
Yes of course it comes from the fact you have to break a big goal into smaller tasks, I enjoy doing that too, but I don't enjoy looking behind my back too much either, maybe just at the moment I made past that "little goal" I have a bit fun relaxing and doing calmer things, but I know I rapidly gotta get back to work in order to achieve the biggest things I want, as I said, I'm more into looking forward but sometimes of course you have to be happy about what you did until now too. But as I said I have limitless goals, the farthest I can go the better :D I don't think I would be happy if I ended up with 1 million, I would still want more and more :D I mean I enjoy little goals' success, but to make it even more valuable, I prefer to keep on capitalizing on what I just managed to do, I hate feeling like I'm stagnating or keeping in the same place that's all.

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