You Are Oversexed And Underfucked

in #life6 years ago

OK, I just cut my finger. Is it normal to pass out for 10 minutes? Yeah, pretty sure I am dying.

Anyway, before I do that I need to scold you and my generation. Most of you won't even be able to comprehend the nuance in the title, because for you jerking off and fucking is the same thing. It's not FYI. Totally different movement, for the most part...


You Keep Beating Your Meat To Digital Pixels

I don't care about the morality of digital prostitution. I don't consider porn inherently bad, but your use of it is pathological.

Regardless the literature, the NoFap movement and other cringeworthy material about the subject, WE ALL know that excessive view of pornographic material leaves you feeling hollow and unstatisfied on a deeper level.

I could just sit here and tell you why your novelty-seeking dopamine system led you to masturbate to tranny porn or the fact that humans weren't suppose to be bombarded with such abundance of stimulous, but I won't, cause I am bored.

Porn isn't even the thing I wanted to talk about. It is a major factor to why you can't get laid, other than the fact you are ugly, but society itself is structured that way.

If you open any device to any page online, you will see some cheap, sexual depiction of something. It may even be an ad about ice cream that melts slowly and gets bitten by two red lips. Got you all excited right? Advertisers rule the world, I tell you. They know what gets your heart going, they know how non-verbal communication works and they take advantage of that.

In The Meantime, Real Intimacy Spooks You And You Have Lost Any Abillity To Pair Bond With Another Human Being

Your spiritual need have atrophied and the only meaning you get out of life is sensationalism. You are oversexed, but you haven't fucked in months. Seriously, am I the only one who sees this as a problem?(Women don't really fall in this category though...)

Because everything around you is sex, your start to project and sexualize everything around you. You paraphiliac sicko. Now there are dudes who cosplay their favorite imaginery characters AND THEY ARE NOT EVEN GAY!


That's a fucking dude right there. He's Sneaky of C9, a professional e-sport "athlete".

No sense of identity. Fluid like their mood.

I have ZERO problem with ALL sexual orientation. I don't care, given it is really your choice and it doesn't derive from culture, gabish?

But the fact he's not gay says a lot about our sexualized society and how everything has to be framed is a sexualized manner.

It's 30 C and I am sweating like a motherfucker. And I keep bleeding. AND I am not in the mood to write anymore on this subject, though I have a lot more to say. Perhaps another time.


P.S- Don't forget to check out my "Bully For You!" service. I will bring the squad and bully your friends or enemies so they put SOME RESPEK ON YO NAME!



Is it normal to pass out for 10 minutes?

Too much modafinil?