Habits, Body Energy, & What I Have Experienced so Far

in #life6 years ago (edited)

why not a moth I guess

Greetings Beautiful Friends

One of the things that I am intensely inerested in in this life - is our life energy as expressed through the body.

Many people like to boil things down to simply the physical. There is a focus on the organs, the cells, hormones, neurotransmitters, and all of the various other complex body functions. This is a useful perspective, but it can easily become very deterministic. The body is one of our expressions, but is it really all there is to us?

How we feel, how we function, and the state of our energy goes far beyond just adjusting the physical variables. We have to look into the mind and emotions, we have to dive into our assumptions of who we even are. There are more subtle realms, and by becoming highly sensitive we can see more subtly into the true nature of life.


My quest to understand

or experience this energy of who I am, has led me to explore two different cultural phenomenons:

  • The Vedic system, which you could call Yoga.
  • The Chinese systems, Qi Gong and various martial arts

Clearly I am oversimplifying things. Within Yoga again we have a whole variety of schools, kundalini, ashtanga etc - along with an entire Ayurveda health system. And in the Chinese system there is the Tantra and Daoist schools, countless martial Arts, and the traditional Chinese medicine including acupuncture. It becomes highly complex, but I go through the process in the hope of finding some core truths or principles which work for me in my body. In doing so I find these two paths calling to me.

The third 'unofficial' source of information is via conversations with people, watching youtube videos and the like. From this third source some great things can be discovered. Because ultimately what the journey is about, is integrating into our own body an understanding of how it works. In this sense I am not a traditionalist, I believe the information is relative and what makes it alive and true is the living embodiment of it in a person.

Some times we have to just trust synchronicity, and having a good feeling about something can lead us to a powerful practice and shift in who we are.


What is the basic Objective or Principle of these Systems?

What all of these systems are basically going for is to align the body/energy system. We can talk about Chakras or Meridians, or our psychological and emotional sticking points. The essential thing is the healing of the body, to make it fully functional and move it into super functional (compared to our 'normal' lethargic state).

Through these systems there is the possibility of taking ourselves far beyond our limits, utterly changing and enhancing our perceptions.

If you have ever stuck to something like jogging, yoga, or meditation for a specific amount of time - you will know that doing it steadily will gradually build a kind of awesomeness in you. This 'energy' could be an exuberance, a fieriness, a calmness, or a deep sense of peace and relaxation. For me this is the evidence of building this energy in the body, the energy that supports it and makes it alive.


What I Have Learned So Far

1 - Diet is incredibly important.

What we eat, how much we eat, how often we eat, and how we eat. This is actually the number one thing that I think is limiting the average human being in terms of perception and having elevated energy to put into life. It's largely to do with the myths we live out day to day.

Experientially I have discovered that cutting out certain foods (animal products, alcohol, stimulants, refined sugary bullshit) has greatly elevated my well being and I basically don't get sick anymore. It is almost too obvious, but eating good quality fruits and vegetables (hopefully grown without crazy chemicals) enlivens the body and makes us feel great.

This is a massive topic which I am just touching on here.

The terrain I am currently exploring is eating less and less, which is coming up against hard programming from my entire life. What I have found is that eating less doesn't give us less energy, it actually gives us more! The body becomes slow by constantly having to digest, it also inhibits our natural regeneration abilities.

If you want to know more about fasting and experimenting with diet then I highly recommend checking out @brightstar and @enjoyinglife. They both have some great videos detailing their personal experiences with fasting, detoxing, and high energy diets.


2 - Things are highly dependent on the mind, and the states of being we Inhabit

The energy seems to be able and willing to take commands from the states we are in, in fact it seems to be mindless in the sense that it will always do what we tell it to. The sticker here is that we don't always realise we are commanding our energy, and we don't always have control over the command we are giving.

I know people who worry a lot, and their life gives them a lot of things to worry about. It's self perpetuating. I also know people for whom many great opportunities arrive for, they expect them to, and it comes as no surprise. This is verging into law of attaction talk, but I am bringing it back into the body energy.

How do we feel when we have a good laugh with our friends? We feel amazing, we feel physical lighter and relaxed. And how do we feel when we go against our own sense of things? We feel mis aligned, we feel stuck and unable to move forward. It's these states of mind and emotion that have a direct affect on the energy of the body.


It would be an oversimplification to just say "do things that make you happy" and your energy will be good. Because it might bring you some energy, but if doing these things means avoiding acting responsibly and with integrity - then it drains energy as well. It's all about acting in the most aligned way possible, which creates a perfectly balanced state of being.

An example could be partying with your friends, it feels good to cut loose, but doing so in a way that harms the body will reduce your energy. The body gets a clear message "we will be recieving regular doses of poison". From there is adjusts accordingly to defend against these attacks - the body goes into protection mode and the energy is arranged accordingly.

Ultimately the mind thing comes into recognizing that our identity/ego is just a small thing, and if we humble ourselves to the majesty of existence we will be more likely to see the beauty of life and not become stuck in righteous mind loops.


Not taking things too seriously is a valuable thing to take into consideration. I often want to make changes to my life and my habits, but I have found that forcing them almost never works. It's much more effective to make slow gradual changes, and to work on one or two things at a time - until they are stabilized and integrated.

Getting very serious about things reduces our enjoyment and brings a tenseness to the mind and emotions. Tenseness inevitably blocks the energy flow. The mind can very easily block the energy flow by pouring all of the attention into it's various worries and concerns. It's for this reason that meditation is a useful tool in releasing the grip of the mind on our lives.

Simplicity and quiet is an incredible tool, enjoying silence and just 'being' - is a practice that can bring incredibly beauty into your life. Not everything is about challenging our deepest fears and biggest blocks, in fact a lot of the journey into an expanded state is about becoming still and accepting things for what they are.

A lot of what blocks the energy is the minds obsession with control, open the mind up and you have found one of the master keys to abundant energy.


3 - Getting one thing right will help you get other things right.

For example if your diet is good then you will be better able to stick to a practice without falling back into lethargy and self doubt. Similarly what I have found is that if your physical/energetic practice is consistent then you will find diet and fasting much easier, because the body will have a good energy store and will not freak out when it doesn't get its expected dose of food.

Having an energy surplus makes out of the ordinary things seem much more manageable, and let's face it - life is change. So with this in mind it's a top priority for me to have a good energy store, so that whatever crazy thing happens I maintain my balance and not freak out.

4 - Balance is always the first step

I have tried to get around it so many times. Yet it always comes back to this. Finding balance, peace, and equanimity in myself is the first step to doing anything properly and with lasting impact. For so many years I tried to force my way through situations with a manic unsteady energy.

It doesn't work, but what does work is balancing and building the energy - so that the things we approach in life can be handled gracefully and without the friction that so often characterizes moving into areas of unknown.

Large amounts of love to everyone who read this, or part of this. I know I have waffled on for quite a bit here, it really gets my mind turning over - this kind of material :D

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peace in the middle east to @eco-alex for the sick TSU banner



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