Things That Are Almost Always Portrayed Unrealistically In Movies (Part I)

in #life7 years ago


Movies can be really entertaining to watch but if you rely on them for your real world facts, you are going to be left utterly confused when you find out that they are totally two different worlds.

It’s like watching a parallel world that is very similar to us but much cooler than our boring world where the laws of physics don’t allow our cars to jump more than four feet in the air!

My point is, even simple things can be portrayed in the most unrealistic ways and overblown in movies and I would like to list some of these in this post, which is just the first part in a three part series. So, just stay tuned for more.

College Dorm Rooms


In the movies, college dorm rooms are almost always absurdly huge and by huge I mean big enough for a family of four to easily live in – almost like a small apartment.

They also have high ceilings, multiple light fixtures and room for ample furniture. Some big budget movies take dorm rooms to another level by having wooden panelled walls and large windows with fancy drapes in them.

Because hey, it's a big budget movie, we cannot just show a boring real-life dorm room, can we? The amount of luxury of space and amenities portrayed in movie dorm rooms is so hilariously ridiculous that it makes me laugh and cringe at the same time.

In reality, however, dorm rooms at boarding schools, colleges and universities across the world usually average about 12 by 20 feet; that is 240 square feet of living space on average and students share those 240 square feet with at least one roommate which then means that the amount of personal space shrinks to just about 120 square feet. Now compare that to the hotel rooms like dorm rooms of the movies.



In the movies, hackers always start smashing random keys, random lines of code then start popping up on the screen followed by a progress bar and then when the code gets executed, a message flashes on the screen saying ACCESS GRANTED.

And the entire process gets completed in less than five minutes. Oh and not to forget those typical keyboard click sounds from the 80s and those random bleeps and bloops of the monitor and also a minimal use of the mouse. If only actual hacking was this easy and this quick.

Hacking in real life typically consists of arduous research, meticulous planning and one or more computers executing bunch of codes on their own for hours.

Also, it takes days of painstaking detective work by the hacker and multiple computers running brute-force crackers and other exploitation tools. High-level encryption of today simply cannot be cracked in less than five minutes by a hoodie-wearing kid pushing random keys on his keyboard. Nope, that just doesn't happen in the actual world.



In the movies, somehow guns are always supposed to make clicking and clacking sounds every time someone picks them up, points them towards someone or something.

It's like every single part of the gun, from the biggest to the tiniest, is loose. Also silencers on guns magically turn them into ideal zero-noise weapons so much so that even the shooter's breathing is louder than the firing of the gun.

And that's not all, machines guns are portrayed as the perfect death machines firing an almost unlimited supply of ammunition. The good guys are shown to chase and kill the bad guys from street after street and in room after room all the while firing their magical machine guns running on practically unending rounds.

In the real world, silencers on gun never make a gun silent. Silencers basically exist to make a big gun sound small and to make a small gun sound even smaller, offering roughly ten to twenty percent noise reduction. Silencers are typically used in outdoor, noisy environments to render a gunshot indiscernible from the background noises.



While I'm one of those who agrees to the fact that children are a lot more intelligent than people give them credit for, children in the movies are often portrayed as crazy intelligent with highly mature intellects.

And somehow they say exactly what the adults need to hear at precisely the right time. They even give super awesome life lessons to adults like comforting their moms or dads after divorces by saying some of the most profound words of wisdom ever.

And the funny thing is most of the times they are barely six to eight year olds. I have even seen movies where a kindergarten-going kid successfully managed to comfort his heartbroken dad by lecturing him about emotions, attachment, impermanence, hope etc.

That’s simply not how kids behave in the real world. They are just too busy dealing with the snot coming out of their noses most of the times!! Forget emotional intelligence.


These movies are really interesting. Although I have only seen the movie hacker.
I remembered as a kid i used to be mischievous because of tom and jerry i used to watch.
They really affect the mind especially for kids.
And congrats for your achievements

These are not movies but things that are portrayed unrealistically in movies. Yeah, they sure have effect on the minds of people.

haha but like you say that's what we go to movies for :)

yeah :D At least we are getting entertainment out of it. :D

they are unrealistic but entertaining

Yep for sure!

Lol.....this world is just filled with so many fake people.

It's not about fake people though. It's just fun little things that movies tend to exaggerate :)

But yeah, you are right too.

I mean no wonder the world is filled with a lot of fakeness

I got a T-shirt saying : life's just an act ... . I bought these some time ago because I found that this is truthful at many times in life ... you just got to get your act together :)

The world is one big stage mhen

I mean no wonder the world is filled with a lot of fakeness

These photos are so beautiful and your staging, just amazing.
And, congrats on the 12k follower, huge accomplishment, congrats

The photos are not mine. They are taken from Pixabay which has free to use photos. And I also don't have 12k followers. I think you are mistaken.

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Too funny and so true. I remember the first time I watched War Games. This was an early 80’s film where the main character, a high school kid played by Matthew Broderick, was easily able to hack into the pentagons computer system and accidentally puts in motion the steps to start a nuclear attack. Ummmm sorry, but no way is this kid hacking into a Pebtagon supercomputer “accidentally”. Lol Good flick though.

hahaha, I know right? Highly unrealistic things are shown in movies. Well, at least they are entertaining ;)

Very nice posts.

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Well, that's in the movies. I guess we can't do much about it. If the director want's it to make a sound then it will specially with guns! I agree to you on that because when I watch movie, it's like every move of the gun has a sound haha!

yeah, they do whatever they can to make it seem appealing to the viewers and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

good post, and you deserve the dream you want, and I will follow you,
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