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RE: DO Safety & Comfort Make People Act Selfishly?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hmm yes, I live out in the jungle, not surrounded by many. I choose this for a reason. I agree, space was the issue, although, two things, we live in an infinite universe. Even though the globe is a finite resource we can easily imagine the infinite of energy in the world around us. Perhaps the collapse is just what people need to remind them? An ice age, lack of food and lack of jsut in time system would set that off relatively quickly. Seeing as space in cities is limited, and also where we see more of the dramatic effects on the social strain. Working together to recognize our older ideals can help, but it may well take very hard times, like we see highlighted in many times before, of a global scale. Also using our creativity to top off our survival skills, we may come out with a solution beyond all of our imaginations if we dont destroy it all and fail to support each other when the times come.


Ah..but what about VR?
Virtual reality changes everything.
People could live physically in tiny, tiny spaces...perhaps as small as a coffin?
Yet their minds could roam infinity...fooling the wetware..

Hmmm, yes, but I believe we will remember that if you love, nuture, educate and instill critical thinking in young children. WE are already super human and capabale of things we still canoot imagine. yet something it seems must occur to shake that. Although i see a vast movement in tech too I would imagine we will be flying to other worlds instead of creating video games, given a much larger source of energy, power. Can we handle all that, perhaps not yet, but a nice test of the human condition might be jsut what the doctors ordered to help shake off all the rust on those advanced machines they call bodies.

or perhaps we'll live in video games.
fermi's paradox?

or maybe we already do?! haha

yup...some folks think the matrix might be a real deal
re-interpret the bible.
In the beginning was the word...suppose the word was written in Lisp or some other programming language?

(note: imagine trying to explain the blockchain to a person living in the stone age?)

I posted this yesterday...somewhat related..

Well a word is vibration of sounds and symbol. I think cymatics shows this idea beautifully.. we will likely explode when we dive into these metaphysics of science

which word?
the spoken word , the written word, or one which is only thought.

I would rather build a business than buy a video game. Realized that the other day, almost wanted to get a playstation to stay amused out here. Than just started working harder on some other business instead haha

why not do both? Second Life or SteemFiles.

haha a consciousness hardfork

what would you call multiple personalilties?

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