in #life6 years ago

Was that good for you?

The title pretty much describes my mood right now. Foggy brain, angry and high energy. As a matter of fact, looking back to some of my posts, it seems that I am getting increasingly angry. Must be the steroids.

Every Summer It's The Same Ole Deal

Maybe it's the sun, maybe it's the girls walking around with those tight shorts, I dunno, but mid-April every year, it starts.

I am always hot and sweaty, I need to move all the time, but if I sit down I am not leaving that chair until I go to sleep. My mind completely shuts off from 7 pm to 3 am and I seriously need a drink to chill the fuck out.

I talk too much, I fuck too much, I drink too much, I think too little.

I feel like all of the above is kinda of the theme of most of my posts...anyway.

As I was saying, right now it's hellish. My mind feels like a coke addict, sleeping on the couch. He's never there when I need him, but whenever I need to relax, he decides to sniff another line. Can you like stop, you worthless JUNKIE!

Does everyone feel like that? Or am I the degenerate?


I Say Blame The Toxic Masculinity

I mean, why not? All that testosterone needs to go lmao

I believe I represent 100% toxic masculinity. I AM toxic masculinity and you wouldn't want this any other way.

Men are really crazy. They chill out around age 35, but until then they really need to fuck some shit up. Unfortunately, most people never get to enjoy their prime years, because they're too busy bootlicking society. Fucking scums.

So yeah, no words. I have literally no more words coming out of my head. What an embarrassing post. Don't you hate words like "embarrassing"? rr or ss? Both? WTF

I need a good massage right now. With some oil, the one that doesn't stick and you feel like there's glue on your back. And then I need food. Lots of it. I eat so much fucking food it's rediculous.



I have some more cohesive stuff to read, don't worry:


I quite enjoy your incoherent self, it's very entertaining, which coming from me, is high praise.

My ego says thank you.

I know where you can use both your energy and talents as a bully! My comment section is full of idiots, arguing with them will surely eat up all the energy you have!

SHIT, I missed the party. Oh well...

There is always a new day. Stop by any time you want!

What happened lad?

She's also killing puppies in her free time.

I am not gonna defend her, but boy you need to CHILL THE FUCK OUT. You're becoming obsessive.


Make some money and stop getting so upset about 40 cents.

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