
I'm not sure one thing in particular made me stopped. It's a combination of events. I restarted running everyday so that took the place but I feel like it's not a good reason so that's why I'm planning on resuming the practice.

The benefits are insane. I use to record myself on an audio device after I would finish my breathing technique. I recorded a lot of nice thoughts that made it in my Steem posts. For this one reason its totally worth it.

Very cool! Yeah, I feel quite clear-headed and encouraged after doing the techniques which I think does contribute to creativity and idea-sharing.

I would probably get back into daily running if I could, but my left ankle has been giving me problems (an old pole vaulting injury is acting up). I'm hoping I can give it plenty of time (many months) of rest and then slowly work back into it. I like using the finger-toe minimalist shoes, but I may have to get some really good running shoes if I want to get back into it. I've heard elliptical runners are a good way to go, but I also had a friend jokingly mention how they've never seen anyone in shape actually use one of those. Might have a point there. Heheh.

Thanks for replying.

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