also have our own beliefs towars tgings and as soon as we mention what we think we are aytomatically put in a box with a label. I do believe the world is changing. I believe we will either raise our frequency or get left behind. Be well!

Yes when I was writing this post I was thinking about the change, and I hope with cryptocurrencies and steemit this change will be possible, because mostly people are fighting because of money and cryptoworld solves the problem of money for many people. ☺

Nice topic. I.must agree with the most parts. Although I do think that this world was made to be full off duality. In order to keep the balans in a lot off things. Will upvote amd resteem. Thanx for the post. And once again thanx for all the extra efford you guys put in helpibg us minnows.

I am glad you like it, thanks. ☺

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