I Don’t Know What Any Of These Plants Are Called… 🤷🏼‍♀️steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life5 years ago

Hola my Peeps (not like that gross Easter candy Peeps but like my Peoples Peeps) !

Today is Thursday before Easter and in Costa Rica everything closes because the culture celebrates the day Jesus was nailed to the cross. Tomorrow, everything will remain closed because they also celebrate when Jesus died. For whatever reason most Ticos (that’s what locals refer to themselves as) drive to the beach with their families and party for Saturday and Sunday while bussiness’s resume normally not celebrating the resurrection… interesting stuff living in a different culture.

Today, @dandays and I are just chillen. I know, I know, that’s pretty much everyday but we are fully forced to chill being that nothing is open, and have I mentioned how unGodly humid it is here? Instead of going outside I’m going to the kitchen to create some goodies for Easter. We leave this location next week so I must bake our way through our kitchen to avoid traveling with a bunch of groceries. Tough life, I know. I can hear that tiny violin wherever I go.

This morning @dandays was featured as the Qurite of the week , and all of the excited celebratory clapping, yelling and running about the house has inspired me to post something.…

No big deal, I don’t only post on Friday’s or anything 🤦🏼‍♀️


This is him beating me to the punch, the posting punch. We hit up a fun little day trip to a beautiful tropical plant filled ocean front jungle garden the other day and I copped a few pictures. Dandays couldn’t help but document the entire excursion so I snuck a fast shot of him getting his angles all right. I don’t know where that paddle boater came from all the way out there because we literally had to take a taxi boat to that location. Really neat property…


Gorgeous flower right? I don’t know the names of any of these plants we are about to see with the exception of one, the pineapple plant. 😋 My ultimate favorite!!




Did you know they only produce one pineapple per plant? Like fruit gold these juicy guys are pretty exclusive. I like it …I like it like that, I like it like that, I like it like that, it’s got soul, it’s got gold, I like it like that, I like it like that, dun dun dun dun, dundun dun dun dun….

Yes, I’m aware the lyrics aren’t perfect but who doesn’t like a little freestyle 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t know what this plant is called but it’s gorgeous. This was right about the time a damn ant decided to make the back of my leg his lunch too. Frikken thing stung… Yep, some of the ants bite here. Not the ones you’d think though, the innocuous ones that look like all of the other black ants you’ve ever known are actually the blood suckers here. Little sheets (clean version).

The plant came in two colors…


Beautiful, right? Check out this spider looking flower. Really pretty if I didn’t just compare it to looking like a spider (my biggest nemesis).


Speaking of being chased, we were asked to step off of the beaten path into the ground covered jungle to check this fruit tree out. I wasn’t too enthusiastic about it being I was in open toed flip flops (is there even such a thing as closed toe flip flops 🤷🏼‍♀️) but I complied, and to my dismay this is what we saw…


Jack fruit, we saw jack fruit. I made my way practically bare foot through the treacherous terrain of leaf and plant covered jungle to look at a jack fruit… damn it, the guide tricked me. I totally see bigger ones in the grocery store of LA than these measly little tarantula traps. I quickly dropped a line about jack fruit pulled “pork” or tacos thinking that would disguise my sprint back to safety but noooooo… apparently no ones ever heard of using jack fruit in that way so now I’m stuck ankle deep in the jungle explaining how to use jack fruit in place of meat. Talk about plans being an epic fail 🤦🏼‍♀️.


These are called Runaway Jews! I swear that’s the name, it’s the only one I remember. They are gorgeous by the way and apparently are running from that hairy, fatigue and backpack wearing spider too. If you eat 3 leaves three times a day it’s suppoosed to regulate insulin levels. So much so that diabetics who take insulin are said to be able to go without it if they eat these Jews (what? Was that too much?).


Anyone know what these are? Anyone, anyone at all… no? Well they are chiote which is a paste you’ll find in central and South America that is used to color food. There’s not much of a flavor to chiote but the burnt red color it produces is a beautiful addition to many Latin dishes. You could probably use it as lipstick if you’re really resourceful.


I really don’t know what this one is called but it’s muy Bonita, huh? Have I shown you my favorite plant yet? The one that moonlights as a zebra? No? Well check it out…


Strangely enough while gawking at all of this amazing nature art I wasn’t getting attacked by vampy mosquitos. Cool huh? Granted I doused myself in 98% chemical cancer causing deet compound before leaving the house but whatevs, no welty, itchy, red, mosquito kisses for me. Nope, not today!


I thought these two tone aloe Vera doppelgängers were pretty too.


No frogs bathing today but doesn’t it look like a serene place to rest, if you were an insect or a frog that eats insects?


These elephant eared leaves have a Dad that’s half zebra too. Still no pesky mosquitos biting only those grumpy ass ants. “Get off of me”. I said that outloud while swiping my legs and calling the attention of the group. Immediately everyone looked down at their own limbs to inspect for ants. You should have seen it, one guy kicked both of his flops off and frantically wiped his ankles and feet. He had been standing in an ant hole and they were all hungry for lunch. It was nice to not be the only scene maker during this tour. Haha


Don’t know what it is but it’s purdy! We got to check out all sorts of plants, herbs, fruit trees and bugs. It was a nice morning but I was starving at this point. Hubby and I grabbed a cup of joe while waiting for our boat…


You can’t see it but just behind me was the worlds gnarliest garden spider all on display in its perfectly crafted web just waiting for some poor unsuspecting old sap to walk face first into its lure. We tried to get a picture but the sun was shining in such a way that the damn thing disappeared with each snap shot. You’re just going to have to take my word for it this time.

Thanks @Dandays for inspiring me to write a post today. You inspire my world and I’m grateful to know you.

Happy Easter my friends! May God bless all of you reading this, all of you not reading this, and everyone you all know.

See y’all manana for some @foodfightfriday! 😋

Pura Vida ✌️


You’re pretty funny, you. Inspiring, though?! I thought all I had to do was make you laugh—great!

You have to say that because you’re my husband. I love you back already!

very beautiful flowers and the ocean, have a great day

Thanks @angeltirado! They were more incredible in person. There’s just some things these phones can’t catch 🤷🏼‍♀️

Best title that I can also very much relate to! I never know what the heck anything is called. I know there's an app for that, but knowing the name doesn't change if I think something is pretty to look at or not. Though the Runaway Jews is definitely an interesting name. My client (aka 73-year-old best friend) who I see tomorrow morning is Jewish, so I'll be interested to chat about that particular plant with him.

Ants can be just as bad as mosquitoes! I remember going to the lake with my best friend when we were like 13 (yeah, you know that super awkward stage where boys suddenly start becoming intimidating? Just me?). We were talking to some of the cute boys we always saw there and all of a sudden my foot was on fire. I was literally standing in a nest of fire ants! Yeah, that didn't help my confidence with the fellas.

A very happy Easter weekend to you and @dandays! I'm finishing up my plans for what I'm bringing to my family meal on Sunday. Though I still haven't figured out what to get my sister for her birthday gift yet...

It’s your sisters birthday on Easter? That has to be one of the coolest birthdays to have… you might want to consult Dksart in the gift giving department. I heard he’s a gift giving fool this year, just knockin em out of the park one by one. Happy Easter to you guys too 😉

I think I’m still in that awkward stage. The walking around half embarrassed just turned into sarcasm as I got older. Haha 🤦🏼‍♀️ @dandays knows, sometimes I still get nervous (or something) around him and the funniest stuff flies out of my mouth. Oh well, not all of us can be j-lo smooth 🤷🏼‍♀️

Those fire ants are no joke. What did you have to do to get them off? If it were one of those boys I’m sure they would’ve been much more whiny about it than you were. I truly believe girls are stronger than most guys in the emotional department. You should see the plethora or bugs around here, it’s intimidating. There are fire looking large ants that mainly come out at night and look like they will eat you but they leave you alone. It’s the normal looking black ants that’ll feast on you here. Little sheets.

Edit: who named that plant “runaway Jew” anyway? Smh!

Her birthday was actually a few weeks ago, but we like to combine holidays, haha. Hers was on Easter at least one year, though, and come to think of it so was mine a LONG time ago. The funny thing is I actually have one of @dksart's coloring books to give my niece, so as usually she'll probably get more gifts than the actual birthday girl. Ah well, one of the perks of being the only kid in the family.

I wasn't going to see her today, but since she specifically requested my presence I had to answer the call. We were out walking and picking flowers (aka weeds) when she looked at me and told me she had to go to the bathroom. I sprinted as fast as I could holding a 40-pound child so she didn't pee on on me. She told me she held it so she didn't pee pee on my pretty shirt. Priceless.

My Jewish buddy said he has never heard of that plant, but he is very curious to research the origin. And speaking of ants, we seem to be having an ant problem in the house this spring. It's the big black ones that don't bite, but still are a bit pesky to have in the house. Little sheets indeed.

In Costa Rica we always have ants in the house. It doesn’t matter whether we are by the Panamanian border, up in the mountains of the Central Valley or on the pacific coast, there are ants. They are almost microscopic, unless they are the big red night ants, so I travel with two cans of bug spray. First thing I do when moving into a new pad is fumigate. Hah

I love that she held her pee pee to salvage your pretty shirt. Priceless indeed.

I just looked it up and it’s actually called wandering Jew not runaway Jew 🤦🏼‍♀️ My bad…

Yeah, our house was built in the late 60's, so it's not uncommon to have some multiple-legged visitors in the house. Too many nooks and crannies for them to be able to sneak into. 😜

We did see the cutest little baby bunny in the yard yesterday, so those guests I don't mind. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed the huge owl that seems to be living in the woods behind the house doesn't find him. My niece has already dubbed him "Mr. Snuggles" after I sent a picture to my sister to show her. The baby birds we had in the nest by the garage have already grown up and flown away, so it's fun to have another "pet" to look out for outside. 😊

Wandering/runaway...not too far off the mark either way, haha.

Haha 🤦🏼‍♀️ I like the adopted pets that life amongst us too. Mr. Snuggles is a very fitting visitor this weekend. :)

He's back for Easter! 🐰 Just saw him when I got back from a run.

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Awe… he’d so cute!! Mr. Snuggles is the best kind of neighbor 😍

It's funny, what is common to on person can prove to be extraordinary to someone else. When I first saw the Jack Fruit, I was like what the heck is that? Can be used for Pulled pork and tacos, never would have imagined that.
What different vegetation they have over there. Besides the Pineapple bush, tree, shrub, or what ever they grow on, I can't help you with any of the names of the other plants.
The red one which is used for coloring food and possible as a lipstick is kind of neat.
I do have one question though. When I clicked on the link lipstick, and saw Steve Buscemi applying it, I immediately thought of, why does it take so long for women to put their makeup on, this dude applied the war paint in about 2 seconds and was ready to go.

Between the ants and the mosquitoes, this little adventure seemed to provide you with more entertainment than anticipated.

I don't know if you can purchase it over there, but have you ever tried "Skin So Soft", it works great for mosquitoes, but I am not sure if it works for carnivorous ants, I doubt it.

Shining Qurite, congratulations @dandays if there was anyone who ever deserved such an award it is you.
The one thing they didn't mention about you, and why you are considered an exemplary steemian, is your patience and helpful nature when it comes to helping others navigate problems. Technical stuff needed to navigate the platform confuses knuckleheads like myself, but your efforts to get us straightened out never waived.

Talking about technical stuff @puravidaville, I should probably be writing this in a reply to #dandays.
Tell the big guy I said hello and congratulations.

One last thing, when I read this line,"Today, @dandays and I are just chillen." I said to myself, good for them they must have gotten a break in the weather.

Stay Safe my friend!!

Coolest dude I’ve never met. What’s it like reading some text from the luckiest guy you’ve never met?

Eh, that lipstick comment made me laugh out loud—good one! Thank you for noticing, @thebigsweed, we really appreciate it. And helping you out is my pleasure, sir, everything I’ve been able to show you I had to be taught as well.

Knowing you guys is our pleasure!

Haha… the lipstick comment. I know, I know, we sometimes take awhile to get ready but it’s all worth it when you tell us how pretty we are in the end. The jackfruit is so versatile. I’d never even heard of them before eating plant based so maybe using it as a sub for meat is a vegan thing but whatever, I promise it good prepared that way.

Sweed, anytime Dandays and I venture out into civilization there’s more entertainment than anticipated. We are like characters of the town. Haha… I swear we need to walk around with a GoPro on our heads recording our every move and each interaction because we just can’t make this stuff up. Happy Easter @thebigsweed and @farm-mom. Enjoy your weekend my friends!

I can only imagine some of the funny stuff that goes down. To me, even though you are both out of your element, or better yet comfort zone, you still seem comfortable, if that makes any sense.
Have a Happy Easter, and being that you guys avoid meat, I guess the Easter bunny is safe. Not so safe in this neck of the woods.

Hi Pura, I enjoyed all those plant photos and funny narrative...

I don’t know what this plant is called but it’s gorgeous.

It looks like something that will kill ya...don't eat it...!!!

Anyway...say hello to your hubby, and have a happy day, Easter and traveling on to your next destination.

Thanks @angryman. There really were a ton of strange looking “little shop of horrors” plans everywhere. My camera wouldn’t capture them all. Happy Easter to you as well and “@dandays, angryman says ‘hi’” 🤡

You are hilarious my Dear Pura, LMAO!!! Altough I feel bad you got almost eaten by ants, but still better than mosquitoes. At least I think so, lol. That jungle garden is amazing, I would really enjoy photographing all the specimens. I m sure I would find some interesting bugs there too. By the way, the flowers on the first photo are orchids and so are the one looking like spiders. The big red one is hibiscus. We even have them here sold in gardening stores. I am surprise you don't know them form California. We have also the ran away jew, oh my gosh! What a name! That I didn't know, lol. I am also surprised about their healing abilities. Anyway, gread post Sweetie 🌴🌸🌴

This place is a photographers dream. You’d love getting all up in there with your camera. I don’t know the names of the flowers mainly because I’ve never really paid much attention to the names of flowers. The spider looking one, now that you mention it, was called some kind of orchid. There was also a vanilla plant that bloomed and the guide hand pollinated it in front of us. It was really neat. Those runaway Jews are beautiful but who named them? Haha… 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyway, I’m glad you made it over @lenasveganliving. Enjoy your weekend my friend!

I yes, I can see that! I would have the time of my life. I guess i know some name names of flowers because I used to ave a little garden and now I ma into macro photography. But there is much more to learn 🌸😊🌸

And there’s so many different kinds of flowers here. A gardeners dream :)

I also don't know what are these all called but they are very unique :)

There were many more interesting plants I didn’t get pics of. Very cool stuff :)


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from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @vibesforlife.

Thank you @puravidaville, this is a ohmygosh gorgeous post. Can you believe all of these amazing flowers and plants and fruit trees...did you know it take 1 year for a jackfruit to grow? Those babies you saw may have been babies, lol CONGRATS and woohoo to @dandays, you famous celebrity...of the week! Not a bit surprised, you guys are amazing. Now what about the Easter goodies??? I hope I'll see them..perhaps tomorrow, in a big fff post? Sounds like life is treating you guys pretty well right now, healthy and happy :) God bless you both, I hope you have a peaceful Easter filled with so much joy! :)

God bless the birds, too! Thank you for noticing, @birdsinparadise.

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