Home Birth vs Hospital Birth

in #life7 years ago


My son was born in a hospital in Chile. My daughter was born at home in Idaho. The two experiences have almost nothing in common whatsoever and I am thankful for the drastically different perspectives!

Both births were natural and unmedicated, but my home birth was so much easier than my hospital birth. It was faster and more intense, definitely, but overall, it was so much better for me physically and mentally.


After 63 hours of labor at home trying to have a home birth with my son, we went to the hospital that was very close to our house. They told me to be quiet (I wasn't even that loud, and no woman wants to be hushed when she's having contractions!), they wouldn't let me sit up, they gave me an episiotomy when I asked to try without, and then they accused my son of having a breathing problem (which he absolutely didn't have), and kept him from me and gave him an iv without consent. 

Not nursing him for the first 24-36 hours made it really difficult to nurse him the first week and I believe added to the latch problem that I had, which led to bloody nipples and a ridiculously awful yeast infection in my milk ducts that lasted four months. I have to tell you, breastfeeding with mutilated nipples and a yeast infection hurt way more than having him. It was basically the worst pain I have ever experienced and it was at least six times a day that I felt the pain. My son looked like a hungry piranha whenever he was ready to be fed.

Healing from an episiotomy was awful. I was in pain for weeks. 


My labor at home with my little girl was short, but very intense. She came quickly and I didn't tear. Healing naturally without stitches for an unnecessary, inflicted cut is WAY easier. I expected there to be more pain and discomfort based on my hospital experience, but after the first 24 hours, I was just sore.  

My daughter was with me immediately after birth at home. She wasn't whisked away where I didn't know where she was or what was happening to her. She latched on to eat perfectly and she slept peacefully with us that night. It was so beautiful!

I would highly recommend having a birth in the comfort of your own home. I had competent, experienced midwives that took care of me and were prepared for emergency hospital transfer if that became necessary. They were really hands off, not doing anything invasive. It was intimate and relaxed. We went to bed at a good time, we weren't exhausted, and we didn't have to worry about where our baby was; she was right with us. 


I don't regret my hospital experience because I know everything happened the way it was meant to, and I am so thankful for my beautiful home birth experience!



very nice post upvoted thanks for your order

I would imagine the hospital environment to be traumatic for the baby: all those bright lights must not be very comforting for the baby opening it's eyes for the fist time.

A home setting seems much more appropriate.


Thank you for sharing this. There are few if ANY parts of life more important that child birth!

I am such a huge advocate of natural and ideally home birth. I am blessed to have witnessed MANY and also had ALL of my children at home without any midwifes or outside influence of ANY kind.

I am well aware of the many stresses, dangers, costs and limitations of hospital birth and am grateful that I have not had to be there.

Blessings and gratitude∞§∞

I agree with you! Birth is so important and beautiful! I am so thankful for the freedom I had having a baby in my home. 😊

How wonderful for your family to have had all your children at home! Beautiful! 😊

I am saddened when friends choose a hospital birth; they are totally missing out!

Blessings to you as well!

Yes. I educate everyone that is open to it on these important matters. Thanks for speaking about it here.

Congratulations and Blessings~*~

Natural is the only way to go! I am so glad that the experience with your daughter was so much better. Hospitals are for sick people. Having a baby is not an illness.

I completely agree!

I had three c section, not my choice. I envy you..

So sorry. But that doesn't make you any less of a mother. Perhaps more so because you had to have surgery. That puts a whole new spin on things. My sister had two c sections and I was with her both times.

First time, my wather broke and contractions started a few hours later. They lasted for 12 hours, and after all that, when doctor said that he must do the c section I started to cry. I never thought ig could hapen to me. Always wanted to be natural birth. But, I have three beautiful and healty little girls. That is all that matters!

Having three wonderful and healthy daughters is truly a blessing no matter how they arrived.

Such a wonderful experience. I just wrote about it too. I had all four of mine at home in the water. Honestly not having to drive anywhere is a big part of the awesome for me. I was able to get in my tub and my bed. All around wonderfulness. I almost had my last one on my own. My husband barely made it. The midwife just missed it.

How awesome! Good job, Mama! 😊

great post .. whoever took that photo of the woman holding her baby did a fantastic job. Great that you were able to home birth.

Thank you! It was a blessing!

My friend did the home birth and called me right after .. glad it all worked out .. those that birth underwater is interesting too.

That's great for your friend!

63 hours in labour is really long time. So episiotomy to fasten the delivery was justifiable. Are you sure your child wasn't in distress? That much longer time! There might be meconium stained Amniotic fluid and he might be in respiratory distress.
Home delivery is definitely appreciated if condition allow. Your daughter was a second birth. First delivery usually takes longer time. That's why may be second delivery was much faster than first one.

My son was fine, even though it was a long labor. In my situation an episiotomy was not proven to be necessary, only convenient for hospital staff.

So sorry you had problems with your first birth. It's hard to beat the natural way if you have adequate back up if problems present.

Exactly! 😊

I can't comment on this but I do want to sayI have GREAT respect for women because they bring life on this planet.

Your respect is appreciated. 😊

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