Rules for Success In Life [Part 9]

in #life6 years ago

Rule #17

Associate With Like Minds

You have heard people say that, it is your network that determines your net worth. Having like-minded people around you accelerates your walk towards success. It is often said that, birds of the same plumage flock together. Always surround yourself with like-minded people who are on the same journey as you.
What becomes of you can often be traced to people around you. The best people to associate with are those who constantly challenge you and inspire you to become a better person. Being corrected may not feel good and comfortable, but they are essential if you must achieve success.

People who do not contribute positively to your career, academics or life in general should not be found in your circle. Negativity is contagious and as such, avoid associating with negative people who will only drain your energy and leave you worse for wear.

Rule #18


Self-belief is necessary if you must succeed. Faith in yourself helps to drive doubt and unbelief from your mind. Faith, in this context, is not of the religious. If you do not believe in your talents, career and abilities, it becomes almost impossible to achieve success.

It ultimately is just a mirage to you. Self-belief is the building block to your eventual success. This belief will be tested when your goals seem to be far from materializing. Do not allow your faith to wane or burn out.

Many a great minds say that without faith, success is unattainable. Self-belief is a solid foundation for success to be a reality.


  1. Rules For Success In Life [Part #1]
  2. Rules for Success In Life [Part 2]
  3. Rules for Success In Life [Part 3]
  4. Rules for Success In Life [Part 4]
  5. Rules for Success In Life [Part 5]
  6. Rules for Success In Life [Part 6]
  7. Rules for Success In Life [Part 7]
  8. Rules for Success In Life [Part 8]

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