Checking Social Media every day? YOU probably suffer from SOCIALBESITAS!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Socialbesitas is nothing more than an addiction to Social Media. Most people check facebook, snapchat, twitter, Instagram en whatsapp several times a day. On an average daily basis we pick up our phone for almost 60 times to check. This is actually a big problem. Some scientists even think that this generation will get early dementia out of this behavior.


Social pressure

  • I need to know what others do
  • People need to know what I do
  • I need to post fun photo’s and videos
  • I cannot show that I am unhappy, I am a fun person!
  • I need to show the world that I have a huge social life
  • I need people to see what a nice person I am

In addition, this generation seems to suffer more than previous generations of psychological complains by expectations of others.



  • Your head is always busy
  • People are programmed to focus on one thing at a time
  • It’s a myth that people can multitask


What does this mean

  • You sleep less because you fell a sleep with your smartphone and wake up with it
  • While using a smartphone you have a bad posture
  • You cannot focus anymore because your head is too busy with others. (even when you’re in a meeting and your phone buzzes -> your 100% focus is gone)
  • Because your head is always busy, your brain can’t gain new energy
  • Eventually you can not handle things anymore; because it is simply too much
  • No wonder some people suffer from physical complains


A solution
No wifi at home, so you can totally focus on other things around you? For things as steemit and email, just go the a local coffeeshop with wifi?


What solutions do you have?
Is it possible that there will be a part of society stop using social media, like some people become vegetarian and stop eating meat?

Follow me: @pinkielady

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You know it's probably true that most of steemit suffers from at least mild social media addiction ;-)

I agree that more "digital hygiene" is good. For me, I try to stay off of social media and email until after I complete my first project for the day - usually a good 2-4 hours of work.

Also - NO PHONE NEAR THE BED! That is the biggest, simplest game changer IMO for reducing phone usage.

Hehe, I guess they do. Like I do ;-). But the -leave your phone downstairs- is working for me as well. I sleep much better. Really a simple game changer.

@pinkielady social media is a big addiction an it's too difficult to stay away from it. It eats away a lot of our time daily.

@looftee, it is. Sadly enough.. Same here, addicted as hell. But now I realise it, I can change some simple things, like @heymattsokol said he doesn't sleep with his phone nearby. For me, I decided to turn of the sound during the day.

Well turning Off and keeping it away could sometimes result in missing some important calls and messages, So I try sometimes One thing for this, No gadget before 2 hour of sleeping and after 2 hour of waking up. I am able to do it in the morning and it feels good, but it is hell difficult to do it before sleeping.

I knoww!! Haha! It is super difficult. I gave the 'important' people (like family and close-by friends) their own ringtone, so if there is really something important they can call me. Whatsapp and other social media sounds stay off. (and yes, sometimes I miss sort of important things, but I respond later)

Well then I could say you are always prepared for everything @pinkielady

I might have steembesitas :p

Hahaha! Yeah, you probably have ;-)

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