This NFL Stuff Made Me Realize American Ideals Are All Sorts of Backwards

in #life7 years ago

The people we listen to as a country may need to be re-evaluated. I'm saying this from a point of view that should be biased toward the current climate, no less.

Athletes Deciding What Is Right and Wrong With Our Society

I'm not saying that is exactly what is going on, but doesn't it kind of feel like it.

Mind you, I played sports in grade school through the collegiate level and for most of my life could be considered a sports nut. You would think I'd be all about what athletes say - but it turns out I'm not.

Maybe it's because I know better.

Not Relatable to the Common Man

Here's the thing - when I was playing sports in HS and College, you live eat and breath it. You are somewhat in a bubble, your life is not the same as the everyday Joe.

Most pro athletes, especially the "stars" that we as a public listen to have never been outside of this bubble.

This is not to say there are not many who experience rough times, came from tough childhoods. There are many of these people.

Qualifications in Question

When did being good at a game or great with a ball qualify you to do as you please when it comes to matters of our country? Maybe it's always been this way and we didn't notice because there was no social media and the media on a whole did not focus on it as much.

There have always been protests and movements. It all seemed to have a cleared defined meaning, I suppose. Maybe that meaning will surface at somewhat with the current happenings in the NFL.

People have the right to do as they please. If they want to kneel at the flag, so be it. You do you. However, I'm not sure how that relates or gets the point across trying to be made. In fact, is anyone even sure what the exact point is at this point?

In the end it's a Job

Playing a sport for a team is a job at the end of the day. You have an employer and you are the employee. So by athletes being able to do whatever they want while "on the job" the one (of many) messages that is being sent is that they live by a different set of rules because they are good at a game, which is entertainment.

That is the nastiest trend I see in America. Our idols and heroes are entertainers!

Actors, musicians and athletes hold more influence in America than ever before. Meanwhile Policemen and even Firemen are vilified.

Let's be clear, I'm not promoting a police state. There are issues within our society when it comes to the police.

However, I also saw with my own two eyes - policemen and firemen running into tower two on 9-11 when I was going the complete opposition trying to get the hell out of what become a towering inferno.

Clearly the police are not 100% bad people.

Random Thoughts

Anyway, just some random thoughts I needed to get out. There are many social issues in America that we need to work on, but I also remember to be grateful that I have drinking water readily accessible and electricity 99.9% of the time.


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Disclaimer: All content in the post is my opinion only.


Coming from a family full of veterans and an athlete myself, I was disgusted at how these NFL players disrespected our flag. I agree that racial tensions might exist in America but our police are Heros not villains.

I dunno about cops being heroes, but I'm with you on the taking a knee protest being massively disrespectful. I have no love or respect for the state, and even I'm not going out of my way to parade it around.

While I respect anyone's right to say what's on their mind it feels these "protests" during the anthem are only angering people who want to respect the flag and what it means to them. Noone would argue America has its problems but every nation does. The place isn't that bad if someone can make millions of dollars to play a sport.. The players have so many other avenues to share their opinions it doesn't have to be during the anthem. Noones even sure what they're trying to prove or what the message is are we? Is it police brutality towards people of color? If that's the case that's kind of a biased predjudice by grouping all those men and women as all bad isnt it? Is it because of Donald Trump saying that the players are unpatriotic? Is it because they don't like America? It just appears disrespectful to me so their cause isn't even being heard regardless of the point

Yep, that pretty much sums it up!

I am all for those voicing their opinion but please do it in a respectful way to others... nothing like screaming about problems while causing more.

Just because someone is an athlete, doesn't mean that aren't smart and don't have a voice. Why should we listen to a moronic reality star that happens to be president. I am all for someone using their platform to speak for what they believe. I know a lot of veterans that support them. I have an issue with people saying that athletes and movie stars shouldn't talk. Like being a barber or engineer, etc qualifies them anymore. We are all people and we all have the right to voice our opinion. Occupation has nothing to do with it. Why don't we tell everyone to just "shut up and do your job"? That is my 2 cents

Generally, I do. As for them having a voice, they're welcome to it. Can they do it when they're not on the clock, though?

Yes, exactly. Do it on your own time. If I did these things at any of my previous jobs it would not go over.

That's really and truly my issue with this. I watch football (when I do) to be entertained. That's what I'm paying for. If you want to go and protest on your off days, by all means, but when you're at work (on the field), do the job you're being paid to do.

Otherwise, quit. Give it up and pursue activism full-time. Either way, pick one.

Additionally, I was an athlete for half my life and have friends that still are. No one said they are not smart and don't have a voice. However, is their voice more important than yours or mine given their job title?

However, I also saw with my own two eyes - policemen and firemen running into tower two on 9-11 when I was going the complete opposition trying to get the hell out of what become a towering inferno.

Wow, what?

You've gotta do a blog on this experience.

Honestly, I feel like people exploit that day enough. I have spoken about my experience before and may be speaking about it on one of the radio shows this weekend, but I don't know if I will ever do a post about it.

Yeah I understand man. The way I worded it as 'this experience' doesn't read well now I'm looking at it again.

Nah, mate. You are good. It's not even like that. You could have used any word I'd of reacted the same. It's how I feel for a very long time now.

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