Why steemit should be my full time job - A list of all my projects (an application for your ongoing support)

in #life7 years ago (edited)


"Don't quit your day job", I know. But I never have the issue of not knowing what to write, for me, it's the opposite problem. I have so many things I want to work on, and most of all I want to stay connected with all the amazing people I meet, follow what they are writing about and working on, and find ways to work together and build a sense of community.

I find it incredibly difficult to work a regular job and even went as far as living quasi-homeless for two years because it hurt so much to turn my energy away from my ideals. I am very passionate about the things that I do in my "free time" (which is spent more and more on steemit) and have always believed that there must be a way to pursue these passions full-time without selling my ideas to a company that will be able to dictate their direction, marketing in a way that turns profit into the primary goal, or becoming a big celebrity on YouTube. So this is my job application and you, my potential employer.

Below is a list of the projects I am working on. Many of them have been in my mind for over ten years and finally coming into existence these past few months.

What I do on steemit (and patreon):

Optimism at the End of the World

A blog series aimed at aiding anyone who is feeling lost in the end of days. I write for those who are still finding themselves, those wish to reinvent themselves, those who are searching for a way to do "good" for the world at large, set themselves free of contradictory beliefs, emotions and behavior and live a more idealistic life in harmony with others and with all things.

Most recent:
Optimism at the End of the World #8 : Metaphors and how they "Make or Break" you.
Some past titles have been:
"How to make Metaphorical Lemonade"
"Fear and Getting your Existential Shit Together"
"What do you have to offer the Gift Economy".

Be Awesome discord channel

A chat room dedicated to allowing steemians to build deeper connections by focusing on passions, beliefs, dreams, and life in general without certain distractions. We hope to allow deep friendships to grow and create a strong community, perhaps a network of communities in the future. There are no bots, no constant influx of new users and no scheming about how to make more money on steemit. We leave the crypto talk for other chat rooms, keep the banter to a minimum (just enough to be fun) and have no specific initiatives to focus on other than the community itself, though we do talk about users projects from time to time and help each other conceptualize, brainstorm and realize certain projects, especially those which are focused on creating a harmonious experience at steemit as well as self sustainability for anyone still working toward it.

Join the chat

OK Languages

As a teacher and student of languages, I have discovered some of the best ways of studying are also the simplest. OK languages aims to provide guidance and a friendly, helpful environment for those wishing to self-study a language. We use Duolingo and some supplements to learn grammar and then we meet up in a sub-channel of the Be Awesome discord channel and practice using the language. We currently have a very small group learning Spanish, with French, Portuguese, German, Italian, Japanese and Chinese planned for the future.

I would also like to create a series of self study language tutorials that will be extremely helpful in learning a language FAST, this is one reason I want to quit everything that feels like WORK, I want to focus more energy on this.

Confessions of the Damaged

A series of loosely connected short stories that blend memoirs and fiction, an attempt to observe the invisible strings that tie us together and pull us forward, as well as the rhythm that that pulsates just beyond our five senses. The setting is "The Village". The Village has had many different manifestations in different places and periods of time. You may be familiar with it.
Slowly being released on my patreonbut I will slowly be moving them over to steemit soon

Random posts about....

Society, community, experimentation, gift economy, education, religion, language study, Japanese blog, steemit, "alternative lifestyles", stream of consciousness, psychedelics, meditation, the nature of reality, east vs. west, music, peace, love, and whatever else.

Currently not sharing on steemit:

Musical project

I write folk songs influenced by tribal sounds and minimalism. I have been planning to record for a few years and finally have all the songs written, they just need some rearranging with some other musician friends and a producer friend.

Community space

An open studio where I do most of my work and invite friends to use as they see fit. It doubles up as a community space with small art and music events. We try to implement pay-what-you-want as much as we can.

I'm also heavily involved in some established community spaces and events in another city that I don't wish to share publically.

My healing process

Two years ago I was diagnosed with "we have no fucking idea what's wrong with you but your back is fucked". After hopping around from doctor to doctor and healer to healer and spending all of my savings, I finally discovered that only I could heal myself (with some things I learned from 2 or 3 people I met). I've been digging deep to heal emotional issues from when I was a kid and working on massaging my muscles and tendons to restore my body to full health. The hospitals said it was impossible but I'm already 70% better. If you need any help and are willing to believe a wacky dude like me, please inquire.

Future projects

  • language tutorials mentioned above
  • learning more western languages
  • Both electronic and vocal music
  • learning to record and produce music, play drums, music theory etc.
  • sci fi novel and comic
  • full novels based on my short stories characters
  • many more blog series on steemit
  • tons of collaborations with other steemians
So I'm asking your support to help make this a reality in whatever way you can because I've worked hard for this and gone on wild journeys to make it happen and I want to help as many people as I can with whatever riches I amass.
If you believe in what I'm about and want to see me succeed, support me in any way you see fit. I will graciously pay it forward. Also, come talk to me and let's make friends ;-)

Don't quit your day job yet. (Because Steemit is setup like a lottery, and you have to really be killing it on here for it to be consistent.)

i don't have much of a day job. i wouldn't quit it if i have one. Or actually i would, but without any expectations ;-)

Hahah yeah as soon as I read that I thought to myself, "Ha! I don't HAVE a day job! That'll show Lexiconical!"

Admittedly... this was hilariously petty ^_^

you got my 100% support. I'm on level 3 now in my Spanish. I think I'm killin' it! No wrong answers. :))

We should be practicing on the room together! Share you sentences :D

I am self employed with a few little part time projects because I can't turn off my head. So I get it.

There are so many things I'm happy to do, until recently, none of them provided any income though so work was such a painful distraction but I'm slowly finding ways to make it all work. Steemit could solve everything if I do well enough here but only time will tell. I'm already treating it like a full time job though, it's fun and I don't feel like it's indulgent fun, I feel it has an impact

Nice stumbling upon your posts @whatamidoing Upvoted and followed!
It seems you have a talent for writing.I am sure you will thrive here at the steemit community.
Looking forward to reading more of your posts. My blog at steemit is @digitree if you are curious!

Im quite happy with my progress here, it's nice to have people read your stuff, I Justin hope I get to the point where I get enough good resteems where my posts won't go overlooked as they do sometimes. I'll check you out

Be happy to have a day job!
I would be very happy if I could (be able to) work in real life!
However I could (and I really like to) improve some things in my life like my physical strenght and my English knowledge. But all of this depending on Steemit and the people on it! I hope someone will notice me.

I don't really have a day job. Working sucks haha, but yeah, at least I could do it if I wanted to. it's not easy for me though.

I followed you. I notice you. I'm not sure how much I can help but I will try :-D

other musician friends and a producer friend.

cough hello

Eh? Ah! I remember you said you play music! How did I forget that!

Upped & resteem my friend :)

I can see how much work & passion went into this.

Thanks Sam, I have passion for everything I do, even when I'm lazy about it X-D

Hope you can make it just because i really like your posts :) Stay awesom !

Always thanks for your support, sometimes we don't need to talk, I just feel happy to know you are in the whaleshares chat being fun and supportive to all the people in there <3

Wow, that is a lot of material, I'm interested to read your work and hope you'll achieve your goal! I'm following and supporting the little I can :-)

Any support is good support, big upvotes are nice, but knowing people read and appreciate is just as nice. I was writing to no one over at patreon.

I hope this platform will work better then all the other attempts , it seams after a while people focus more on the money makeing aspect then on the content. Good luck !

It's natural that people focus on the money making aspect because most of us are struggling or doing jobs we don't love. I'm just trying to focus on doing what I love while also inviting the money to flow to me if it can. I'm Trying to be as honest and transparent as possible. I would love to get rich on steemit but not if it stops being fun and meaningful.

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