Steem Diary Entry 26 - 23/6/2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life4 years ago

Dear Steemit Diary this is entry #26 for the Steemit Diary game, today the alarm was set for 7.00 AM but I only managed to get up at 8.05 AM which was better than yesterday.


Image By: @simonjay

Hopefully I can keep getting closer to 7.00 AM but for that I need to keep improving on how I do a few things later in the day to get everything done so I can get some sleep slightly earlier.

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Image By: @simonjay

I have another late shift today so I started by going onto Steemit, I was really happy today to see that I had finally reached enough curation points to receive a curation dragon's badge.
Soon after I also received a call from work but I already had my day planned out on what I needed doing online so I didn't answer.

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Image By: @simonjay

With a small celebration on another Steemit goal reached I headed down for breakfast which was my conserve with toast.

When I headed back up it was easily noticeable that the weather outside was getting hot which is just as the forecaster had predicted.
Speaking of forecaster's they always do a pollen count the strange thing is "and why I never really take much notice of it" almost everyday they say the pollen count is "Very High" or "High" but I have noticed for the last week I have barely had any symptoms of Hayfever.

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Image By: @simonjay

Yes sure I admit I still get the odd few sneezes here and there but nothing as bad like I the past week and half ago with headaches and burning eyes.

Anyway I got ready for work got my things and left the house, when I got outside the first thing I noticed was a strong smell of burning like something was on fire.
I looked around and couldn't see any smoke anywhere, infact the sky was very clear perhaps it was someone just having a bonfire close by, just clearing out their garden as hopefully nobody as had a fire burn down their house in the neighbourhood.

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Image By: @simonjay

But boy the sun sure was shinning and the sky very clear, traffic was a little busier but I was still shocked how there wasn't alot more cars on the road considering how nice the weather is today.
Maybe this is because it was not as hot outside as the other days, as strangely yes on the cloudy days it was still warmer outside than today.

When I got into work I didn't even get time to put my things away before already I had one of the superiors telling me what she wanted me to get done today, I mean can't they wait for me to put my things away and sign-in first?

Anyway I didn't mind doing the jobs she wanted done but I was assigned to do some of the jobs with another guy and what I discovered was that we are suppose to be doing the same job but the number of things I had to do compared to my colleague was ridiculously uneven.
While this did annoy me and was proved later to be true as later my colleague was sitting around on he's chair on the phone chilling while I wasn't even halfway done.
Still I didn't complain as I didn't mind doing the jobs that I was given plus it actually made the shift pass pretty fast which rarely happens.

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Image By: @simonjay

Once my shift was over I headed home to make dinner, tonight we still had lots of rice left so had chicken cooked in the oven.

Cleared up after dinner and saw an episode of Come Dine With Me and then went to sleep.

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Image By: @simonjay / Taken From My TV / TV Series: Come Dine With Me

And So That Concludes My Diary Entry For Today.

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Also since votes don't always = $ and you if want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me.

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[Follow Me Here @simonjay


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