bitcoin bounce, steem is up: but it’s never good seeing your daughter cry

in #life6 years ago

Today was an easy, uplifting and then slightly hard early evening.

It started out pretty good, we woke up and my daughter arrived after getting dropped down by mum before work, we grabbed our stuff and headed out to catch a bus, once in town had breakfast together.

dayle was still feeling pretty rough with cough and cold and just general ill feeling to want to go swimming so me and Bella went alone — she loves to swim and I kinda like it for the deep sleep I get to have after it, I know it does me good and I had picked up this week health wise I feel.

During the day while we were out we saw that bitcoin was heading up and seeing steem also get over $2 was nice, I like it when steem is at least over two bucks as it makes the steem feel a bit more real and valued, it’s still undervalued in my eyes but let’s see where we are by the end of the year.

After my nap we had dayle’s delicious chicken soup together and then it was just after five when mum said she was on the way.

Bella got on her boots and gave dayle the biggest hug, lots of love was shared in that moment and I think it was the realisation that dayle would be leaving again to go back home which obviously upset Bella, she turned to me, buried her head in my chested and started to cry — I could see that dayle was tearful too - love when it’s real runs deep right?

After poppet was leaving we walked and talked before she got picked up, she’s going away with mum this weekend for a little mini holiday before she goes back to school on monday. She seems happy that’s she’s going away and I told her to just stay together with mum and family and I’ll pick her up from school next week.

When I got back to the van dayle was in bed and I could tell she was upset about it all, we talked about visas, future, and ended up looping around again about how the constrictions of all the system, paperwork, needing to have £18k as a sponsor and all kinds of stuff, it’s super misleading and super difficult to just share the same piece of space and land.

Next week is gonna be all kinds of weird but I feel like I need to unload all that stuff on vlog next week with @dtube maybe as daily vlogs because I know I have to up the frequency of everything because we are in the middle of the year and I need to have resources for the end of the year and travelling stateside to see dayle.

That means more video output, more courses, re-addressing the balance of stuff that is contained within this van, it’s a life shakeup and I have to run with it, not against it, I have to up the tempo.

Tomorrow we are packing and sorting, hopefully the weather will be ok and we can go for a saturday morning breakfast together.

We are ok but it’s starting to get real. .

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pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 (burton on trent) → sold to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado ripped up the town (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin south by southwest event → video chat with robert scoble from rackspace → music video can you spot me? → won the digital derry contest for 5k euros → crowdfunded digital signage concept called pi street → now living life through digital blockchains.


Tough sometimes. Get some good sleep and enjoy the time together tomorrow.

Hope youre well :-) Did you get to the meetup too ? Hows the running going?

I was ill on the day - v. disappointed and still can't find my way round buying steem 😱
Running is like:
(picture is from my coach!)
I've missed you - I need a bit of acerbic wit now and then 😎

Blame my Dad for dying the selfish git ;-) You coach is actually using his thumbs to show the distance that I can run without needing a fag and an oxygen tent lol

Hehe - see what I mean? Sharp as knives!

Ahh so sorry mate. The visa is an expensive nightmare, wife and I have been round in circles about it too...I mentioned in anothe post but check out the surindar singh loophole, you also mentioned you loved Bulgaria and you still have time...just have a read up mate.

no problem, it's life. reminders and memories. will read up, cheers! :)

amazing story, may you succeed, I like your post.

Life works in ups and downs like the crypto market but - if you do approach things with a positive mindset (and I feel @dayleeo and you are doing that) - there will be way more ups than downs. And it's all a matter of perspective anyway.

Your daughter crying definitely sounds like a sign of love.

Thanks for sharing this personal story and keep enjoying the small things, riding the waves of life ;>)

<3 Vincent

yep all about keepin the positive mindset. agreed!

It's sad, and I hope all feel better and happy again. I know your pain as I too am an American that wants to be in the UK more.

What is the £18k sponsor thing? I don't know that one?

Enjoy your time together and look forward to your trip stateside. :)

Oh, never mind, I know it's the silly thing that if UK citizen wants an non eu spouse they have to ear over 18,600 a year. I read about this. I heard about a couple (woman us man uk) who got married adn she still couldnt' live in UK as together they made over that amount but they could only count his income and it ws under by a few thousand. Silly. WHy do we have borders I thought we were supposed to be a global society, but it's only global for banks and armies, I guess :(

that's right and yes, it's a crazy world.

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