Dealing with Setbacks: 7 Strategies 🔥

in #life5 years ago


Life is not always easy. You learn to know yourself precisely when things are going wrong. Learn to cope better with setbacks, so that you are more stable and calmer in life.

Reading time 4 minutes

Every life has setbacks

No matter how beautiful your life is at the moment, you will sooner or later have to deal with worse times. There will be setbacks in your path that will test you and possibly change your life.

Loved ones will die, you may have an accident, become sick, you may become unemployed or become embroiled in other problems.

Setbacks are part of life, but how can you deal with setbacks in a positive way? How can you ensure that the difficult times in your life help you grow and not permanently damage you?

Not prevent but limit

In the first place, it is important to realize that you cannot prevent many setbacks. You can still do your best to keep your life in order and still be told that a good friend has breast cancer. You can't change anything about it, you can't keep it away from you.

Setbacks are part of life, so you can't make most people disappear. You can learn to deal with it.

One of the best ways to survive difficult times is to prepare yourself psychologically. You develop a strategy to deal with it. You have a tool kit that you can get started with as soon as it fails.

Get started with your strategy

The strategy that you develop for difficult times helps you to come out of the pit with minimal damage. In fact, if you can handle setbacks well, you can even grow in these periods.

The better your strategy works for difficult times, the easier life will go. It will be easier to give setbacks a place and to continue with your life. You remain easier in balance, and you are less vulnerable.

Everyone develops their own strategies. One goes to work out, the other talks to a good friend and another goes to the cinema to forget everything. Usually, it helps to undertake 'fun' things, because this way you can get rid of your problems.

However, there are other, more internal, strategies that you can use in times of setback. We have explained the most important ones below.

1. Do your best to see something beautiful in the situation

Every disadvantage has its advantage. Every event has its beauty, something that you can appreciate in it. Searching the positive aspects of the event in setbacks can make it more bearable for you. Do your best to see something positive.

2. Believe that everything happens for a reason

Those who believe that everything happens for a reason usually endure setbacks better than people who believe that life is based on chance. If nothing is a coincidence it means that this event will happen to you to grow, to make you a stronger person. This realization gives hope and support.

3. Write a lot to gain insight into your feelings

Who are feelings of itself depreciates can better cope with problems? By writing, you organize your thoughts and you get a better insight into your life. Grabbing a diary in difficult times can improve your life considerably.

4. Realize that everything is temporary

Nothing is permanent. Your life is temporary, the problems in your life are temporary and even this planet and the universe will not always be there. Your problem will someday disappear, it's not permanent.

5. Meditate, come to yourself

Who meditates is more stable in life and can deal better with stress, setbacks, and difficult emotions. By meditating you come closer to yourself, and you get more support for yourself. You realize that you can be happy from within, that you are free, and that the outside world is separate from who you really are.

6. Relativize

Try to put your problems and setbacks in perspective. Place them in a larger whole, and see how small and insignificant most problems actually are.

7. Don't be afraid of death

Those who are afraid of death are vulnerable. Fear is a paralyzing emotion that is also at odds with what life is all about: love. Being afraid of death makes many setbacks more difficult. Death is not something to be afraid of, it is part of life.


Regards appreciated @whatsontrend.

These life recipes are extremely valuable.
I am sure that I will be able to implement several of them.

Once I made a post about setting goals and objectives.
I believe that by merging my own methodology and your valuable ideas, I will be able to develop the winning strategy.

Thank you for giving us your beautiful reflections.

All best, Piotr.

Thank you for reading my article @crypto.piotr

The one that takes the time to read my ideas, my struggles or what-nots I’m publishing here. I want you to know that I am grateful to you for being here even if I’m sure that sometimes there are better and more important things you can do.

I know, I don’t have a lot of followers and there aren’t hundreds and thousands of readers and users checking my article every day but there are a few of you who are reading it.

To you, I’m saying the most honest and from the bottom of my heart “Thank you”

It means a lot to me that you read my blog/article and that you sometimes share my articles. I feel like this is a true statement of trust in what I write and that you believe my content is worthy of being seen by other people too.

Dear @whatsontrend

My wife would go into "berserk mode" if she would read your comment hahaha :)

It means a lot to me that you read my blog/article and that you sometimes share my articles

I'm doing my best to show my support and appreciation to those who engage with me and are part of my journey. It's not easy since I'm "quite popular" haha :)


Ha Ha Ha 😂

Great post. Most of all your emotions needs are a lot of practice. If you practice a lot positive emotions in regular day to day life, it helps when you get a set back abruptly in your life afterwards

Yes, you are absolutely right

Thank you for Comment 🤗

Well said @whatsontrend 👌
Being optimistic is not just about thinking it's also about the way of living. I agree on your all points and what I can add is, we just need to our Karma amd believe in it. If we do good it'll come back to us in good results. If we focus on positive things it'll only attract positive results.

Posted using Partiko Android

“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”

I'm Agree with your addon

Thanks for your Comment @bloggerkrunal 🤗

Yeah, I need to remember that it's temporary. I've been experiencing some setbacks and some CPTSD symptoms have come back with a vengeance. I need to remember that I am not regressing, that it's normal, that these symptoms are not as bad as they were a few years ago and as you say that it's temporary. Difficult to do in the moment, but I think it's important to have reminders.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for Comment and Upvote


Thanks for the tips!
Personally 1 and 2 work best for me.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh, that's great 😃

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