It’s New Year’s Eve, my wife is in the kitchen cooking up a storm, we have friends coming over, and then we’re going to hit the town!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

The big plan is to still be awake at midnight.

When you get to my age it’s a laudable goal, that I quite often don’t achieve.

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I’m not really one for New Year’s resolutions. They always seem a bit, well… fake, to me.

But I do have some goals for 2017 (one of them is to not become a celebrity and die) as I think this is going to be a very big year.

Starting tomorrow, the 1st of January, I’ll be entering @dragosroua’s 30 day writing challenge. I’ll be writing a post each day and submitting it to the challenge.

I’ll need something to write about.

Well, as it so happens, I’ve just finished reading Dragos Roua’s book – Running for my life, and that has inspired me to get my running shoes out of the closet and go running again, and aim to complete a marathon.

So that’s what I’ll write about - the trials and tribulations of training for insanity.

My first training run is also tomorrow and I’ve set myself a course. It’s about 21 kilometres in length. No point starting with a faint heart. (you can tell this is going to end badly can’t you?)

The 1st of January is also when my new website goes live. My goal for 2016 was to get it done, and done it is. (as of yesterday)

I also plan to publish my second book – Sniper meets assassin.

Sniper meets assassin
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I'm planning on putting it up on amazon in the first half of the year. So keep an eye out for that.

I’m getting more and more interested in Bitcoin and crypto currencies, thanks to Steemit. So from tomorrow I’ll get a Bitcoin wallet and look at ways I can fill it.

That’s about it in terms of goals for this New Year.

The biggest challenges will be the marathon(s). (Yes, I have two of them in mind. Is there no end to this man's insanity?) But I love a good challenge, and even if my body is not up to the task, it’s still worth having a crack at it, if only to find out.

So what’s your plan for 2017?

World domination?
Fame, fortune?
Or are you planning to start an otter sanctuary with fun slides and waterfalls and things every red blooded otter would love?
happy otter
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World domination?
Fame, fortune?
Or are you planning to start an otter sanctuary with fun slides and waterfalls and things every red blooded otter would love?

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. Both
  4. Not sure yet!

Not keen on your prophecy for yourself:

you can tell this is going to end badly can’t you?

How about a short run on the first day? and build up to the 21km?
My fitness goal is to walk 20-30 mins every day and build up to working out in our home gym 3 times a week.

I think he means the night will end badly!

if the night ends badly, a 21km will definitely be out of the question tomorrow then!

That is for sure.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you also. I've just woken up from mine hehehe.

Lol. Best of luck with the run - I don't think I could do that!

haha the run won't be happening today. We have gale force winds and rain for New Years day.
So the run will have to happen another day I think.
That leaves me today to blog a bit and write a bit and investigate crypto wallets.
Do you have any recommendations?

For crypto wallets? I think the best all round one is supposed to be Jaxx.

Cool. Thanks for that I'll check it out ;-)

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