Depression Does Not Discriminate

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I am a member of this facebook group named “Guhit Pinas”, a cluster of talented visual and digital Filipino artists sharing their tips and artworks with each other. I’ve been a passive member since day one. I never shared any artworks nor attended meetups, but I am a silent applauder of my fellows’ magnificent works.


Just last week, a saddening news occurred in my facebook newsfeed, wherein one of the Guhit Pinas’ members took her own life due to a great depression. I prefer not to disclose any personal information of such artist but let me call this girl as “Queen”. I barely noticed Queen’s artworks before but the moment I saw her shared sketch about depression days after she decided to end her sufferings all by herself, I immediately visited her profile. Surprisingly, she had been constantly sharing quotes from facebook pages about depression. The following are some of her shared photos:

Untitled design.png

I personally believe those shared statuses indirectly suggest that depression is an incurable disease triggering a depressed person to do the things unimaginable. Many people believed facebook pages about depression shared by Queen also contributed to her elevated melancholy.


This resulted in people reporting such pages and one of them will be deleted for good.


I revisited Queen’s profile today, which somehow triggered me to post an article about depression. One of the commenters asked why Queen took suicide in spite of her being a good-looking lassie and a very talented artist. He added that depression only attacks those who aren’t physically attractive and talented enough. I was like, seriously? I hope he didn’t mean what he said.

I won’t go into scientific details about depression because I know all of us have been through tough times of anxiety and unworthiness already. Most people think depression is only a drama just to catch attention. Little did they know, depression is an illness that does not discriminate whether you’re successful or not, attractive or not, talented or not, and it could hit you any moment. But the sad thing about such illness is its inability to be cured by any pharmaceutical pill. Apparently, Queen was hit by MDD or Major Depression Disorder. I know nothing about her story as to why she reached that stage but looking at her previous posts, I believe she badly wanted to be saved. She badly wanted someone to come talk to her and hear her woes in life. Many people asked how her close friends and immediate family did not notice that Queen has been giving countless signs already. She was still at an undecided phase that time, but pointing fingers wouldn’t take back the life that has been lost. I’m pretty sure Queen’s friends and family tried to reach her out, but no one was able to save her. Even Queen wasn’t able to save herself from such misery.


I know I am in no right position to tell you this, but please be kind enough to reach those people whom you think are already undergoing great depression, more importantly, please be kind to yourself at all times. As much as possible, feed yourself with positive and encouraging thoughts because no matter how many people will console for you, you and you alone have the great power to beat your own thoughts.


Wishing all the best for you,



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So sad while reading this news feed... Deppression is a silent killer and everyone could be possibly a victim.. regardless of your gender, age , status and etc.. sometime we people as part of their lives can also notice if the person next to us/part of our lives is experiencing dull moments. We can lighten up that load by simply talking or spending a bit of our time to that person.. maybe he needs someone that they can talk/share.. We as friends can do our part or member of a family.. fight depression..

I agree @jezmacher. We must never underestimate other people's feelings no matter how happy we think they are. Sometimes, the happiest people are often the saddest ones.

definitely.. kung nasubuan man sa.. butunga sa kag pasadjaha.. hehehe... cheer up.. parang cheer dancers..

They must know that they are stronger than depression 💪

I totally agree with you, @kimpogi! they just need someone to constantly remind them how strong they are. Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

Depression is indeed a serious matter and it can strike anyone.

I was fighting depression last year and it was the worst episode I had. It was the same time I discovered Steemit and it has helped me a lot.

It doesn't matter what a person looks like, how well off they are or in great relationships but once it starts it so hard to focus on the good things and you are left with this grey shroud of feelings. Food taste ashen and the things that made you happy does not do the trick.

I hate it when people say you can choose to be happy. Duh as if anyone wanted to be depressed. It's not easy, it takes one day at a time but we always hope to get better.

Family helps a lot, love ones do a lot of good, having supportive friends who will not judge you helps. One day the demons in their heads will grow smaller and smaller and the light will shine in.

Without my Ohana I wouldn't have the same focus and drive that I have today. They make me smile. I have to thabk them so that is why I pay-it-forward by trying to help them as much as I can.

I'm glad how you were able to overcome such misery mav. You may not be related by blood, but you're connected by heart. No wonder how much you care for the Ohana that you have found :)

That is why i love them to bits even if they bully me lol

I'm really affected when it comes to this kind of topic. I lost a friend who I looked up too much that I was devastated when I learned he took his life. I can't fathom the emptiness they have felt or the feeling of nothingness they have endured before they have decided it's only through death that they will be able to escape that kind of predicament. When they resort to do those acts, they must have exhausted all means to be okay. I will always bear the burden of being naive when it comes to his passing.

Awareness is not enough, I guess. Proactive intervention should always be available when needed. Sadly, it's a disease no one bothers to discuss until it hits them.

I think every case is special. That's why there is no generic cure because every victim has a different story to tell.

I'm so sorry for what happened to your friend. I also lost a friend way back first year hs. We thought she was just acting "OA", imagine, we were only 11-12 years old that time.

there is no generic cure because every victim has a different story to tell
I couldn't agree more. Maybe we should work more on listening to others esp those who need someone to talk to.

Though with the thought of Depression is a State of mind, sometimes we cannot dictate what we feel inside. This is what I feel the irresistible thing about depression. You know it kills but you cannot escape because you're locked in a chain.

I've been depressed a lot of times in the past years. The big reason of it is family conflict, financial incapability, and ignorance. I wanted to learn much but I didn't get the chance to learn. Only changed because of one thing, I was helped by a friend - a bestfriend. Friends will play a big role in preventing depression.

I salute that friend who helped you to keep going lodi. Indeed, friends play important roles and I'm glad I found a friend like you. chareet hahahaha

I've been depressed countless times in the past as well, but I thank God for those people who were there throughout my darkest phase. They saw my worth when I myself already considered myself worthless.

sorry about her taking her own life... was she a teenager dai?
teenagers now adays have a high percentage of committing suicide... tsk tsk tsk

Yes ate, she was. I think she's in her early 20's pa. lage ate, it's sad how the new gen resort to such thing to escape problems gyud :(

Paita noh.. hayz

Grabe @smaeunabs :( This post has really given me goosebumps. It's so sad reading about depression from news nowadays. It is the number one killer without pharmaceutical pill to cure. If only we could be one of those helping hands whom they would be open to share their woes with.

Also, may they remind themselves that

" As much as possible, feed yourself with positive and encouraging thoughts because no matter how many people will console for you, you and you alone have the great power to beat your own thoughts."

If they couldn't, may they give us the chance to remind them.

Here I am posting about lifting other people's soul when I failed to see how depressed my sister is rn :'(

This too, shall pass shei. Thank God naa ka as sister sa imo sister. *huuuuugs

Thank you sooo much man. You made me feel better <3

Whenever I hear someone commit a suicide, whether or not I know them personally, leaves a hollow in my heart. I hope people will be able to know and take seriously about depression. Your final statement just made a mark on me:

...feed yourself with positive and encouraging thoughts because no matter how many people will console for you, you and you alone have the great power to beat your own thoughts.

It's really heartbreaking @yadah04 :'(

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