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RE: How to Give More Meaningful Compliments.

in #life7 years ago

What this points out to me is that we simply have a very shallow culture.
You are obviously not your average girl and thus have a depth of conscious many do not have.
I would agree that there are far more fulfilling compliments that being sexy or cute but many people are not even looking beyond that surface.
So what seems to be so important to me and hopefully this post helps inspire that, is to begin taking the time and attention to look beyond the surface into the depths of people. One cannot give a compliment of depth until depth has been perceived.
So I shall take this opportunity to give you a compliment starting on the surface but going to more depth.
I like the cute little badges that you make, but what I really like about them is not that they are cute, it is that you are unique and creative and are sharing the specialness that is you. Yet how many people make their own badges? Very few indeed, they just use the computer generated ones that everyone else uses....
So what I really appreciate and would compliment more than the cuteness is that you are in touch with ur self beyond fitting in or trying to be cool. Maybe not everyone appreciates this but I appreciate it a lot more than whatever the badge may say.
Grateful you are in touch with unique you~*~


Yeah you are absolutely right. Many people just don't bother to look any deeper. I guess I tend to forget that.

You are clearly not your average bloke and come across genuine and very present and aware. Also, I really, really dig your hand-made knives. A lot.

Thanks so much for the thoughtful comment. :)

Well you deserve a thoughtful comment because you have depth and you think.
I am a very thoughtful/considerate person but even so don't necessarily waste my time trying to communicate on such a level with most because its simply not where they are at. Sometimes people actually PREFER a surface conversation of compliment.
I can remember MANY times where I give someone a compliment of depth and they actually get very uncomfortable. Yet based on your post you obviously prefer something of substance.

As for the knives....YES they are EPIC! I super duper love knives and I figure every one should have one around and if so might as well be beautiful art knives!

Have u checked out the web site? There are lots of nice ones there.

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