GET GOOD IN - Art Is The Mastery Of Daily Life

in #life6 years ago

I love that phrase. I don't know why.

I don't even remember when I first heard it. If you google it, a youtube video of a League of Legends streamer pops up and 9gag memes for "get gud". I don't know about all that...

Get good in, in my book, means to start something and do something special with it.

Get in. Get good in. Gabbisshh?


Master The Daily Life

Have you even noticed that some people just move differently. They are more fluid, nonchalant in their ways. They do the most menial stuff with grace. There are 100s of youtube videos of people working as pizza chefs, construction workers and [insert every seemingly mundane work].

The way they handle themselves and their actions is nothing sort of magnetic and magnificent.

I was in a high end restaurant two weeks ago. Usually, I order rare steak, bread and whiskey. Me likey likey.

Sure, I could just order the mango stuffed with toffu, spurts of ancient avocado juice and lizard spit, but when I am hungry I just want to eat without having to reconcile a culinary dialectic.

Anyway, there comes a waiter. You could tell right away that he was going to get good in!

  • High energy
  • Perfect understanding of body language
  • He knew how to sell
  • Pleasant but not over bearing
  • Created contexts for different dishes

"It is served with a hearthy garniture of sweet and juicy orange sauce. My wife picked the oranges yesterday with our daughter. You can smell our garden in this plate. From the bread that is not ready yet to the beef that I will personally grind right now. We also have imported sea salt from the Carribean. I may be crazy, but it has the smell of a stormy sea!"

Stop reading and check if your mouth is watering. He painted a picture in your head, as well as in my head. I was already eating his dish, because he created a story around it.

He was selling me! That's advertisement!

Of course, it wasn't only his words. He was moving, he was changing the tone of his voice, he was making gestures with his hand. He was a master.

Observing him was like seeing a solist performing the most complicated piece of music on stage. Both of them have spend more than 10 years of doing this one thing. And life has rewarded them with surreal mastery.

"Oh a simple waiter. Meh... peasant."

Sure, it's not the most prestigeous job, because most people doing it are entitled brats who have zero zeal for anything. But he transformed this, this menial job. He made it something great.

He was the owner of the restaurant as well. He had an inherent incentive to be good at his job and sell us more food.

Indeed, we ended up ordering a bunch of stuff, just to try them out. And we liked it, because we already anticipated the food to be great!

Do everything with intense purpose and focus. Whatever it is that you're doing, aim to be the best you can be. Even if you are just making a cup of coffee for yourself. Make it so that it is the best coffee you can make. GET GOOD IN!

You will find the above true in everything. Humans are very capable, especially in the games they've created.

Art is the mundane daily life, with an attitude.

I know I talk a lot about art. That's because it is something I see everywhere around me. I don't really like when EVERYTHING is baptized as "art", but in the same time I can't help but notice the human greatness in the little things.

That should be a lesson for everyone's life honestly. Whatever new thing you are trying you should get good in. Get in guns blazing, with passion and fire. Even if it turns out it was not for you, I bet you are better off after the fact by giving it 100%.

So go forth my child and:











PS- Did I get good in or what? I think I did. What's the most recent thing you GOT GOOD IN?




do it...

More of my stooof:

AND I also have a Twitter you can check out, though I don't really tweet, though I said I would tweet, but I can't be bother... still, gimme the juicy follow.

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