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RE: You achieved your goal, why are you still anxious and confused?

in #life7 years ago

your posts are always wise, good article ! By the way, I understand this way of thinking. That's why I'm setting up limitless goals for myself, I've always worked like that. So that I always have something to crave for, something to be motivated about, like when I learned a new language, I chose to keep on learning another one, and yet another one, now I can master about 10 languages, with programming languages, same thing ; you have to literally breathe and eat what you want to become, and if you are always wishing for more, that can make you happier whatever happens. That's my mentality, maybe some people need to settle and forget about goals. But I constantly need to feel I'm progressing towards a new stage


Thanks! I always prefer multiple smaller goals instead of one end goal. Achieving smaller goals give me more satisfaction and make me feel like I'm really progressing.

Yes of course it comes from the fact you have to break a big goal into smaller tasks, I enjoy doing that too, but I don't enjoy looking behind my back too much either, maybe just at the moment I made past that "little goal" I have a bit fun relaxing and doing calmer things, but I know I rapidly gotta get back to work in order to achieve the biggest things I want, as I said, I'm more into looking forward but sometimes of course you have to be happy about what you did until now too. But as I said I have limitless goals, the farthest I can go the better :D I don't think I would be happy if I ended up with 1 million, I would still want more and more :D I mean I enjoy little goals' success, but to make it even more valuable, I prefer to keep on capitalizing on what I just managed to do, I hate feeling like I'm stagnating or keeping in the same place that's all.

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