What I Do Everyday To Keep My Inner Discipline In Check

in #life6 years ago

'' Everyone must choose one of two pains: The pain of discipline or the pain of regret. ''


Hey gang! 😚 ✬
I hope this post finds you happy and well. 🌞 💛
Today I felt like sharing with you some stuff I do on a daily basis to remain disciplined.
I hope you will enjoy!

The first thing is an easy tip to implement to your routine, and we all do it every day, so there’s really no excuse:P It takes place in the shower! In fact, my trick consists of turning your shower to icing cold at some point during your shower time. I’ve been doing this for over a year now so I essentially alternate between the two extremes when I shower (super hot and super cold). It may sound silly at first, but I’m telling you, there’s not a better way to turn on your discipline than starting your day with a freezing shower! Give it a try it’ll be worth it!


The very first thing I do in the morning though is to sit down and meditate for a minimum of 20 minutes. Soon enough, in March, it will be 1 year since I’ve been doing this. I will never stress it enough, meditation is hands down the best habit one can have. It changed my life in ways that I have yet to fully comprehend, and I can’t even imagine going one single day without it. Plus, doing it first thing in the morning is the best way to start your day. Nothing like a discipline exercise to jump start your mind.

Physical exercise.
I’m very lucky that physical activity requires no motivation whatsoever for me because I’m always thrilled to do it. The truth is that the human body is meant to move. We are not meant to have a sedentary lifestyle and sit down all day. Practicing any kind of physical exercise that gets your heart moving a little is so important and good for you. Our ancestors were actually able to run for very long periods of time, it’s quite impressive.

What’s more is that there’s one thing I tell myself everyday about working out. I think of some of my personal inspirations (ultra-runners and people who have completed extreme physical challenges) and I tell myself this: for example: ''If Colin was able to cross Antarctica alone and unaided, and remained there for almost 60 days, what’s my excuse today? '' There’s clearly none. Sick, not sick, shitty weather no shitty weather, it’s always a good day in my books to push your body to its limits.

Also, I write down each of my workouts and what I did that day in the fitness game inside my agenda. I’ve been doing this for a year now. It adds an extra touch of effort, because now not only do you have to exercise, but you have to write down what you did. Excellent way to keep tab of your progress too.


This one may sound funny or perhaps silly, but I dare you to give it a go! I like to challenge myself sometimes, and even though I would say that my willpower is pretty good in the food department, I can drift from my lane occasionally. So what I’ve been doing for a little while is this: let’s say I see a bag of chips in my pantry. My willpower is strong enough so I can luckily resist it, even after I saw it. However, I feel like challenging myself a little and so I grab the bag, take 2 or 3 chips, enjoy every bite out of them, and then boom, close the bag, put it back to where it was, and go back to whatever business I was doing before. Sometimes, my mind doesn’t like it right after, and that’s the whole purpose of doing it. You’re pushing your mind to fight through the urge to grab some more.


At the end of the day, we’re only human, and we each have our own strengths and weaknesses. There’s some areas that make it a bit more difficult for me to remained disciplined at all times. Nonetheless, I don’t leave those weak spots of mine at bay. I have a journal which I dedicate to take track of my progress (or non-progress) in the spheres of my life (or things) that I haven’t yet mastered full control over. Again, just the act of writing it down makes a big difference, because if you just leave it up to your mind, there’s less chances of you actually persisting or even wanting to improve that particular weakness.

Don’t forget: habits are formed by either discipline or by a lack of discipline.
The power is in your hands! 😉



Yeah I am so not going to try your shower idea. lol BRRRR!!!! lol

I usually think about stuff at night when I am laying in bed waiting to fall asleep.

Hopefully I remember to workout today.

hahaha tell me how it goes!!:P

#slacker lol
I just now went and did a very brief workout though. :)

wow! this is an A+ post I am deffinitely resteeming this one for you thanks for taking the time to make a well thought out and articulated post, cheers!

This is too sweet of you wow! Thanks so so much!!!💜💕

I think an important ingredient here is giving yourself credit for the things you actually accomplish. I try to do so many things perfectly that I sometimes fall into the trap of doing nothing. I used to run almost everday for 1 hour and eventually I couldn't do it anymore. I enjoy running, but the pressure I put on myself to run for an hour was too much. And I stopped running for a while even though, a 10 or 15 min run would've kept me in shape. Setting goals is important and understanding some limits is part of being human.

Thanks so much!😘
And wow man that's crazy you wrote that!!! I can relate x 1000!
The limits we set for ourselves sometimes fuck us up in the end:P You just put some words on something I've never quite understood about myself haha that's epic!
I put a lot of pressure in the physical activity department and sometimes I wonder why I even do it in the first place:P Sometimes I'm like wow sab relax there, you're not in the military! what's the point of putting so much pressure on your mind and body:P

I used to run 70 miles a week in college, so trust me I know what I'm talking about. There's no harm in setting achievable goals, but focus on what you really want from each day. What are 3 things you can do today?

wow that's epic man! Are you an ex long distance runner? I search for these people badly enough that when I do meet them I wanna keep them:P

I ran in college and was pretty competitive. I'm not in as great of shape as I was, but I'm happier with my lifestyle now. I've stayed in shape by taking a few boxing classes and playing basketball weekly with some friends. Honestly, being able to have the community aspect is the only thing that has kept me in shape.

Ouh!!! That's pretty dope:P
I'm always super intrigued to know where ppl come from on here. You from the States?
Alrights you're not giving me the choice now here's mini sab on that B court;)

Yeah, I'm from the East coast and the West coast. I've spent time in both places. It's hard to beat that SoCal weather, it's freezing where I am now. Haha, nice picture.

Does it beat this? 😉
This is the weather for tmrw where I live:P DDF583F7-DB27-467F-AA1E-804F5DF11BA8.jpeg

The infographic breakdown of the hot and cold water is really cool! Thanks.

Awww:)! You’re welcome! Thank you!😊

It's dinner time. Not sure when you Canadians dine. Happy dining...

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