Complicated Maneuvers

in #life8 years ago

Honesty can expose vulnerabilities you would otherwise keep hidden. This is what has happened with my stalker/abuser. I have been working to protect myself by moving them out of my life incrementally. Every exposure to them in email, phone, social media, my website, my mailbox and anywhere else they know how to reach me triggers the fuck out of me.

I have so far into anxiety since our last communication that I don't have the energy to get angry. I expressed a boundary, they tried to control me by being awful, I said nope and restated the boundary and now the person is staking me out in new online spaces. I wish I could block them. A HUGE part of what I do is keep people safe. I want to keep everyone safe from this narcissist, but I they have their hooks in deep, working hard to establish codependence with our mutual connections.

Why I didn't block them and email all my friends when I saw they friended everyone I knew on Facebook, I don't understand. How could I let it get so far?

We do stupid, stupid things when we love people and they hurt us. We get trapped. I help others get out of these types of relationships on a regular basis. And here I am. I'm very good at my job, but not so much my life is how I'm feeling.

That is false. I am great at protecting myself. I have created and established boundaries. I am upholding them. I have done everything I know to protect myself and my family including enduring this abuse silently as I step by step extricated myself over a period of several months. I wish I could have hit the eject button and sent them on their way. I would have but for safety.

It is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I want to take a moment to speak to that. I often hear the question of why people stay in violent relationships. Why not cut and run?

This question assumes one could accomplish escape safely. Or that there is a place for the person to run to. Or that children aren't involved, or business, or other factors that are unseen such as a low sense of self, terror, mental illness, disability or previous abuse.

I am very proud of who I am. I believe in my ability to get through this and away from this person. I recognize that many believe I should have just blocked them from every part of my life as I have others. But I also see how much harm that move could cause my children due to financial ties. Or what that might do to my business due to their level of access to my clientele. Or what that could do to my clients who, through this abusers manipulations, have been brought into trusting relationships with them on the lie that I supported the interactions.

I am one person. I felt something was wrong but couldn't see the multiplicity of their efforts to entangle me.

I want to protect myself, but there were so many other to put before me. The many before the one, so to speak.

Next steps are in order. My game plan is to allow this fool to expose themself for the psychic vampire they are.

When that happens, I will move on. And this is the most frustrated post I will write on this topic because, even though I truly despise this person for purposefully hurting me and putting others at risk, I recognize they are a complicated human being whose desperation for a sense of self-worth has driven them to repeat actions that harmed rather than helped.

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This too shall pass. Keep on being true to yourself and you'll get through it. x

Sounds like an extremely complex and complicated situation. If it were you all by yourself, it seems like it would be somewhat easier to deal with, but those you love and people you rely on are involved and that prevents you from taking certain action.

It's easy for others to point the finger and say how someone should handle something, but in reality it's a completely different story when you are the one in the midst of that whirlwind of an issue.

I hope you are able to resolve it amicably and that people would see things from your point of view and not choose the sides of someone looking to manipulate others whether to hurt you or to inflate that persons own ego and make others believe that you are the one in the wrong.

I'm sure you are not alone when it comes to issues like this and hopefully others will reach out to you to talk.

Hoping you have good friends in your life who listen to you and can support you through this difficult time.

It is. It's frustrating, and I have taken some excellent steps. I am choosing to be proud of myself. I do have some good friends that have shown up recently and are very supportive.

Glad to here that. The friends that stick through the hard times are the ones worth keeping in your life :) Wish you the best, and while I do not know how I could be of help, if there is any way, feel free to ask

Interesting story, I hope you soon will just forget this person and protect yourself in a proper way. I do believe that the corrupt power of the state often give woman extreme powers in relationship, and this is often the cause of the man becomming a stalker, since he feel overwhelmed and hurted from the extreme corrupt power from the state that the woman use agains him. Of course I dont know if this apply to your past relationship, I dont know the country you are in and every situation have several views.

Lifes complicated. But yes no one should use agression to no one. I believe in the non-agression principal.

I wish it was simpler. I would love to take your advice. :)

Advice about N.A.P. ? I am easy to reach, you can message any post of mine, I am on the and email: [email protected]

I got inspired to make this post:

Well this is sickening to hear, so if you want me to then I will do my part to protect any human that is being verbally, mentally, or sociologically abused. I mean, if you find me in the chat then I can further assist in ending this matter.

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