Flat Earth? Are You Serious? Please tell me all of you were just trolling me!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I saw @gavvet's post about flat Earth today. I was relieved to see that it was not pro flat Earth. @gavvet said in the post that "there have been a number of posts for and against flat earth", but his was the first one I saw that was against. I have a feeling I'm getting trolled just by actually talking about this but I just can't go without saying something. I would want someone to call me out if I was believing something so crazy.

image from pixabay, this is not proof of flat Earth. On a very large curve the line or the horizon will appear flat, but it is only because your viewpoint is too close to see the curve.

The comments on @gavvet's post were pretty telling. There are more flat earthers than I realized.

I have been hearing about this for a couple years now. I have brushed it aside every time as it really just seems like I am being trolled, but I am starting to see this more and more. It's hard for me to bring myself to a point to ask anything besides,"Are you kidding me?" but here goes.

What do they have to gain by convincing us that the world is round?

I mean this has got to be the mother of all conspiracy theories. You have to believe some crazy shit to get to this point. The collusion that would take place and the agenda you have to believe in is absolutely ludicrous. Most recently, I have been surprised by the people that I have seen on Steemit that seem to believe this. Occam's razor should quickly get you to the point of overcoming this belief.

I guess when you have seen how much corruption there is and how many conspiracy theories are true, it can make you question everything, but lets not throw the baby out with the bath water.

I have looked into it and seen some of the "proof" that is presented and it seriously blows my mind that people actually consider these things to be proof. It seems, that a big part of it comes from Bible quotes about the four corners of the Earth. I realize that people who consider things like that to be proof have a whole religious belief system that renders any amount logic ineffectual.

I therefor realize that these people are not going to listen to reason. The only productive thing I can think to do here is ask a couple basic questions and maybe if you believe in this crap, it might throw you a life saver and you will be able to realize how far off the deep end you have gone.

I realize that you must think I am completely brainwashed by the people who have fooled me into believing in round Earth. I have little hope that any progress will be made here, but I would like to see your answer to this question:

What causes the moon cycles and lunar eclipses? How do flat earthers explain what clearly looks to be like round heavenly bodies in the sky?

It is extremely easy to get a basic understanding of the movements in our solar system buy watching the moon and stars over time. If you think that there is a dome and that things are manipulated to make it look like there are planets and stars but its really only us, I just don't know what to say. There is a huge amount of scientific evidence that you are dismissing. But if you believe that crazy shit, I want you to type it in a comment below and think about what you are saying.

The conspiracy theory you have to believe in to think that this has all been manipulated to confuse us is insane. I constantly strive to keep an open mind, so if you must, go ahead an reply with you proof, but I would really like to see how you explain basic things I can see with my eyes, like a lunar eclipse.


I am upvoting this only because of the discussion that the blog promotes. Yet I am sorry to say that none of you are being open minded about this and exploring this from an unbiased point of view.

What you all are doing is holding on to your preconceived "facts" that you know to be true and ridiculing anything else that does not fit the model that you grew up with. All the votes for this are also self congratulatory votes saying,"good job, you know the same information I know".

This is like punching a wall to disprove the idea that all matter is only a vibration and not physical at all; You will only disprove it to yourself by doing this, Injuring yourself and possibility staying forever ignorant.

If this is a true theory, it will not be in the way we think it is. Just like how matter can be dense yet only energy at the exact same time. Even the word flat earth I think is a crude description, as it is probably most likely more like an ecosystem. Also as far as I know, flat earth does not mean "it is just us". Just like if we are living in a simulation it does not mean that there is nothing beyond the simulation that we are living in.

To really investigate something from a true scientific point of view, one must set aside all judgments and all opposing facts that they know. Then from there study the subject at hand as if it were true, battling the facts that you know to be true with the new subject and being ready for all that you know to become false at any moment.

You all are holding onto your ideas and throwing them against this new subject. With this approach, it is a high likelihood that the new subject is doomed to fail before it even has time to blossom because of leaving so little room for exploration.

This is also why it is common that usually the past generation has to die off before things ever change. This type of approach to new things is why that still remains mostly true to this day.

These people here, despite their judgments, are actually exploring this in a more open minded and scientific way to the best of their ability. Too bad they got very little attention on their post, because the ideas were not self-congratulatory but more self questioning.

I love steemit because I have learned that I can talk like this and the majority of time people actually understand the true essence of what I am saying; Not like on other social media were the people feel like I am attacking them and attack back with an endless/pointless war..

Thank you for this comment @ballinconscious! I asked these questions and made this post to make a discussion. I made my point clear but I was surprised by the resounding agreement because of what I had recently seen. I do know that this theory is more prevalent than I ever realized and I asked my questions in a strong way because I want to be clear about why I think what I think and why I believe it as strongly as I do. I think you feel the same and I fear we may not come to agreement accept that I respect your viewpoint and your willingness to express yourself.

Your welcome, I am glad you did,open discussion on topics is the best type of communication. Yeah I am surprised too actually because it did seem to come out of nowhere when I heard about it for me too.

I know that a lot of my foundational beliefs that I believed in strongly when growing up have now appeared to be false or just an illusion; So I am ready for this one or any other theory no matter how far fetched it is (only because it is opposite to my current perspective) to become truth and let go of all past false ideas that I had that were opposing that truth.

I am open to all different ideas, If i were living in the past when Nicolaus Copernicus presented his idea heliocentric, I would fight for his idea to just to have openness of new possibilities of truth. It is fortunate now that most of the time people are not put to death for these new ideas that we talk about.

I do, we are only in disagreement because you feel this way is right and I feel that I really don't have enough information and self experiments to prove or disprove any of these models, whether it's round, flat, hollow, or just a simulation I really don't know.

I know the most about the round earth though because I was taught those facts in school every since I was young and there was a globe and map in every classroom. Then again it turns out the map I had been learning was wrong, Africa and south America are way bigger than they are portrayed. Supposedly It was only made that way for easy sea navigation purposed between travel of Europe to north America; Not for accuracy of real size. Why was I never taught this? I assume indoctrination, to create a grander appearance in our subconscious of "first world countries" compared to "third world countries".

I respect you too and did not mean to be offensive in my response if it came out that way. Glad that we can both talk and express ourselves openly about ideas ^_^

Thanks for the terrific insight, which is by far the best commentary on flat earth that I have read yet. Personally, I strongly believe we live on a globe, however whenever I ponder the idea of flat earth I come to the same conclusion: if it is true then it is more of a biodome situation. People on both sides get WAY too emotonional when talking about it. One thing we can certainly prove is that our bodies are the same thing as the Earth we stand upon, regardless of its shape.

Oh your welcome. Happy that our commentary provided value on the flat earth subject. I love it when to opposite side clash to make a new creation; Especially if the can both hold a space were there is mutual respect between both sides. it a lot like when alkaline and acid are mixed to make a new bubbling creation!

At this point I honestly can not tell what is true. When studying a new subject it is important to study it under the assumption it is true, otherwise you will just be subconsciously "debunking" all information you encounter. When I truly did the research under the assumption it is true there are a lot of weird mysteries about the globe earth model. Here are some weird things I found.

  1. For some reason no one is allowed to go to the south pole past a certain limit. The reasons for this do not make since on a globe model. On a flat earth model this would be the barrier of the globe dome, with south being the barrier all around and north being the center.
  2. NATO uses that flat earth map for the logo. Pretty weird for one of the top rulers of the world to use that. If flat earth model was true and it would makes sense for them to use that and rub it in our faces at the same time. Just like how secret organization rub the all seeing eye in our face.
  3. As technology expands it is easier to spot older graphic that were used in the past, seeing the updates of the pictures that were supposedly taken of earth that NASA has released side by side over the year and how they were updated looks pretty sketchy. I bet they never guessed the internet would exist when they first took these photos.
  4. No one really knows what gravity is still to this day. I think if it really exist it is actually close to magnetism/attraction. Which would make anti-gravity a lot more logical.
  5. The amount of time obama has mocked flat earthers is very sketchy to me. Why would he care? Why not just ignore? If on the other hand someone was telling a lie, then the only way to negate the truth is mock and ridicule it.

So these are just some of the things that has made me not sure what to believe in anymore. Also possibility of simulation world and that those who believe in the word of a person, that person then absorbs all the energy of those who support it around the world. Definitely true about people getting over emotional about it. The reason for this is that if one thing a person has believed there whole life becomes untrue, then what else is true? On the opposite side those discovered they have been lied to by accepting this new truth feel the need to help other know this new truth. In a way they are helping there past self from when they believed the lie. Thanks for the feedback.

Hey thanks a lot. You truly have a ballin conscious.

Your welcome, The real beauty of this website is free open censorship free information with the possibility of rewards. So I am happy to provide more information that I have acquired for anyone who takes and interest. Hope your having a great day!

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Haha, the earth doesn't even exist..

It's a SCAM

Maybe it's a disinformation campaign to smear all conspiracy theories. This shit came out of nowhere in full force like two years ago. It makes no sense to me. We have so much verifiable evidence of corruption in the establishment why focus on the flat earth to expose the system?

Interesting thought. Yeah that's about when I started hearing it. besides that whole Copernicus debacle.

100% upvoted, and thank you!
I have one friend who acts like he thinks it's flat. It turns out, there were rules in the discussion with him about it: No NASA photos or claims would be accepted as evidence-- only what I could observe myself, from the surface, would suffice as proof of a sphere.
I accepted the challenge, and sent him one of the numerous 'Green Flash Sunset' amateur vids on Utube, where the sun obviously goes behind the earth's CURVE, and he couldn't explain what he was seeing. One little video wrecked his whole model.

The mighty Green Flash!

Also, there's this:

Why would it be so hard to project a flat Earth onto flat paper?
Aaaand, I'm guessing he's never flown internationally?

Then there's the Hollow Earthers...

Oh the Earth is definitely hollow. Agartha is down there!

Haha. I would say yes to a flat earth if it was carried by a giant turtle and four (arguably five) elephants and inhabited by gnomes, wizard, zombies, werewolves, dwarfs, vampires, igors, and more funny unidentified characters. Terry Pratchett was on to something when he wrote the disc world novels!

Haha! The sky is a giant, high tech television! The reason why people tell us that it is round is because we are the test subjects of an advanced race of pigeons with antlers.

hahaha, right!

i keep seeing this and simulation hypothesis. my favorite so far is the explanation as to why rockets can't work in space because they have nothing to push against.

our education system is well and truly broken. we are now generations into this ignorance. if we are not careful, it may end up eating civilization.

Civil society is long dead.

To me : we have two theories. One can believe whatever he like. It's not important if it's flat or not.

It's important for things like GPS satellites; calculating time dilation based on distance to mass.

I think it is important. I see communication as an effort to discover objective truth through our subjective viewpoints so I consider it to be a valuable exercise to argue the different points of view. Only if you have an open mind though. This is a challenge for me on this topic, but I am all ears right now.

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