Intermittent Fasting Results - Week 1

in #life7 years ago (edited)

week 1.png

Here are the results to my first week of intermittent fasting. If you missed my first post explaining what I'm doing take a look here:

The Beginning

I've designed a little table below, where I will be inputting the data week on week to help track my progress.

I have been a little too overindulgent on the Beer this week so I hope this hasn't swayed my stats too much 😁

The Results

Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 07.49.56.png

I lost a total of 2 lbs and dropped my body fat %, which is my main goal. My BMI slightly dropped too which can never be a bad thing when you're borderline 'obese'.

Here is my dudey looking graphic from the scales.


Wish me luck for another week and see if I can get any more results.


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