Update on my Journey with Cancer: Living with Cancer for 28 days.

in #life6 years ago

Update on my Journey with Cancer: Living with Cancer for 28 days.

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22 Days ago I wrote a post Living with cancer for 6 days - my journey as it started, thus as I am writing this post, I have been diagnosed with cancer 28 days ago.

Since my first post a lot has happened. I ended the post after going for the biopsy and waiting for the results. Since then I received the results of the biopsy!!

There was good news and bad news.
😃 My bone-marrow was clean, the cancer did not progress into the bone!!
😒The bad news was that I did have Non Hodgkin's B-cell cancer!!
The variety I had was the aggressive type, thus it is growing rather quickly. The good news of the aggressive type, however is that it responds very well to treatment (90% success rate) and when in remission, it does not return easily!!

Tomorrow, I am going for my first Chemo session. Although I have spoken to a lot of people, I am not really sure what to expect. The doctor however however told me that I will have the classical symptoms - hair loss, nausea, and diarrhea!! Strangely enough I am looking forward to it - not because I want to feel sick, but because I want to be cured.

I am scheduled for six chemo sessions, one every three weeks. Each session will last between 6 to 7 hours, starting 9:00 in the morning. I will have my last session at the end of March.

Currently, I am still feeling very well, it does not feel if I am sick at all. It is strange that one can feel so healthy and be so sick at the same time. Both the surgeon, who did the biopsy and the oncologist, say it is a miracle that the GP picked up the cancer by just doing a regular check up. (She felt a mass in my abdomen, while pressing on my stomach!!)

It is amazing how much support I have received and how many people are praying for me. Please keep on praying for me, your prayers will carry me through this time, and with God's help I will be cured.

I don't know what I would be feeling like by tomorrow evening, thus I might not post as regularly as normal.

I hope to keep on posting on my journey with cancer, as it progresses.

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I wish you get well soon! I will pray for you according to my religion!

Triple Gems Bless You~

Thank you so much.

It is difficult to convey in words everything that I want to express. Hold on, I think everything will be fine and we still have a beer :)

Thank you so much.

Oh yes, you are well done and no matter how much time it takes, we will always support you!

Thank you very much.

I am always with you, my friend, and I wish you a quick recovery and strength to fight! Thank @rynow

Thank you so much.

bai .. sterkte
geen suiker eten meer ook geen rode vlees .. die voed de kanker cells
EDIT: Ik ben geen arts (dit is mijn disclaimer) maar ik had wel vriendenietjes die ook kanker hadden en ze krijgen intravenous 1k Vitamin C per dag een was binnen twee manden volledig genezen verklaard maar dan had ze totaal geen zuiker of rode vlees ook gegeten en haar groente ook waren alleen maar biologisch. Veel water gedronken..

Baii, jij KAN WEL GENEZEN .. in God's will!
veel success!

Baie dankie vir die mooi woorde en advies. Ek gebruik alreeds geen suiker nie, so dit sal maklik gaan. Hier in Suid Afrika eet ons wel baie rooi vleis, ek sal moet oorskakel na meer vis en hoender.

Ek is baie jammer om te hoor. Gaan koop dadelik daai banting boek van Tim Noakes. Real meal revolution. Ek het pdf copy as jy jou email stuur @rynow.
Dis absoluut die moeite werd om daarvolgens te lewe. Baie sterkte vir jou en jou gesin! Xx

Baie dankie, my e-mail is [email protected]

Ok, ek is bietjie stadig maar ek het dit nou gestuur. Dit is regtig die moeite werd om daai effort in te sit om volgens die rooi lys te eet. Baie sterkte vir julle en ek glo en vertrou alles gaan sommer vinnig werk.

Baie dankie

Good to hear some bit of the good news and the treatment is responding.
All the best. Get well soon.

Thank you so much.

You're welcome.

Praying for your fast healing and recovery dear friend.
Glad to hear that you are feeling pretty good during this terrible time.
Prayers and hugs.

Thank you so much.

Friend my prayers for you, you will start a long way for the therapies but most important is your optimism and your immense faith in God, that is very helpful for your quick and complete recovery, your family and your friends is the support more important at this moment, to God you already have it on your side, from Venezuela I will be praying for you

Thank you so much, I agree, all the support and prayers are really helping.

My prayer for you sir, I wish for your speedy recovery.
Rise up and be strong!

Thank you so much.

You are in my prayers. Hold on... I'm sure you will be healed :)))

Thank you so much.

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