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RE: This NFL Stuff Made Me Realize American Ideals Are All Sorts of Backwards

in #life7 years ago

Just because someone is an athlete, doesn't mean that aren't smart and don't have a voice. Why should we listen to a moronic reality star that happens to be president. I am all for someone using their platform to speak for what they believe. I know a lot of veterans that support them. I have an issue with people saying that athletes and movie stars shouldn't talk. Like being a barber or engineer, etc qualifies them anymore. We are all people and we all have the right to voice our opinion. Occupation has nothing to do with it. Why don't we tell everyone to just "shut up and do your job"? That is my 2 cents


Generally, I do. As for them having a voice, they're welcome to it. Can they do it when they're not on the clock, though?

Yes, exactly. Do it on your own time. If I did these things at any of my previous jobs it would not go over.

That's really and truly my issue with this. I watch football (when I do) to be entertained. That's what I'm paying for. If you want to go and protest on your off days, by all means, but when you're at work (on the field), do the job you're being paid to do.

Otherwise, quit. Give it up and pursue activism full-time. Either way, pick one.

Additionally, I was an athlete for half my life and have friends that still are. No one said they are not smart and don't have a voice. However, is their voice more important than yours or mine given their job title?

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