A Heart of Glass

in #life7 years ago

This is not a book review. This is a friend review. My friend gave me the most beautiful gift earlier this week. First, a little background on her: Her name is Lili West and she will be on Steemit soon. She's a wonder of a woman who lives in the moment yet is dependable. It's rare those two traits go together. Lili is one of my dearest friends. I've spent a fair amount of time with her lately. This is actually unusual for me. Friendships take a very long time for me to get going. I do not trust easily even though I love immediately.

But Lili has a way of bursting every dam. She is a beautiful warrior who has been a blessing in my life. I'm so deeply grateful for her. I expect nothing from her other than friendship. We both give that willingly. Because she has been expecting a baby, I've given her a few gifts lately. I love giving gifts. Lili does too, and she gave me one right back.


What struck me about this is how much love it holds as a thoughtful selection. Lili knows me and my dreams. She knows many of the pieces of Survive Your Story (@surviveyourstory launching soon, so go follow) and my dream of renovating my Story House. That is a project that I've put on pause due to other financial needs in my family, but Lili found a way to keep that dream alive for me.

Story House will be the physical home of my business, Survive Your Story. It is a building on my property I've shared about before. It needs a bathroom, heat and air conditioning, as well as walls and flooring and furniture. As projects go, it's a great one. I look forward to having more control over my classes as well as a dedicated workspace. Because of the size of Story House, I will also be able to support artists with residencies. Basically, this house will be a mother-in-law suite but for everything writing through trauma.

Again, the pause. It had to happen. There are several financial factors currently in the air for our family, medical and otherwise. I have several teaching clients right now which offer me classrooms, etc. I don't need Story House yet. But that doesn't mean I don't want it.

Back to Lili's gift. She said, "I got you something to hang in Story House." I had no idea what it could be. I was puzzling it over until I opened the package she gave me. It is a glass heart with "Survivor" etched into it's center.


Yes, this will ABSOLUTELY have a place in Story House. As will the book she gave me (which I can hardly stand to not be reading right now), Hearts of Glass by Wendy Lawless. But what ices this delicious love cake is her inscription in the book:


Shawna ~

For good luck with your memoir writing, retreat doing, healing work & ultimate success as one of the world's best authors & leaders I know. I am honored. And I love you. Thank you.

Lili West

What gifts have you given or received?

Images are my own

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I’ve recently been experiencing some health issues since the loss of my husband. On Valentines day my adult daughter @introspector sent me an adorable gift cause she knew how much I love avocados. I actually been sleeping with it cause it is a reminder of how much I’m loved.563049AE-F0FB-4055-BF99-CBD23B803FC6.jpeg

First of all, I love @introspector. This is only fuel for my admiration fire. Second, I am sorry for your loss and so grateful you have such a beautiful human in your life to support you in your pain. I am holding space for you in my heart AND smiling because this is so very lovely.

That is a really great post. It is rare these days to find a true friend that you can trust and will stick with you through thick and thin.

The glass heart is a very thoughtful gift. It is always they thought that counts.

Good luck to you and your friend, once she gets her Steemit account. I hope you both have a fun and prosperous time here. I am enjoying it too.


This really is a great place. I am enjoying the community and the fact that I can share something like this and it's warmly received. I never feel safe sharing this type of joy in other spaces. Joy is vulnerable, you know?

Absolutely. It can easily be crushed or washed aside by the wrong people. Here, it feels like a welcoming place. Yes there is spam and negative people, but overall the good posters are all great people.

What a lovely post and love letter to your friend :) Good luck on your projects i hope they turn out even better than you dream them :)

Thank you so much. She's a great friend. I can't wait for her to be on Steemit so I can share her with all of you!

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

This is so beautiful. I love that you have such a solid dream to pursue and such wonderful support around you as the building blocks slowly come together to make it come true.

What a wonderful gift. <3

The gift is so nice and attractive to the eye. @shawnamawna.

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