DO Safety & Comfort Make People Act Selfishly?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Whats in your genes?

Our ancient ancestors lived lives where every step had to be taken with caution and clarity. Survival is delicious,when its earned. Living in a world of safety and comfort, our adventures often pale in comparison to everyday life for our not so distant past. In only a short period of time we regarded security and comfort over natural life. Our values shifted. We started to act and live selfishly. Our communities grew apart and the individual became lifted above the group or exalted above the crowd and became the idol. This is saddening. For years I have held angst in this area. The constant drive to try and find something that supported my ancient genetics. Family, food, water, music song and art. Dancing for life as not that its amazing or beautiful, but the depth and strength required and achieved when we overcome challenges together. It is said a man who is alone in the thick of the jungle will die, a group will survive.

I myself and guilty of this and recognize it. Awareness from the heart of the matter

The questions will come down to asking us, what are you willing to die for. When every step may lead to death, we start to respect and appreciate life on a deeper level, deeper than we have in a very long time. We have been able to overlook the richest parts of life by chasing careers, fame, fortune and self lifted ideals. We are not genetically created to live this way, and this peak will die off and collapse.

We often don't realize how much disconnect comes from us not helping or loving others. We focus on ourselves, while ignoring the power of the group. Say I decide to stop talking to a friend, there may have been in their life, sharing you're energies with others in theirs. When we cut this off, that energy movement of ourselves through others. From a real face to face value, starts to evaporate. We may have been affecting others life's through one person, we had no idea of...... Now its not just one person I have cut out of my close energetic felid. its many. It seems our globe has done this. We have forgotten the importance and the love for the difficulty of survival of those 10-50 people that we connect and work with daily. Over many many years we grew together.We worked together, bathed, fed and lived and died together. We would have parished as individuals otherwise. We thrived as a group, as a community. This is the only way we can move forward now. Let go of the individual elitism to empower the whole. It may be a choice you can make today as an opportunity, or the likely future that if we dont.We will be forced by nature to rediscover these values.

There are many stories of this in wars, where humans have a certain nostalgia for the hard times. Humans were forced to ban together and co operate. Regardless of class or creed. We focused on survival as a whole, not as our selfish behaviors. We grew to favour alturism and self sacrifice. The group more important than the individual. This seems to be lost now but these adaptive values are deep seated in nature. Spirit cries on certain days, missing our ancient connections of gathering, hunting and learning to sacrifice together. A life full of sacrifice but met with a greater appreciation for each step of the way..... Are you chasing something, it feels I have been for years, a deeper connection to our genetics in survival. These ancient ways we learned to survive, the strongest of these genetics adapting and moving through all the children who came afterwards.

What can Men and Women learn from Mice?

There are many studies that prove this in animals, when they are given everything they need and more, they become stagnant and complacent creatures. Our lives have been handed to some of us on a silver platter while others came up through blood, shit and sweat to find a place of opening. Here is a quote from their experiments

*In 1950, an American ethologist named John Calhoun created a series of experiments to test the effects of overpopulation on the behaviour of social animals. The animals which Calhoun chose for his experiments where mice (and later on rats). He chose rodents as these reproduce rapidly thus allowing him to observe the development of several generations of mice in a relatively short space of time.

Calhoun and his researchers found that in a space-limited/resource unlimited environment, the population of mice would explode; peak-out and then collapse to extinction. This test was replicated several times and it was found that these led to the same outcome each time. The reason for this phenomenon was found to derived from social decay which worsened with each generation. The social decay led to unrest in the environment, which in turn led to sub replacement fertility. It was concluded that nature has a limit in which social animals can interact.

Newer generations born in the now dysfunctional mouse utopia became withdrawn, spending their days grooming obsessively and dedicating their time solely to eating , drinking and sleeping. This generation, for all the emphasis they placed on grooming, would not reproduce. Moreover, these mice were noted to be unintelligent compared to previous generations.*

Men and women have lost touch with their natural strengths and a divergence has occurred.

I have lived many great experiences in life, from travel to business, music and love; yet everyday, its the struggles that give beauty to the moments. When we do finally find peace.We will miss the chaos, the connection brought about by our tribal ancestors, their will to survive and reproduce inside of us. Instead we live constantly in comfort as our society slips into complacency.

Where will this take us?
Where do those behavioral sinks stop ?
What are the catalysts we might see in our own society that lead to this type of societal collapse?

These are questions I have been asking myself due to some recent events in life. Its challenging to try and reconnect with the ancient ideas. When the whole world is chasing a dying dream. Or at least it seems.

We find in times of war, people miss the connections they had when survival was of the utmost importance, we let go, and work together to live and survive. The moments of war or catastrophe brought people closer together than ever before. Katrina, we see the same thing, the community misses that time. How much they learned to rely and respect each other for their qualities that aloud them all to survive together. How will we find this together as a global community. That deeper respect for our ancient heritage and DNA.

Arcane Conclusion

We are at a very interesting point in society. We crave the deeper connection to our ancient genetics. Our relationship with nature and breath. Its difficult to sit still enough to hear these subtle words, but we are listening and acting. There are many stories of colonist that end up living with natives and indigenous and never want to go back. They enjoy that tribal feeling, of working together, having real purpose in life. When art comes alive because everyday you are so grateful, just to have survived. We are growing to a place where these genetics are once again sparked into action. We rediscover our ability to work together and praise relationships and groups over the ideals of our individual selfs. For the benefit of all. Grateful for everything. We grew up with challenges and although we have had moments that bring us down. We get back up, brush our selves off.

Find our common voice takes only recognizing we are created from the same vibrations and can expect the same from everyone.
Here is Bobby Meccferrin proving this point beautifully at the World Science Fair. When we find our voice together, we can learn to expect more from one another, instead of less.

Just some thoughts.
Thank you for following along the Arcane Bear.

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I've known about Mouse Utopia for quite some time.
I've drawn a different conclusion from it.

It seems to me that crowding is the problem. Once Dunbar's number is exceeded then we go insane.
It's not too few people that is the's too many in too confined of a space.

Our wetware is hardwired for clans...

Hmm yes, I live out in the jungle, not surrounded by many. I choose this for a reason. I agree, space was the issue, although, two things, we live in an infinite universe. Even though the globe is a finite resource we can easily imagine the infinite of energy in the world around us. Perhaps the collapse is just what people need to remind them? An ice age, lack of food and lack of jsut in time system would set that off relatively quickly. Seeing as space in cities is limited, and also where we see more of the dramatic effects on the social strain. Working together to recognize our older ideals can help, but it may well take very hard times, like we see highlighted in many times before, of a global scale. Also using our creativity to top off our survival skills, we may come out with a solution beyond all of our imaginations if we dont destroy it all and fail to support each other when the times come.

Ah..but what about VR?
Virtual reality changes everything.
People could live physically in tiny, tiny spaces...perhaps as small as a coffin?
Yet their minds could roam infinity...fooling the wetware..

Hmmm, yes, but I believe we will remember that if you love, nuture, educate and instill critical thinking in young children. WE are already super human and capabale of things we still canoot imagine. yet something it seems must occur to shake that. Although i see a vast movement in tech too I would imagine we will be flying to other worlds instead of creating video games, given a much larger source of energy, power. Can we handle all that, perhaps not yet, but a nice test of the human condition might be jsut what the doctors ordered to help shake off all the rust on those advanced machines they call bodies.

or perhaps we'll live in video games.
fermi's paradox?

or maybe we already do?! haha

yup...some folks think the matrix might be a real deal
re-interpret the bible.
In the beginning was the word...suppose the word was written in Lisp or some other programming language?

(note: imagine trying to explain the blockchain to a person living in the stone age?)

I posted this yesterday...somewhat related..

Well a word is vibration of sounds and symbol. I think cymatics shows this idea beautifully.. we will likely explode when we dive into these metaphysics of science

I would rather build a business than buy a video game. Realized that the other day, almost wanted to get a playstation to stay amused out here. Than just started working harder on some other business instead haha

why not do both? Second Life or SteemFiles.

haha a consciousness hardfork

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Thank you for this thoughtful post. It reminds me of the basic tenants of my teacher, Jeffrey Wolf Green who speaks of the dual desires of the the Soul: one to separate from source and the other to return to source. Each soul incarnation is an enactment of this didactic dance between the dual desires of each unique Soul. And until each soul exhaustes all of its numerous separating desires, it cannot fully return to source. This is where we are as a species; exhausting our own unique separate desires.
We are at the end of of a cycle, the Kali Yuga. We are moving to age of Pluto (the Soul) into Aquarius. The new paradigm is taking form and the period just before birth is never easy.
Thank you for your heartfelt sharing and bringing forward those questions we all can resonate with at whatever level we are.

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