in #life6 years ago

Everyone is ready EXCEPT for me!!! It's GO TIME!!!

Now is the time, options are limited, it's now or never!!! I've got to go! The pressure is on and I'm moving forward!


I took a trip to visit the man that I'm getting my mobile home from. He's a family friend and had two of them for sale. Interestingly enough, the mover is buying his other trailer, and stopped by while I was out there.

It's a good looking mobile home that should work just fine for my family. It'll give us the opportunity to get down on our land and give us time to work on things while we work towards building our house. The man is finally completely moved out of it, so he's ready for it to go. Additionally, the mover mentioned only having time next week to move it, otherwise it would take a few more weeks. I'm not sure it that's just something that they say, or if it a true story, but either way, I don't want to have to wait.

Thankfully my friend and neighbor whose equipment I usually borrow was able to free up a day. He finished the ground work that I was working on, and he managed to level it out. The goal is to finish it today including getting the concrete in, so we will be ready next week.

The plan is to pour two concrete runners to put the mobile home on. By using the runners, the concrete blocks with have a firm surface to rest on so that we can level the mobile home. If we just put the blocks on the ground, we would have to level it again later, since things would settle. I'd rather just do it once, so that's why we are going to do the runners. We've got a lot to do, so I'm about to get back at it, but it is nice to see some more progress! Hopefully next week the mobile home will be here!!!!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai




It looks good.
Bunchy place for everyone to run around.
I really do not know about the leveling but I understand
about settling.
Keep on steemin'

It looks good.
Bunchy place for everyone to run around.
I really do not know about the leveling but I understand
about settling.
Keep on steemin'

Great News - New Home!...:)...

Progress! I would live in a tent if it meant I was on my own property. Glad things are moving forward!

Waw..amazing. i like it proof. have fun. very creative idea with excellent view and page. houses like this are trending now. I wait for photo photo interesting next. smart work.
Regard for your family

papa I lived in a mobile home for a few years and at that time one of my brother in laws was also living in a mobile home and it caught fire and when a mobile home gets on fire they burn very fast Therefore I just wanted to say be sure to have plenty of smoke alarms . The home looks great and I Am sure that mama-pepper will love it.

Good luck with it all! A place to call your own.. :)

We are excited!

NICE! I wish my vote was worth a damn I'd upvote the Hell out of this. If all goes as planned, we should be working on the roof of our place this weekend. We still have a lot of work to do before we move in. Your place is nice and already ready Papa Pepper. It even has those nice shutters on the windows. Cool!

Thats fucking Siiiiick! Not very "Mobile" though?! How many meters isit?! Ive never seen such a thing!

I hope it goes really well!

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