Success Doesn’t Happen Overnight (It Ain’t Like Ordering A Pizza)

in #life6 years ago


In the last two years, I have come across more new people than I ever have in my life. It has been really exciting to meet them all and to come to know more about how people tend to think in the modern times.

I say, modern times, because things sure have changed a lot in only a few decades. Thanks to technological advancements, we as a society and as a species have adapted to a newer reality, probably without even noticing it.

One of the most glaring perks of living in today’s world is the fast track access to anything we want. Be it information, a service or a product. Even people too, for that matter. In my opinion, it has had a huge effect on our behavior, evident from the fact that I see more and more impatience in people today than ever before.

Even for things like building a career and achieving success, a lot of people are super impatient and would rather have them overnight instead of grinding it out.

It Ain’t Like Ordering A Pizza


You see, success isn’t a service or a product that you can order and have it at your doorstep in a matter of hours. We live in a world where if you feel like having a pizza, all it takes is 30 minutes for it to appear in front of you.

If you want a product of any kind, you can get it delivered to you even the same day or at the most the next day, if you really want it. Going somewhere and don’t want to wait for a cab? Book it on your smartphone and just step right into it as you leave the premises.

All this has instilled a nature of instant gratification in us, where we have become like these spoiled kids, who want everything as and when we wish for them.

The reality of life however, is something different. There are so many things that simply can’t happen that fast. Building meaningful relationships, for example, takes a lot of time. The same goes for success, to achieve which, people literally spend their entire lives.

It Takes Time


Success is like growing a tree. The process starts slow and overtime, if you nurture it carefully, it grows into a humongous tree providing you with fruits for your labour. You just have to be patient until the fruits start growing.

Yes, sometimes people do get lucky and somehow land on a short cut to success, which is fine by me. But what I don’t like is people actively looking for a short cut to success. I tend to ask them, ‘Would it not be worth it and sweeter, if it took honest effort and time?’

Often the journey that you undertake is compulsory to prepare you and to mould you into the person capable of achieving whatever it is you consider success. We all might think that we are ready for it, but unless we take on the path, we really aren’t! Just think about that for a second.

So, grind it out, work smart, and never give up. Also, simply don’t compare yourself to others. More often than not, it ends up discouraging you. Instead, walk your own path and fix your gaze at your own summit. You will get there.


good job bro.

Great piece of work.
By the way just wanted to ask you , when did you get into crypto?

Words well written @sauravrungta!
Truly inspiring.
Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading :)

I agree! Success is slow and steady, and the issue is that so many of the younger generations want instant gratification, but it doesn't always happen like that. It takes a lot of commitment and determination, which is why I recommend a strong support group when you're going through something like that.

Yeah!! A strong support groups can be really helpful. Your friends and family can be your biggest support group in life.

So true....success requires time and patience.... good advice =)

Well said. I often had arguments with one of my best friends which instead of focusing on his career, waste his time in hope for a sudden miracle and he would be successful or richer better to say.
Like hard work always show results and people reap what they had harvested, similarly success is a gradual process of giving your input with each passing day and you'll become closer to your success.
Good read. Thanks for motivational wordings.

Definitely. The time that he wastes waiting for a miracle can be used to put in hard work which will at least get him closer to his goal every single day.

Well said. Thank you so much and very inspiring.
After watching years and years of TV commercials, sitcoms, and dramas, we’ve been deceived. We’ve come to believe that most of our health and beauty problems can be solved in 30 to 60 seconds. And we’ve come to believe that our career problems and family difficulties can be solved in 30 to 60 minutes. That’s what the commercials, sitcoms, and dramas tend to imply.
So it’s no wonder so many people get depressed, bottom out, or give up when the tough times come. They mistakenly assume life and success should be quick and easy. And if it doesn’t come quick and easy … well … it just wasn’t meant to be.
The truth is … the success you and I SEE in truly successfully people … is almost always preceded by a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. We SEE what looks like an overnight success, but we don’t HEAR about the 20 years of guts and gumption that preceded it. Even right here on steemit,
we see a lot of whales earning a nd get attracted, so many newbies see all of this and think they are going to get rich and they post on their blog and they make $.02. They keep trying and after five posts their highest earner is nine cents. They get discouraged and their sixth post is about how Steemit is a scam or complain that it is too top heavy and unfair how minnows don't get enough attention. But why not go back to the whales beggining posts and see how much they made. It takes hardwork. Awesome post @sauravrungta.

Absolutely agreed. Watching a lot of sitcoms and TV shows can often make you feel that any particular problem can be solved within the span of an episode because that's what happens in those episodes too. Another way our instant gratification is being amplified.

And yes, people only tend to see the success and not the journey they have been on. I have seen this countless times elsewhere and here on Steemit as well. Thanks for the kind words and for your observations :)

Excellent, this reminds me of some research that was conducted at my alma matter into what it truly means to be an "expert" and after exhaustive research they determined that to be an expert at anything what that meant was that you have at least 10 years doing that thing. Think about that the next time someone proclaims themselves or someone else to be a "cryptocurrency expert" or an "expert" on any other topic.

Oh!! I had read that it was the 10,000-hour rule that determined whether or not someone is an expert.

I don't know about other fields but when I was teaching there was a statistic that most people quit teaching in their 7th year, maybe you have to get over that hump to be an expert.

Well said, from experience, when success is nearer, you can feel it, you can smell it, and one thing you'd notice is that everything begins to fall in place one after the order. Because you've endured and worked your way up, and invested so much energy. Nice content @sauravrungta

You are absolutely right in this observation. Somehow it all starts to make sense and you just know that you're about to reach it.

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