Is The Romantic Monogamous Template A One Size Fits All?

in #life5 years ago

Monogamy is not a choice, it is a responsibility of a genuine human.”
― Abhijit Naskar


Is Monogamy A Choice Or A Natural State?

We live and love by the rules of society, but rarely do we take the time, if ever, to reflect upon them.
Are we that afraid to stand up against long held conventions? The fact is that we take society’s prescribed formula at choosing a life partner - without ever wondering if we wholeheartedly consent to all that it implies.

I think it is fair to say that we all fall somewhere on the spectrum of monogamy. Some have no difficulty at committing fully to one single partner with whom they picture themselves growing old together. For others, the mere thought of settling down with one person for life is too bloody dreadful to even entertain. While we may all come from the same species - we each are at our core profoundly different creatures. Why then do we force ourselves to follow and perhaps swallow - dogmas that we don’t even approve of through and through?

In today’s world, passing judgment is not only used as a form of entertainment - but sadly it is also used as a way of distracting ourselves from our own lives. When you point a finger at someone else, there’s still 4 fingers pointing back at you. It’s as if we seem to have this incessant need to convince others that our way of perceiving the world - and of living life- is the correct one. To hell those who think differently! Hence why we cling to those who share the same biased views as ours to reinforce the idea that we are right in what we think and do.

If the shoe fits wear it - but if it doesn’t, throw it away and perhaps go find one that fits more comfortably. While we seem to live in a place with a so called right to freedom, we nonetheless seem to be compelled to follow norms that we haven’t really fully consented to. Some will stay in unhappy marriages out of the fear of being judged if they do take the courage to call it quits. Others will hide their true selves to the world and those around them because they are terrified of the possibility of being rejected or labeled in a demeaning way.

This screams the opposite of freedom to my ears. While on the surface, we may have all these rights, underneath, we’re in constant hiding mode. To our minds, living a life that feels true to us isn’t worth the external chaos/judgments that it can bring upon. And that’s precisely the issue.
We don’t have to sign up to such fuckery. Norms aren’t to be blindly followed. They ought to be examined - and if necessary – deconstructed and changed.
While there are different ways to love - there is surely one way to make sure we remain in a state of misery - and that is to live our life built on a foundation that doesn’t feel like home to us.


Is Possession The Grave Of Love?

Some adhere to the idea that by nature, humans are the opposite of monogamous creatures. In contrast, others stand firm with the idea that monogamy is the one and only way to love. No matter which side you stand on, the truth is this: we all carry a bit of both in us. Now before you get at me – let me lay down the facts.

Human beings are by nature seekers of pleasurable experiences. We thrive on novelty – and we resent familiarity. We’re also wired to seek closeness to others – hence why prolonged isolation is like poison for the soul. The thing is that when we have all of these needs met, we usually don’t notice it as much as when these needs aren’t being met. It’s easier to notice what lacks in our lives – than what is present. Blame it on negativity bias. Now when those times happen when we find ourselves face to face with boredom, dry spells and disconnection with our spouse; we face a handful of options.

We can let it pass. We can address it. Or we can follow the devil’s footsteps and go meet our unmet needs somewhere else. The truth is that we’re all filled with contradictions to some extent. We all have contradictory feelings inside us trying to pull us into different directions. While it is true that some of us have an easier time to deal with them than others, the fact remains that life will always confront us with opposing desires.

For instance, while we’re natural suckers for butterfly inducing experiences – long term partnerships typically offer a smaller menu for those than brand new relationships. Yet here is where we are faced with the contradicting desire: the one to seek a profound and stable connection with someone – that offers both the stability and the excitement. But unfortunately, stability and excitement don’t come in one lifetime guaranteed package. We can’t ultimately get both eternally ; hence why we have to commit to mostly one. And sadly, a moment of weakness or perhaps boredom - is all it takes to make an unwise decision. If you don’t own up your desires – they will end up owning you.

In a way – this leads me to my second point – monogamous romantic partnerships require something that isn’t natural to us: the use of discipline. Choosing your partner day after day, decade after decade, requires a form of discipline. Turning down temptation demands discipline. Weathering shitty life seasons with your partner while the option of flying away is accessible requires discipline. While monogamy may have been the choice the majority of us have allowed to commit to – it goes without saying that all that it entails aren’t things we’d necessarily be drawn to do - if we were given the choice.


Wonderful insight and thoughtfully executed. It took me many years, for me to realize that there was more ways to love than allowed in our society. I take great pleasure in reading posts on such things, as I was never able to put things into words the way that captures that truth.

I'm glad to have stumbled on your post today.

Wow! Thanks so much Benjamin! Your words mean a lot to me and make my day! xoxox


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Humans are weird creatures. We exist in both planes, as if we were wired for both states of interpersonal relationships. On one hand, we seem to have a desire to have a one true soul mate. A person that was created for us as we were for them. Somewhere this thought is rooted in biology and in dogmatic belief. Then we have this biological urge to seek the best mate for the situation. The one the provides in what ever biological ways our body triggers on.

I have come to think we are both. I think we are built monogamous but to multiple people over our lives. As life evolves, our needs base changes as do our needs. Some, few but some, relationships can morph and change to accommodate the changing needs structure, but that is not the case with all of them. If we use Maslow and his hierarchy of needs. Most relationships will meet the two bottom levels, the basics, friendship would be this level. But as we rise into the love, esteem and self-actualization stages, our needs change as do our ability to provide for those needs to our partners.

Maybe I a full of crap, usually am. But has I have been writing, I have been thinking about something you wrote about ownership. Maybe we are less monogamous and more territorial. Keeping partners might be less about the stability of life and more about putting our flag in the sand.

I absolutely love what you shared here!❤️ (Love that you plugged Maslows hierarchy of needs. Such a good link!)
We’re insatiable. Hence why I’m a big advocate of the importance of gratitude both in life and in love. “You don’t know the value of what you have till it’s gone” makes too many of us take people for granted until it’s too late.

We’re ever changing creatures as you said it and it is definitely a challenge to be able to grow both individually and as a couple, without drifting too far apart on dem tracks of life.

If you’re full of crap, I wonder what the rest of us are;) you’re the shit! 😏🔥

I have been kind of chewing on this all day. I think where we fall victim is that like time when we are young, we lack the scope to understand love completely. It is this weird catch 22 of life that we can't understand it until we have endured the breadth the experience. We have to lose and gain, laugh and cry, have out heart broken and be restored over and over to understand both the significance and insignificance of love. Just like time, as we grow older, time grows in significance and insignificance.

Or not...

Great that you talk about this topic! Monogamy and polygamy is a very complex topic, because a person is a very mysterious and unpredictable object. We are all different, but sometimes it seems to me that this happens in our relationship, independently of us.
When I was in a past relationship, I was a little scared by the thought that I would always be with one person until death. No, it did not push me to commit adultery, but I did not see only one single thing.
Those relationships that I have now do not even allow thoughts about someone else. From this I concluded that everything depends on the degree of comfort and the relationship itself and a partner nearby.

Is Monogamy A Choice Or A Natural State?

Neither. It's a social construct that's forced upon us. We're all told our whole life that it's the type of relationship we're supposed to be in, so it's kinda amazing that anyone really ends up in other relationships. Most simply try and fail at it though, then they are treated like garbage because they can't manage to fit into the box that society put them in. The level of monogamy that we force upon everyone now days is unheard of in all of history. There has been this idea of family units in much of society, but they weren't so unforgiving. It was quite common for you to have a half brother or sister from your father sleeping around. Whether or not they lived with you was another matter...but occasionally they would. Sometimes your father's mistress lived with you as well.

Not that I'm condoning "cheating". I think you should be fully honest when you can be. I'm just realistic. There are some people that are just not good at remaining monogamous.

I think the idea of what modern living should be makes it all worse. You spend a huge portion of your day working, then come home exhausted and have to deal with a trashed house because your spouse is overwhelmed, when all you want to do is sit down and relax.

Of course, if we reject monogamy, we also have to reject the modern family unit. Though, I think even if you do believe in monogamy, you should probably reject the modern family unit anyway. You should probably strive to find a balance of closeness with your family, as well as distance. Kids need to know their extended family. Parents also need help raising them. I think it's best if friends and family form their own extended family unit and raise kids together.

A kid needs more than just 2 parents. That only leaves 1 at most for most of the day. That will drive someone crazy and split a family apart.

Of course, even without kids, expecting to live in a tiny house split off from everyone else is just kinda crazy. It's too stressful. Then you expect one other person to be your all and everything and complete you? It's just not realistic.

I think that perhaps the hardest requirement of monogamy is not being faithful, but being alone. If you create a support group of friends and family, it's not as hard. But if you're alone every day after killing yourself at's just a powder keg waiting to go off. The sex part isn't so important, you need friendships and relationships with others.

Wow! Man!! This is just gold what you wrote just there! ✨🔮 I love it!
I don’t even know where to start. The points you make are solid.
Our expectations aren’t realistic to begin with. As one of my favorite couple therapist says (Esther Perel), today we expect one person to fulfill our needs of what a whole village would do back in the day. Be my best friend, my lover, my best confident, my partner, my co-parent, my travel partner, my intimate partner. And the list goes on. It is no wonder that we collapse. No one should be required to fulfill all of our needs at all times. It may be desirable for some - but it’s not feasible.

Very true when you point out that some people have a harder time than others to commit to one single person.

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