Seeking Some Intelligent Advice: What Would YOU Do If You Were In OUR Crazy Situation??

in #life7 years ago (edited)

We Really Need Some Helpful Advice Here

We're facing eviction due to psychotic landlords and really need the advice, if you know how to deal with it. Thank you for your help. I've kept this as brief as possible, posting only as much info as necessary. I can't stand drama, and this is a bit over our heads. No experience with people who believe the unreality they're speaking to you. They believe it, so it sounds like truth.


I moved my family, to a location where my wife and I would be forming a company with two guys in a small town. These two said they had an investor for the company and that my wife and I would use our skills and experience to set up and operate it. The project was to create a drive-through coffee stop and hostel. My wife and I have many, many years of customer service skills. We both have food service skills, my wife is an exceptional manager and we're both skilled at creating efficient processes.

These Were the Verbally Agreed Upon Personal Terms:

  • A safe and stable living environment for my family
  • All rent and utilities would be paid
  • Internet would be provided, so that my child could continue homeschooling
  • I would be allowed to grow my medicine (A 20%+ CBD strain with no inebriating qualities)
  • I would be supplied with as much cannabis as I needed until I could supply myself with my own garden

All of these were non-negotiable points. I made sure, multiple times, that each point would be covered more than adequately. I was assured repeatedly these terms would be easy for them to meet.

These Were the Verbally Agreed Upon Business Terms:

  • We would form a company as partners, they with their skills, the investor with their money, and my wife and I with our skills and sweat equity
  • My wife and I would help clean up and set up the coffee stop
  • My wife and I would provide the man hours for the coffee stop initially
  • My wife and I would create and document the management and processes for the stop
  • My wife and I would train employees once the stop was up and running well
  • My wife and I would move on, back to our original home, after about a year of time (Either selling our share of the company or remaining a silent partner)

It Has Now Been Almost 6 Months And No Coffee Stop!!

  • A safe and stable living environment for my family
    -- The apartment is toxic
    -- These people are delusional and anything but stable
    --- They admitted to having large amounts of mushrooms and act like they've been using them a LOT the last 5 months

  • All rent and utilities would be paid
    -- They're asking for money to pay the utilities
    -- We had to sign a lease showing we would log work hours to pay the $1500/mo

  • Internet would be provided, so that my child could continue homeschooling
    -- My child was a month behind in school, by the time they hooked up internet access

  • I would be allowed to grow my medicine (A 20%+ CBD strain with no inebriating qualities)
    -- They told me in the first 2 weeks I could not plug in my main grow light
    -- They're expecting some kind of payment (they're hoping in cannabis) to offset the light bill they agreed to pay

  • I would be supplied with as much cannabis as I needed until I could supply myself with my own garden
    -- The quality was disgusting
    -- The strains supplied were mentally handicapping (My medicine is non-inebriating)
    -- It seemed as if they were keeping track of how much they supplied me, as if they were expecting to get paid back when I harvested??

  • We would form a company as partners, they with their skills, the investor with their money, and my wife and I with our skills and sweat equity
    -- They already have some quasi-socialistic/co-op/cult/thingy going on and they wanted us to sign our property over to it?

  • My wife and I would help clean up and set up the coffee stop
    -- The Building is TOXIC. Clean up cannot proceed while people are living in the attached apartment portion.

  • My wife and I would provide the man hours for the coffee stop initially
    -- Where is the coffee stop?

  • My wife and I would create and document the management and processes for the stop
    -- We (since we're not interested in joining the cult) are only employees, and therefore have no say in the management. In fact, we were not consulted when funding for the coffee stop was diverted to a completely different venture. Low quality t-shirts with IP infringing graphic work anyone? (Seriously...)

  • My wife and I would train employees once the stop was up and running well
    -- Where is the Coffee Stop?

  • My wife and I would move on, back to our original home, after about a year of time (Either selling our share of the company or remaining a silent partner)
    -- They quit talking to me about their socialistic/cult/thingy, because I bring up facts which irritate them. They believe my wife's silence is somehow agreement? We're sure they're still under the impression they can talk us, or at least my wife, in to joining their sad little group.

We Have ONE Contract Signed With Them and It's a Lease

In the lease it states the rent is $1500/mo for the 3-bedroom apt, with utilities included. We've since discovered this is about $500 higher than the surrounding area. The lease states we're trading work on the coffee stop, to pay the $1500/mo.

This is the only signed contract we have with them. Without work from them, we would owe money. Since they are unable to supply clean up resources, nor are they able to move us out of this toxic apartment, we verbally agreed to promote their coffee stop. We literally used our own phone service and bills money, to build and stock a makeshift coffee stand. We have been trading 5 hours a day working the stand, as work on the coffee stop. Advertising for the "Company," letting people know a coffee stop is coming.

Again, we made absolutely sure before we started, we would be able to apply these hours toward the lease. Included in the discussion was how the stand would be generic, because (though it was our stand) we were using it to promote "Their" coffee stop.

We've been working the stand 30 hours a week. 5hrs a day, 6 days a week. The locals are delighted to hear a coffee stop is going in. We even printed up generic business cards, to help spread the word.

The stand does very little business, unless you cound the smiles, waves and other happy responses from the area. People love receiving a genuine smile, directed at them personally.

Two Days Ago, They Started Eviction Procedures

Wait... What??!!?? Yes, they started eviction proceedings. We turned in our work logs and they are suddenly saying they never agreed to count the coffee stand hours. They want to come by on Tuesday and "Catalog" the building.

We KNOW We're in the Right and Have Logs

and documentation to prove it. What we don't have (and this is something we'll be strongly avoiding in the future) are written agreements for the verbal ones which have been broken.

Would You Consider the Verbal Contracts Still Valid?

Why, or Why Not?

We consider ourselves fortunate we're only experiencing mild symptoms of PTSD, paranoia, extreme frustration, beginning health issues and a little dispair at times. We feel VERY sorry for these people, they apparently have zero awareness of how deep their delusions go. :( They literally believe they're on a mission from god, a mission which was given to them when they were hallucinating on mushrooms or something. (Seriously!!??)

What Would YOU Do???

A Couple Photos

The Furnace Air Filters Which Need Changed

At least the "REALLY" big particles are out of the air now. When the kid isn't running around, kicking it up out of the carpets. It pains me to tell my daughter that she cannot run and jump around the house because of the amount of dust she kicks up. She is a kid and should be able to play! Look at the layer of crud on this filter, and it's only been there for around 3 months.

I can't imagine what my filter for the grow looks like. It has a 6" fan pulling air through it 24/7. So glad I filter the air for my grows. These would be some seriously contaminated meds this time around.

The Furnace in the Bedroom Closet

No fresh air inlet. We had low oxygen issues and yellow flames on the stove before we figured out the issue. Now we're minus a full bedroom in the apartment.

The Coffee Stand We Run 6 Days a Week! :D

I carry it out in the morning to the highway, about 40 feet. lol I bring it back in at noon. I spend anywhere from 2 and a half to 5 hours a day at the stand. I dance with headphones, wave to people and share genuine smiles with them. My wife trades out with me when she can and does the same. Though they don't stop much, the people love the smiles and waves and happiness we're sharing.

People around here have noticed a difference in attitude in the area, and taken the time to let us know about it. :) The most notable example was the guy who turned around a few minutes down the road. He drove up, got out and wanted to shake my hand. He didn't want anything from the stand, he just wanted to thank me for completely changing his day. Giving genuine smiles is very gratifying, everyone should do it daily. :) Trucks and cars honk when they go by now, even when we're not open now. LOL

If there was a place I could cash in the smiles and waves we get, we'd be stupidly rich right now. LOL :D As it is, I've been using the time to complete thoughts on various subjects. (Many of you know what it's like to be a parent. lol) I've been working on converting my cultivation experience and information into consulting/teaching materials. The world needs more superior quality cannabis in it, I assure you. :)

What Would YOU Do??

Thank you for any advice, it's going to get a bit bumpy. Our main concern is maintaining the safety of our family, while finding a way to end this in a good way. We've already begun harvesting my medicine early, which I consider a crime itself. You can see it beginning over here.

Go BE Awesome!!



I mean, I understand how to operate with these people moving forward. It's what's happened to this point which is causing the issue. Have you been in a similar situation? How did you find out they were delusional?

I personally would get out now. Toxic people and toxic mold. Start thinking about your exit strategy now

Appreciate it. Yes, we're pretty sure there's black mold. We've had memory issues since we arrived here. Just amazing we've been able to function through it all. Green tea extract has been helping a lot, though we're looking forward to not having to use it.

The wife mentioned today how fortunate it is we've been working on our relationship for 15+ years. This experience would have torn us apart back when we met. Wow...

What a terrible situation. We are suffering a somewhat similar experience. We moved to Oregon from Hawaii and partnered with a couple we had known for years. They owned a dispensary and we agreed to be producers. The verbal agreement was we would split the expenses 50/50 and and profit 50/50, they would sell all the medicine we grew at their dispensary. Our first harvest was 100lbs of high quality cannabis grown with the House and Garden fert line ( one of the best and very expensive) Just the two of us, we worked 7 days a week. They happily took the meds and owed us 80k. We never saw it. They gave us 5k here and there saying they were broke. Meanwhile opening a garden store and paying 50k for stock. Because we had been “friends” we trusted them and continued to produce. The bills for a 50 thousand watt grow are staggering but still we continued. We refused to cut quality and so spent our savings on expenses. This went on for a year and a half with animosity and debt ( both ours and their debt to us) growing. We finally went broke and shut down after producing 300+ lbs of meds and only ever getting 90k total while they opened a second dispensary,new cars, paid for their elaborate wedding and honeymoon including her $25,000 dollar ring! The moral of the story Get A Written Contract or you will get screwed. Good luck friend. I wish I could help.

Fuckin' hell, they really took you for a ride. I'd get a written contract in the first place, but you live you learn.


We're definitely going to get written contracts from now on. wow... At least we have skills, yeah? :D

so I very liked your writings. thanks to @choosefreedom and @thecleangame

Thank you. :) Glad you did, and took the time to say so.

Hoping to make the world a better place, one post at a time. :D

Get out, mate and chalk it down to experience.

I had a similar situation ( I was single so not nearly as bad ).

I ran a hostel on my own, in LA for 3 years, on the promise of legal partnership and green card (which was the reason i did it).

3 years later, still not doing anything about it, and one extremely lucrative hostel business - with nothing in my name.

I walked away.

...the hostel went to shit.. ...woooohoooo!

Sounds Like Us

Only they didn't wait 3yrs to show us their true colors. The coffee stand is doing decently well. Would be doing great if we'd had financial control. We're happy to know we're competent and able to do what we say.

Working on our out while we wait to see what they do next. lol

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