Steem Diary Entry 8 - 3/6/2020

in #life4 years ago

Dear Steemit Diary this is entry #8 for the Steemit Diary game, today I woke up later than what I wanted, I woke up at 8.40 AM and only rolled out of bed at 9.00 AM.


Image By: @simonjay

Haha the target was suppose to be 6.40 AM and this late 9.00 AM start happened because for some reason my snooze alarm didn't reset correctly.
I'm still yet to understand why sometimes you can keep pressing the snooze button until you actually get up and on the rare occasion it just decides it's not going to bother trying to wake you up anymore, I give my snooze alarm 10 minutes in-between it's next alarm and for some reason it said its waiting until 7.00 AM for the next alarm regardless of it being nearly 9.00AM...


Image By: @simonjay

Anyway once I finally got out of bed I logged into steemit and rushed to do my main daily tasks on there.

I was running behind on everything.. once I was done with my tasks online I went down for breakfast and since I was behind schedule I just had toast with butter.

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Image By: @simonjay

After breakfast I started on some chores that needed doing and while busy with those I also was listening into the news.
I learned that some more lockdown rules had been eased, people are now able to meet more than one person from a different household but this must still be done only outside of their homes.
We still must not go into other households even if it's households of other family members who are living in different houses.

People are now worried that the lockdown rules are being eased too quickly as schools seem to have lost the battle to keep children at home and so some children now must return back to school.

I finished my chores, got caught up with the lockdown rules and it was time to start on cooking lunch.
For lunch today I had shredded chicken or what some call string chicken we had ours in wraps with chopped veggies.


Image By: @simonjay

Once I ate lunch, cleared up and finished a few other chores, yes I was rushing today as I had planned to meet up with a friend outside to do some cardio.

Once I was ready which was later than what we had originally planned "that was my fault getting up late haha" but not a problem as she also had the day off work and due to the lockdown had not much else planned to do.

As I made my way I could see it was clearly another nice day out and we met over at the field, before we started she explain to me her legs were still hurting slightly from the work-out she had done the day before, I explained I done a quick work out also yesterday at home but was feeling fine, she explains it's probably because I continued to work during lockdown while she as just began work and exercising more.


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Images By: @simonjay

We started with only a quick warm up, this was because I think we was already warm enough due to the nice weather lol. We then done some running on the field, took breaks done a few press-ups, lifted a few heavy objects like rocks and logs as it saves us bringing equipment haha, heck it's a lockdown so work with what you got lol.

Anyway it was too hot! After that we was just done for the day, phew.

After saying goodbye to my friend I took my time walking back home and received a message from another friend telling me to look into the sky and that I might see part of the launch for the spaceX rocket.
I think this was part of a joke, firstly because I know that it didn't launch the first time, I believe due to bad weather and that the launch had already happened but think they were capitalising on the whole bad weather incident thing to try and prank us.


Image By: @simonjay

From what I can understand messages were being sent to see how many of us they could trick into looking up at the sky in search for....well nothing lol.

Well instead of looking for rockets in the sky as recommended when I got home it was straight into a quick shower trip as I needed to hurry on getting dinner ready.

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Image By: @simonjay

For dinner I made sweet potato chips and tried a new vegetarian burger, while I loved the chips I'm still not too sure about the veggie burger, it didn't taste bad it's just that it strangely takes a while to fully enjoy it's actual taste but once you wait it's yummy.
And so what I will say is there are definitely better tasting veggie burgers out there but the rest of the family seem to enjoy them more than me.

Once I ate dinner I cleared up, watched some TV which distracted me a little too much as I really didn't want to be late for bed, but none the less I pulled myself away from the telly and went to sleep.

And So That Concludes My Diary Entry For Today.

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Also since votes don't always = $ and you if want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me.

@paradise-found - @karenb54 - @koskl - @hanshotfirst - @mammasitta - @akomoajong - @yusril-xabre - @surpassinggoogle - @whatisnew - @kristy1 have already done this so a big thank you to them all!

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


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