Hot water heater is broken and I have been taking cold showers . . . I LOVE IT!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Last week the water heater went out, forcing me to take only cold showers and it has been the best thing that could have ever happened! When I knew I would have no hot water for at least 5 days, due to waiting for a hot water heater part, I was a bit freaked out and felt like I was on the set of Survivor - but I sucked it up and turned it into something amazing! I went to Google to find out how to take a cold shower and what I found made me excited to challenge myself and get started. There are a lot of people that have experimented with taking cold showers for extended periods of time, listing multiple health benefits and life changing results. Medical journals point to cold showers being good for our health and a weapon against ailments like depression, cancer, inflammation, low energy, poor circulation and much more. This guy, Phil Drolt, inspired me the most to begin this challenge.

Enhances mood - cold showers are definitely an energy jolt, with that jolt comes an overall better mood. Scientifically, noradrenaline secretion in the brain is stimulated which is connected to lower rates of depression. It can possibly treat depression.

Boosts testosterone and increases fertility - Sperm counts decrease when the temperature of a man’s testes increases, so much so that decades ago hot baths were utilized for contraception. Testosterone also increases during the shower and can continue at higher levels throughout the day.

Beautiful Hair & Skin - hot showers are drying to the skin and hair. Cold showers are the opposite, they leave your pores closed, your skin retains moisture, and your cells are awakened.

Boosts immune system & speeds up metabolism - cold water makes you shiver which activates your immune system, and by forcing the body to regulate its temperature the metabolic rate increases and you burn immediate calories.

Reduces inflammation - cold showers reduce inflammation in the dermal layer of the body. It regulates your internal temperature, often used after strenuous exercise to cool the body down. Elite athletes have been known to take ice baths to soothe muscles.

Katherine Hepburn is also known for taking cold showers into her 80’s. She treasured it as a method to stay healthy, as well she attributed it to her beautiful skin and hair. When asked about cold showers she is quoted as simply saying "Exhilarating!" She is also known to say that it builds character.

My Dr. Who shower curtain! My bathroom is so tiny that this is all I could get of it!

Take it slow is the key. Don’t turn on the cold water and jump right in, it will be too shocking. I experimented a bit at first then thought about how controlling the temperature of your extremities can work to control the temperature in the rest of your body. One of the main things you should focus on is your breathing, keep it steady and try to relax.
Here is what I do:

  1. turn the shower on and stand outside of the shower, thinking that you can do it - haha.
  2. put one foot under the cold water and let it get used to it and then climb in the shower WITHOUT getting anymore cold water on you.
  3. get the other foot under the water and get it used to it.
  4. put both hands in the cold water stream and then start to move the water up your arms.
  5. get your stomach and torso wet with your hands (Note: you should not be under the water yet)
  6. put your face under the water stream and get the entire front of your body under the stream.
  7. next, turn around. WARNING, your back has so many nerve endings so this is going to be COLD, and really cold. Just do it and stand there letting it hit your back. It is going to feel like needles and shocking but just do it.
  8. Take a full shower now. Staying in longer does not increase the benefits. You just need a good 5 minutes.

Incredible! The most interesting thing is that I have taken a hot shower but I don’t like the effects it has on my body and mood afterwards. I find myself craving a cold shower and am no longer afraid of it. After 5 days I was able to take longer and longer showers. I have noticed silkier hair, better mood, full rest after only 5-6 hours of sleep, better nails, smoother skin, and much more energy. I am hooked and will incorporate cold showers into my life forever. Thank you broken hot water heater!

US National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health
Scientific Evidence-Based Effects of Hydrotherapy on Various Systems of the Body
Adapted cold shower as a potential treatment for depression.
Possible stimulation of anti-tumor immunity using repeated cold stress: a hypothesis.


Alright, ALRIGHT! I will start taking cold showers. Too many people in my life have been suggesting this lately, so what the hell. It can't kill me right? Or can it?? lol

Starting tomorrow morning... A 7 DAY COLD WATER CHALLENGE!

If I don't reply back here tomorrow with a follow-up, I'll send you $5 SD as a penalty wussed-out fee =P


So glad you are going to try this. I wish you the best of luck!

I did it and it was pretty awesome!

Sent you $5 SD anyways for the motivation to do it =)

Love it @tinyhomeliving. I need to start doing this again. I have always washed my hair in cold water only, and stand by it as the best natural conditioner ever. But during the icy cold winter months here I am too nervous to take the full plunge. Going to try it tonight :)

Yes, winter will be tricky but I am going for it. Hopefully by that time I am used to it enough that it won't matter. Thanks for reading and good luck with the shower!

I'm going to try this. I've read about the benefits of a cold blast to end a shower, especially after a workout. But this is next level.

Thanks for reading and good luck trying it out!

LOL. I can appreciate this post. My water heater went out a little over a year ago and I've been taking cold showers since.

Interesting... might have to try it.

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