A Girl's bag of secrets !

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit Friends:


Today, I want to explore an interesting topic which might interest many of you! In one of my previous travel with me blogs, I was asked what I was carrying in my handbag - it looked like I was carrying bombs ! Of course, I knew it was just a joke but there is some degree of mystery over what it is girls carry in their handbags and so today I'm going to attempt to reveal some of our handbag secrets!

I'm a girl with quite a wide array of interests, so depending on what activity i'm embarking on, i'll choose an appropriate bag to take with me, from big to small. Below, let's take a look at my bags from small to large and uncover the secrets of what's inside!


In reality, a girls handbag will often carry more items than you might expect, and therefore implicitly weigh more than expected. Most of the items will be things we will use day to day. With so many different lifestyles, each girl will likely have some variety, and of course, it is down to the individual. However, all of the items serve a great purpose of giving us more security in getting through the day with less stress!

An example of an item we might carry to ease mental anxiety but may not use, is an umbrella. It might not rain, but we feel secure knowing that we have an umbrella in case it does rain. Another item might be a water bottle for the likely occurrence that we become thirsty throughout the day and be able to quench that thirst immediately without looking around to buy water. Other girls may bring band-aids and/or medicine. Even if not ill, it is a security measure that brings a sense of mental well-being and comfort. I'm no different, my bag is full of things that give me a sense of security. Let me take out the things in my bags and see what we have..

Below, I'll introduce each bag from the smallest to the largest



I use this small clutch bag the most when I'm attending an event with a formal setting, for instance, dinner at a nice restaurant or a classy bar, or even Karaoke. This bag is only slightly bigger than my hand so space is very limited, as such, I have to choose items which fulfil my need for security very wisely.

  • A few 100 CNY Note bills and Credit card are always a must

  • Red Lipstick is a must

Keeping up appearances is important. Having lipstick with me means that after eating dinner (and losing most of my applied lipstick), I can redo the lipstick again !

  • Spare Contact Lens

If i'm with friends at Karaoke all night, then i'll have a spare contact lens to use for the next day. It's not good for the eyes to keep the same pair on through out the night.

  • Rubber Band

Rubber band's to me are like a Swiss army knife. If you have long, then you'll know how annoying it is when you end up eating your own hair at dinner, especially when eating something like Ramen. Another annoyance is when you suddenly come across a gust of wind and then your hair blows over your face and you cannot see. When it's warmer, I tend to tie my hair up, not only does it help with avoiding some of the annoyances mentioned above, I also look a bit younger. A rubber band is small and doesn't take up much space at all so there really is no reason not to have one with you.

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  • Concealer

There are times when your face can give you some really undesirable marks, such as spots or heavy eye bags. Concealer is the perfect weapon against these nightmare scenarios. What girl wants a person talking to her whilst looking at her spots??

  • Comb

Hair is just one of those things that refuses to stay looking the way you want. But a comb can help with that throughout the night. I feel a lot better knowing I can at least brush my hair immediately after the wind destroys it !



This bag I would consider my first choice for going out to dinner, or visiting a museum. Let's see what extra's I can fit in this bag over the first one..

  • change pouch,spare contact lenses,brush/comb,lipstick,phone.

  • Small bottle of perfume

Some perfume can accentuate a ladies charm and appeal, but of course it is also respectful to others. Perfume is like any other make-up, it requires a top up every now and then.

  • Drivers license when I need to drive

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  • Hand Cream

There's a saying : A woman's hand is like her second face. It should be moisturised at regular intervals.

  • Powerbank Charger

As a Steemian, and a hooked one at that, my phone is constantly running out of battery. A powerbank is a life saver.

  • Notebook and Pen

This is really important for when i'm travelling and have some moments of inspiration that I need to jot down. It's also great for noting down things I want to share on Steemit!



  • Change pouch, Contact Lenses, Comb, Lipstick, Concealer, Phone, Perfume, Drivers license, Hand cream, Powerbank, notebook and pen

  • Little Snacks

A slightly bigger bag has some slightly bigger benefits. One is that you can almost fit the whole world inside (think Mary Poppins). As you know, I have quite an appetite so having a snack on hand is always good for that time when you need a mini bite before dinner.




  • Change pouch, Contact Lenses, Comb, Lipstick, Concealer, Phone, Perfume, Drivers license, Hand cream, Powerbank, notebook and pen

  • Card Holder / Wallet

    A card holder is a great way to organise the dozens of cards you might need, whether it's credit cards, debit cards, membership cards etc. I feel a lot more secure knowing that my cards are safe in one place and organised for easy access.



This bag isn't actually all that small, but i'm not the kind of person to fill my bag up to the brim. On this bag, the strap with the R has a natural draping effect which loses it's aesthetic if the bag is too full. The stripes on the bag give it a bit of a sporty look, perfect for an active day out shopping.

  • Change pouch, comb, lipstick, perfume, hand cream, powerbank



This is a really seasonal bag, I mostly use it in the Winter, it's colour works well with Christmas themes.

  • Change pouch, Contact Lenses, Comb, Lipstick, Concealer, Phone, Perfume, Drivers license, Hand cream, Powerbank, notebook and pen

  • Face Mask

In the winter, the central heating can make the air quite dry. Sometimes I like to bring a face mask with me to moisturise my skin when needed.



  • Change pouch, Contact Lenses, Comb, Lipstick, Concealer, Phone, Perfume, Drivers license, Hand cream, Powerbank, notebook and pen, face mask

From the leather texture of the bag, you can tell this bag is for formal occasions and it's style is like returning to the old days. It has quite a lot of room, so I can take all of the things I want, including all the things I mentioned above.

And that's it, the secret items a girl takes with her in her bag! After seeing so many bags and the items that go inside them, do you feel like you've learned a few secrets and also understood why girl's bags can be heavy?

Hope you you enjoyed my post, stay tuned for more interesting tidbits to come!

今天我想打开一个有趣的话题,之前在写Travel with me系列游记的时候,很多人都在问我,女生包包里到底装了什么东西,看起来很沉的样子,导弹吗?哈哈,开个玩笑,今天我就来解密一下女生包包里的秘密吧!

其实大部分的女生包包里都会装很多东西,变得很沉。其实女生包包里装的东西,通常都不是每件都会天天用到。当然啦,在茫茫人海中决定选择他们放心包里,必然有我们自己的原因拉。最大部分是心理的原因,因为这些装在包里的东西会给女生带来安全感,就比如虽然当天没有下雨,却还是把雨伞装进包里,有些女生天天出门带着水壶,因为在任何口渴得时候都第一时间可以喝到水。有些女生出门必定带创口贴和药,就算没有生病,但是这些东西为女生带来很强烈的安全感,我的包包里装的都是给我安全感的东西。现在我就把包包里的东西倒出来,给大家看一看。我拿这个包包的机会,大多是和朋友一起去吃一些很正式的晚餐的时候用,或是去酒吧,KTV。因为这是一个比手掌大一点的手包,所以装的东西非常有限,我就只能选择最让我有安全感的东西放在包里。几张百元的人民币和信用卡是必须的。口红也是不能缺少的, 在吃饭之后将掉色的嘴唇重新涂上口红,保持一个好的形象,对于女生很重要。隐形眼镜是备用, 如果和朋友唱KTV通宵,我会把隐形眼镜取下来,第二天早上换上新的,为了保护眼睛,隐形眼镜不能戴通宵。皮筋在我看来是万能的,如果你是长头发的女生你就会知道吃饭把头发吃进嘴里的痛苦滋味,尤其是吃日本拉面。更或者是被突然刮来的狂风吹得看不见脸。晚上出门头发容易被风吹乱,有梳子整理头发会放心一半。小瓶香水。香水可以增添女生的气质和魅力,也是对别人的尊敬。



this bags have no ending!

@sweetsssj .. a very very lovely post!
this post reminds me of my younger years
though I never wore make up I have almost the rest of your other stuff
and then some - too private to share wink wink :D

Haha I get ya :D

Oh no! Are you trying to take away all the mystery from being a woman?

When an apprentice learns their skill, their master will starve.

You will fill the streets with starving women?

A master that intends to continue teaching will take the most important secrets to their grave :D

Excellent post lady @sweetsssj, very informative, ud. Has a well organized bag, in my country Argentina ladies are not so organized. Congratulations on your good organization.

wow that's a great picture, actually when all my items come out, it some what resembles that.. just I like to lay them out in an orderly fashion.

LOL that looks like my bag, you are right @jlufer, argentinian girls might be more messy lol

This reminds me of a popular thing to do on YouTube some years ago, the "What's in my bag" video. Each item would be retrieved and explained, and then several others were asked to do the same with their bags, so it went around quite a bit.

This makes me contemplate how bags first started. I guess in the past, woman were wearing dresses while men were wearing pants. No pockets in dresses but several in pants, so women needed a place to store their things.

Even with pockets, there's barely enough room these days. I have a wallet, phone, keys and often a protein bar packed into mine. The look is not always attractive, depending on the style of pants!

Just my random thoughts inspired by your sweet article; thanks for sharing!

That's an interesting thought kenny, I never actually made that connection before but you are most probably right. Even today, the pockets on trousers or jeans that I have can barely fit anything in them.. You certainly sound like you need a man bag!

Pretty normal stuff for a lady but I'm curious how many percent actually carry snacks around.

Looks like you have a pretty good idea of what's inside , mm i wonder! :D

Oh wow, I think I would get totally lost :D I don´t believe that all girls need to carry so many stuff to feel secure...
I always prefer not using any bag since it is much more comfortable. When I go out for dinner or a party then I use a small one to store my phone, keys and lipstick. That´s it :)

You are certainly very confident !

Or it´s just that I refuse wearing make-up :)

Another informative post. Organization really does make life run smoother!

Thanks! Also little secret sharing hehe

Nice @sweetssj!
I always carry "emergency purse" food, a paperclip, lip balm and dental floss. LOL
They are my Swiss Army components in my purse. ;D
Thanks for sharing!

Ooh you're even more well prepared than me! I need to update my list haha!

I just edited my post to give you and your post credit for inspiring me to write my post. Thank you.

It was this list of things in your hand bag, that prompted my most recent post about needing an official Steemit press pass to carry around with me at all times. It is now a true Steemit story. ;)

Oh I just checked that out ! Great post!

And a small lipstick vibrator? 😏

is that a real cat in the bag?? haha:)

Haha cats out the bag on that one!

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