Scared to follow your dreams? - Welcome to the club!

in #life6 years ago (edited)
Have difficulty waking up in the morning? Going to work seems hellish, as if it is some sort of punishment?

Do most of your nights end with you falling asleep in front of TV with an empty wine bottle or an empty six pack? Do you feel like that there has to be more to life than this banality, this routine? If so, you my friend, just like thousands of us stuck in a job you hate, or a career field that you do not want to go on with, but are still going on because you are scared to follow your dreams!

It makes a lot of sense to be scared to leave a sure thing, a proper job, looking for some passion, some job, some life that might or might not be realistic. There are many things that can go wrong. In fact recently I read this book which gives 100 reasons to panic about following your dreams, but at the same time, it gives a counter statement. For example, "what if you go broke?" but then at the same time "what if you go filthy rich?"

It was a fun read. For sure, shit tons of things can go wrong, but would you rather be in dead end job and lead a boring life than embark on this adventure where at least follow your passion, your dreams! Another big problem that most people of my age (24) face is that we do not know what we wan to do with our lives. To follow our passion, one needs to know what it even is that they love. This seems to be one of he causes of depression and anxiety as well in the youngsters today, but over time I have realized that it is okay if you do no know right at this moment as to what you want to do with your life or what your passion is. You are young, and it will not take long until you stumble over your true calling. Just be patient and do not shy away from paying your dues. Know that you are not an exception and there really aren't any shortcuts.

One way to know about your passion is having a brain dump sort of. What you need to do is take a pen and paper and write down all the things that you love doing and enjoy. Then, make a vision board of things that you would like to attain over say, the course of upcoming five years. Now, try to see what all you can do from the list of "things you love to do", to get the things off of your vision board. That is a start right there!

Do not be afraid to start over, I know it feels like jumping off of a cliff not knowing if your backpack has a parachute or is it just empty with a bunch of rocks in it. But, it is wort a shot, we only live once you know. It is a short life and we have got to make it the best life to the best of our abilities.

"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe."

-Gail Devers

Image by Pexels
Written by @things, 2018. All rights reserved.


very Well Written!

Love to read this Quote
"Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe."

Thank you :-)

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Oh I hear what you’re saying!! Some days all I want to do is pack it in. I think a lot of it comes down to how serious you are about chasing your dream, the effort you’re willing to put in constantly and taking calculated risks rather than off the cuff ones. Thanks for sharing and reminding us how important it is to do what you love :)

You are very welcome! I think we generally only realize importance of following our passion when we are stuck in a hellish life, a career which screams pain.

Following your dreams is the best thing you can do with your life. When you think about it, what have you got to lose?
Yes, you might not succeed right away, but another name for failure is learning, so the next time you try you'll be better off. The secret is to keep trying.
Yes, you might not be as well-off if you follow your dreams. For many people, this means doing something creative, which often doesn't pay well (at first!), but surely you can handle a slightly lower quality of life if you're doing something you love with your time? Move into a smaller place. Move back home. Get a flatmate. Whatever it takes! You can make it work if you're determined.
I once read an article where people on their deathbeds talked about their biggest regrets in life. Number one was working too hard on a job they didn't believe in and not taking the time to pursue the things they loved.

We only get to live once. Make it count!

I totally agree with you, and regret is the worst thing that'll ever happen to someone. I have felt a lot of regret in my life regarding my childhood. I wish I went out to play more with the other kids, I wish I wasn't so hard on myself growing up regarding my career. Countless hours spent under my study lamp already from the age 13. Something that wasn't really necessary. I forgot to enjoy my childhood. I do not want to have the same regret in my old age. Nobody should have to go through this and so it is better that you die trying than live having given up!

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