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RE: Anniversary on a Motorcycle Part Two "Anna's Falls"

in #life7 years ago

When the Reborn movie starts happening, the location scouts will need a link to this post. ;)
It really does look like a charming place, and all of that water falling everywhere must have an effect on gravity, space-time, and imagination. Thanks for taking lots of pictures while you were there.


Now that is something I may just decide to dream into great would that be?
I'm glad I did, it's gorgeous right now after the winter thaw.
Oh, Howie wanted me to recommend a book to you The Science of Getting Rich by W Wattles. Actually I have the pdf open, I'm going to read it myself. Obviously it's not speaking about monetary things ;)

I would say that it's not ONLY about monetary things. More about how to be open to anything we desire / deserve. That does include fiat currency, or rather the freedom that it represents. The freedom to be our most complete self.

That was a good thing to clarify, because I realized after I said it, I haven't yet read it. I was just going by what Howie said which was "It's not riches in the way that people think"

You should read what deb said, I wasn't quite on par with that description.

Definitely sounds interesting, I will have to check it out. The concepts sound familiar.

Actually, it would be fun if we both read it around the same time, I don't usually have many people I can discuss the things I read with. Though it will probably be a couple of days before I get to it. I am currently getting a book ready to publish. Yup. Self-publishing, going to be on Amazon, and no, not anything I've put on steemit. Actually, this book has an amusing back story.

Publishing a book! Ok I won't make you explain it all now, you must be busy enough. I do look forward to it, and it's back-story, and my signed copy, and, and...
That really is exciting, and let me know when you start reading the book about riches, I'll be glad to read along.

Whoops, hit post before I finished that. Basically, it was an exercise. See at the time Harlequin was running a promotion for new writers, and I thought to myself, "Can I write a cheesy romance novel for the purpose of getting my foot in the door of the publishing world?" I decided that I could certainly give it a shot.

That does sound tricky, I'd probably add too much cheese if it was my task. But I like cheese.

Oh boy, did that back story freak you out? lol.

Haha no there was no notification, I just now saw the backstory! You're probably right, it's probably not my thing. I wouldn't be freaked out, I don't think, but yeah in high school I was pretty nerdy, even more than now, I wouldn't be able to relate much if the story has any realism in it.There was a sex scene in the paperback Godfather story, somehow me and my adolescent friends found that, and you could have found us snickering and lol'ing in the isles of the local bookstore a few times back then. Didn't take too long to get bored with reading about it, we were mostly just being 'bad' without getting in any real trouble.

Oh, I don't even think you would have to be nerdy in high school for this not to be your thing, I think you just have to be a guy, LOL.
And I completely understand what made us form a trio with nonames, it's the sense of humor. We may have other differences, but that we have in common....Come on, duck fat? I can't not laugh at a sign that says duck fat, especially when the article has nothing to do with it. hee hee.

I'll have to check out the duck fat.

Oh I don't mind explaining a bit, in fact I feel like I have to, ha. And actually I hit that damn post early again, I think I'm in chat mode right now. Anyway, I should clarify. Not just a cheesy romance, an erotic cheesy romance. It was around the time that fifty shades of grey was topping charts, so I guess they were capitalizing on that. But their criteria was the book length had to be between 160 and 200 pages. I wrote the rough draft in two weeks...and I hated it. Well, I liked the premise okay, and I really liked a few of my characters, but overall it was weak. I simply could not make it into what I wanted in under two hundred pages. So I chucked the idea of Harlequin and gave myself a new exercise. Could I turn this into something that I liked? Maybe not something I'd be super proud of exactly, but considering all of the "scenes" could I wrap a good enough story around it? So that's what I did. And I am not exaggerating by calling it erotica, though not fifty shades of grey bondage stuff lol. But fair warning, women are the target audience of this particular book, and if super descriptive sexual scenes make you uncomfortable, it is not for you. Also, it's set in senior year of high school. I forgot that part, I wrote an adult young adult book. I was going for something different, and I think I managed it...

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